Feb 26 2014

Corporate Communication Profession

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In the coming winter semester, the Hochschule Fresenius at the sites in Cologne and Hamburg offers the new master degree in corporate communication. Cologne/Hamburg. Facebook and Twitter, LOHAS and performer, the people and their media change rapidly. Companies and organizations must adapt to these changes and learn to communicate differently. In the new master degree in corporate communication of the Hochschule Fresenius, examines the sociological, psychological and scientific communication fundamentals of communication of companies and organizations and practical applications. Important topics are the conception of cross-media campaigns, the globalised brand communication and research of communication effects with traditional and new media. Optional focus modules offer an intensive and practical employment with social media, crisis or live communication, Public Relations or public affairs. Central master competencies in the areas of decision theory, business ethics, organizational management, and digital media handled in composite modules.

The master in corporate communication starts in winter 2013/14 in Cologne and Hamburg, and currently undergoing accreditation. 120 ECTS in six Verbund and nine specific modules, as well as at least four focus modules can be purchased in four semesters. Prof. Dr. Jan Rommerskirchen gives more information about the masters course and its requirements under. Heard about the Hochschule Fresenius Hochschule Fresenius with about 8,000 students and vocational technical students to the largest and most prestigious private universities in Germany. approved founded and since 1971 as a State-owned University of applied sciences in privately acknowledged 1848 as Chemisches Laboratorium Fresenius’, the Hochschule Fresenius today maintains offices in Cologne, Hamburg, Munich, Idstein, Frankfurt, Ludwigsburg and the study centres in Dusseldorf and Zwickau. 2010 institutional accreditation was carried out by the Science Council. In the departments of chemistry & biology, health & society, business & media as well as design training, study and training programmes can be perceived here. The four departments with their seven schools offer also in-service courses in addition to Bachelor’s and master’s programmes in full time.

Feb 23 2014

Northwest RFFSA

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Temstocles: 5 property, being 4 residential and the headquarters of the Union of the Railroad Workers; Street 14 of July: 27 26 property being residential and the Old Club of the Northwest, currently used for the Association of the Pensioners of the RFFSA. Of the 160 existing property, in accordance with the survey of field and with the data of the RFFSA? Bauru, some wooden, located in the marrow of the Esplanade, had been demolidos in last the 10 years. All too much buildings exist, although the reference in the Plant of the NOB, coincident with the number of the Patrimony of the RFFSA, possesss, in some cases, two property in the same registration, the case the residences. Of this form, from field surveys? with some existing plants and the registered photographic images, we could identify and characterize the property. Building of the railroad station of Campo Grande, constructed in 1935 Building of the railroad station of Campo Grande, current situation central Room of wait of Railroad station RFFSA. Today, disactivated the passengers. Shed of the NOB, railroad warehouse of Campo Grande the Rotunda of Campo Grande, the pertaining set of enrolled buildings in a circle Houses of the Village of Railroad the House of the Head of the NOB in Campo Grande the process of Desestatizao Of 1980 the 1992, railroad systems to Rede Ferroviria Federal s.a.? RFFSA and to the FEPASA? Ferrovia Paulista s.a., had been affected of dramatical form, when the investments had been scrumbled substantially, reaching, in the RFFSA in 1989, only 19% of the value applied in the decade of 1980. In 1984, the RFFSA, met disabled to generate enough resources to the covering of the services of the contracted debt. The company supported serious technical-operational, decurrent disequilibrium of the degradation of the infra one and the super structure of its main segments of metric bifool and of the delay of the maintenance of rolling material, that had caused expressive loss of market for the modal road.

Feb 21 2014

Loaders SP

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One of the reserves for increasing the productivity of excavators – dragline is a geometric increase in the capacity of the bucket. Capacity can be varied by changing the length of the bucket and the height of its side walls (width Bucket – fixed). Formed various solutions. Feature provided by excavator bucket – dragline – a geometric realization reserve capacity – the volume is behind the cutting edge under the bottom and not previously used. It may be of various sizes and configurations and substantially complement the capacity of the base kovsha.Arenda construction equipment such as tracked excavators, available in the company 'Golden Age'.

