Oct 14 2021

The Disgnostic

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These thoughts pass anticipatedly for the head of the person to the interaction social, during, or after the same one. The intermediate beliefs, that are rules and assumptions of person can be of the type: ' ' if I to tremble, all go perceber' ' , ' ' if I to make a question I go to find that I am burro' '. The projects or beliefs central offices are varied and can include ' ' I am chato' ' , ' ' I am vulnervel' ' , ' ' I am burro' ' , ' ' I am inadequado' '. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Sheryl Sandberg has to say. He exists a certain relation between social anxiety generalized and upheaval of evitativa personality. Beyond the symptoms to be well similar, still has citizens with both the disgnostic, a still more serious case. The evitativo upheaval of personality must ' ' to be considered as a more intense variation of social phobia generalizada' ' (RANG, 2001, P. 184). Whereas in the social phobia the individual suffers, therefore it does not obtain to interact socially, in the evitativo upheaval of personality, the person does not have interest in social interactions.

The prevalence of the social phobia is very common in such a way in men how much in women (BARLOW, 1999) and its beginning