The use of buckets of this design allows you to take the load on the working equipment by 10-12%, improve productivity of excavators – draglines by 15-20%, with the improvement of specific technical and economic indicators. At the same time constructive change in the base bucket small and limited to upgrading the bottom. The methods mnogomaterialnoy optimization, will design excavator bucket – dragline with rational parameters. Application of this bucket can be reduced by 8-10% of the load on working equipment and increase productivity by 12-15%. Dignity ladles increased capacity and a traditional design with rational parameters – invariable width of the cutting edge of what is important to ensure better stability and manufacturability of the process of excavation excavators – draglines. Types of shrub masses, formed as a result of brush cutters, recommended to clean the drains – Loaders SP-3, 2 on the basis of tractor class and the MP-15 on the basis of tractor class Z. Collectors – Trucks vniig created in collaboration with skb Torfmash and Nelidovo plant "Torfmash. Conceived ambitious construction project, by all means, talk to your 'Golden Age', which provides rental of construction equipment.

Collectors – Trucks are on the front of the tractor mounted system, blade with an arched slatted upper hydraulically clamps. Collectors – Trucks AC-3, 2 and MP-15 were departmental and interdepartmental tests in Moscow and Brest regions and produced in batches of applications reclamation and construction organizations. In the operation of the machine proved to be at its best, the machine is fully suited to modern requirements of environmentally friendly and energy saving technologies. Completeness of the collection of wood residues gatherers – Loaders ranges 98-100%, with losses in the amount of 2% observed in the selection of small woody debris. Burying the teeth into the soil when collecting uprooted or cut vegetation and shoveling soil with wood pulp is not happening.

Feb 21 2014


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Fair shows flexible online training – training from the cloud of the Frankfurt-based company SlidePresenter visitors of the Learntec end January, how to create simple effective online training in an innovative format which are used independently but also in the context of all existing learning management systems (LMS). Especially in the area of corporate E-learning, it is now important to create fast and cost effective effective online training to provide the employees of large organizations at lightning speed, for example with current product training. The possibility to create such training very quickly and easily and to integrate into existing systems, is an important advantage. The Web-based software solution by SlidePresenter video and slides of the training can be connected to an online training in the dual format, so each PowerPoint slide exactly at the right time will sync with the video. Created online training can embed code into any Web page, or in the intra – or extranet, but also in all if public popular learning management systems are integrated. Compatibility as an important factor for modern and successful E-learning for learning departments of companies no compatibility and cost concerns come up with SlidePresenter. Every popular video and document format (not only PowerPoint, but also PDF, Word, etc..) can be used to create the online training.

The created training can be integrated into all existing LMS like Moodle, Blackboard, CLIX (and many more) or independently. It is possible to also use the training in conjunction with the SCORM standard. Since SlidePresenter is used as a Web-based platform, caused no additional costs for the planning of a complex infrastructure and the purchase of expensive hardware. Use a commercially available camera is sufficient for the required video recordings. The operation of the software requires no specialist knowledge and can be done for example by interns. Simple and ingenious an effective Format, constantly on-demand available simply awesome ingeniously simple.

Feb 20 2014

Web Company

Posted by domain admin in News

Cost reduction and fleet optimization through corporate sharing the corporate car sharing application fleet service is a new Web application, the fleet from a vehicle and helps her mobility behaviour to change several users. With fleet service companies can expose existing or new vehicles with an easy booking process for all employees. Intelligent workload management ensures that the trip requests to minimize vehicles spread, making the company saves money and protects the environment. Employees can also privately book vehicles and savings thus parking, own car if necessary and the companies, because they pay a fee for each ride. After a 3-minute registration supports fleet service companies during the entire mobility process and thus to reconsider.

Fleet service adapts to each company. The vehicle keys can either by a key administrator (e.g. reception / plant protection) or fully automatic with an electronic Key cabinet are managed. Fleet service provides automatic alarm emails that deviations from the desired process (for example, entries in the electronic logbook) are immediately transparent. For the use of fleet St, you must be an expert. First own (pool) vehicles are created, then the user is invited and immediately ready for use. No installation, no server, a high data security, automatic updates, no fixed costs – the IT Department will love fleet St.

Through vehicle management with fleet St, the company keeps an overview of the use and utilization of each single vehicle including the information who uses the vehicle just what. For the classic car in companies, it is as useful as for the family car to use of fleet St. External service providers, such as car washes and garages in the system can be integrated with fleet St. Also the costs can be represented in the system. For many fleets, one never means unprecedented transparency. Each ride by every user is documented. The logbooks are tax recognized and exportable. It can be at any time to understand who is driving such as when. Fleet service can be adapted to specific application or integrated into an ERP system. Vehicle costs are forwarded directly to the controlling. No leasing fees should be saved with a corporate car, but cars. So that company can realize how much your fleet is used and for what purpose, fleet St an analysis function, is created with the clarity and transparency. No problem is for private use available to the pool vehicles on the evening and weekend staff, fleet St. The company has to release it in the hand of private trips. If it chooses to get the user to distinguish the opportunity at the beginning of his booking service and private trip. To book a private trip, the user must deposit their payment data. The prices are displayed for each vehicle in the booking process. The settlement of the rides takes over the next Generation mobility GmbH & co. KG and transfer the money directly to the company.

Feb 20 2014

Pension Fund

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In the 14 measured performance criteria Federal with a total can satisfy with the Alliance, the Stuttgart and the well-being of the people the mediator most three different top ranked product provider. In the overall satisfaction ranking, there are significant differences compared to the actual activity of mediation and the AWARD results part. On average across all of the performance criteria the Stuttgart-based insurance with an overall satisfaction score of 1.84 can satisfy most brokers and multiple agents. Significant differences in the bAV agent loyalty also were asked the brokers and multiple agents its future bAV mediation behavior as well as their intention of recommendation to assess. It was queried the loyalty of intermediaries on the basis of two dimensions: the intention of the recommendation, as well as the future mediation activity. A higher loyalty of intermediaries in the Provident Fund is reflected in the average over all agents and companies across.

The recommendation rate, i.e. the percentage of brokers who definitely or probably would recommend their favorite bAV provider a fellow colleague, is on average in the direct insurance in 76% and in the Pension Fund at about 83%. The values regarding the individual bAV provider and their fans”classify the part above or below these averages. BAV business developed favorably in the target group of the bAV experts that point agents predominantly (53%) tend to be stronger bAV business in 2012. Overall however takes the proportion of better bAV revenue”when compared to the previous year (58%) to 5 percentage points down. Also the bAV sales took total compared to the previous year AB is for 2012 at valuation sum of EUR 1 million.

Feb 19 2014

Health Insurance

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New rules by the Federal Government decided the Federal Cabinet has raised the dropped of the health and pension insurance, as well as the compulsory limit of the statutory health insurance. Voluntary contributors pay higher contributions from the 01.01.2014. The insurance limit in the statutory health insurance increases to 2013 53.550 EUR (52.200 euros) annually in 2014. This value is important for high-wage workers who want to switch from the statutory funds of the private health insurance. The change is only possible for workers, if annual income is in the future more than 53.550 euros. Freelancers, self-employed persons or officials can also change a lower income in the private health insurance.

In the PKV, contributions not calculate according to the income, but the personal risk and the individual protection needs. From the 01.01.2014, also the maximum contribution in the statutory health insurance increases. The Maximum contribution is calculated from the contribution rate (15.5 per cent for health insurance plus 2.3% for childless or 2.05% for people with children in the long-term care insurance) and of the contribution assessment ceiling. The contribution assessment ceiling rises 2014 to 4,050 euros monthly. Commissioner (childless) employees pay therefore in future monthly fee 720,90 euro on their statutory health insurance.

People with children only”710,78 euro. Per year thus arises an overhead of 240,36 euro as compared to the previous year. With slightly less than half of it is supported by the employer. Private supplementary health insurance for the free choice of doctor, better accommodation in the hospital or as a dental insurance must be paid additionally. Betteroff employees who want to switch to private health insurance, should inform precisely in the selection of the provider. A long-term stability of contribution, a customised catalogue and a very good condition works are more important in the long term as a in the short term as more favourable tariff. Contact: Bergische Assekuranzmakler GmbH, Lise-Meitner-Strasse 5-9, 42119 Wuppertal phone: 0202-317 13 155 fax: 0202-317 13 165 health insurance.BASS-Makler.de contact for the press: Karsten Wallace image source: Yuri Arcurs Fotolia.com the Wuppertal-based company Bergische Assekuranzmakler GmbH provides independent and impartial information about various insurance products. Our goal is that our customers receive the most powerful insurance products at affordable prices. We want that our customers in the event of damage are satisfied with their insurance company. You need powerful rates from reliable insurance companies. At the same time you should but do not pay more for this protection as necessary. BASS-Makler.de helps you to achieve the optimal price / performance ratio when your insurance products.

Feb 14 2014

Life Changed

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Today we will talk about how people choose their path in life and what mistakes they do make. Mistake 1. Lack of choice as it may seem strange, but most people just make the choice about which way they go through life. All thrown at random. How will. As a result of their throws on life as an autumn leaf in the wind. Go to college because they suggest an acquaintance. Went to the section, because praise.

Got a job, because close to home. As a result, work is boring, miserable life, family, Sick of it. Quarreled with the head, changed jobs. Quarreled with his wife, changed his wife. Quarreled with the body, replaced the light on that. Why live? It is not clear. Mistake 2.

Waiting for a miracle variation of the first error. All the same thing, but hope for a miracle. That tomorrow will be quite different. Something changed in the life and the mechanism occurs around a beautiful garden full of blooming roses. Just not today. But soon, very soon. Well, not really soon, but always will be. The idea that if you want a garden, you have to grow, such as never occurs. Mistake 3. Hard work squirrels in a wheel in this case the person is ready to work day and night, but he did not know what he wants. He working two jobs, takes overtime. All his strength and health is investing in the endless rat race. Rather, more soon. Relax once, hurt once.

Feb 12 2014

Special Machinery

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In Russia today, despite the rapid development of industries in virtually all directions, the production of special and construction equipmqnt in our country is still poor. Like all know the demand for special equipment has now reached a peak here and most companies have to buy foreign machinery, which, unlike ours, is a high demand. Bulldozers and excavators Komatsu, Samsung – enjoyed greater popularity, as compared with the Russian special equipment. Leading position among the exporting machinery occupied China, Japan and Korea, producing a comfortable, reliable and versatile special equipment for all needs. Today is a great demand started to use a new special from China.

Over the past few years, China has increased significantly the number of companies producing quality products. But that does not go to “Chinese counterfeiting, is thoroughly think. Under this special quality is made only in public enterprises. Haulers shaanxi, bulldozers, excavators, wheel loaders xcmg known for their capacity, build quality, as well as ease of use. The Chinese have known since ancient times as the most practical producers choose not to ‘reinvent the wheel “but to improve what has long been someone invented. For example, dump trucks shaanxi built on technology and on the basis of man the most roomy and comfortable, and also not expensive, even compared with Kamaz. Affordable price is due not bad quality and low cost labor and parts. A few words should be said about concrete mixers shaanxi, which differ in a simple design, coupled with good quality and adaptation to Russian conditions. Special machinery from China corresponds to today’s world standards Euro-3 and has minimal impact on the environment. Meets all the requirements of the modern customer, possessing qualities such as mobility, flexibility and increased permeability. All the special equipment from China is available on request, pre-paid services in whole or in making a partial prepayment.

Feb 11 2014

IPHAN Enterprise

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In the scope of hidroelectric enterprises the creation for the IPHAN was decided for good Portaria 28, of 31 of January of 2003.Visando to supply a related gap the absence of preventive studies in the enterprises (engineering workmanships), that the association between contractors and the Brazilian military government had happened by means of, enters the decades of 1960 and 1980, mainly on the industries hydroelectric plants, Portaria 28/2003 strategically establishes norms that it aims at to compensate the negative impacts caused by determined workmanships on finite you harness archaeological remainders in the bands of depletion of these enterprises. Portaria 28/2003? IPHAN, does not take and any enterprise all hidroelectric as potentially impactante you harness to them archaeological, what the principle is something that can, perhaps, to take to the one certain confusion, generating the necessity of a bigger reflection the application of the legal device. The first article of Portaria 28/2003 says: ' ' Art. 1 – That the reservoirs of hidroelectric enterprises of any size or dimension inside of the domestic territory will have doravante in the request of the renewal of the ambient license of operation to foresee the execution of survey projects, prospection, rescue and archaeological rescue of the band of depleo.' ' To laypeople unusual with terms technician, lead in consideration only term enterprise hidroelectric, not considering reason main that is the question of the reservoir, that in the case is not present in all hidroelectric enterprise, at least not in a Small Central office Hydroelectric plant? PCH the wire d' water (is not the case to define how many and which here they are the types of hidroelectric enterprises, we only have as objective the understanding of the PCHs the wire d' water). The reservoir the wire d' water according to Eletrobrs, ' ' this type of PCH is used when the estiagem outflows of the river are equal or bigger that the discharge necessary to the power to be installed to take care of to the foreseen maximum demand. .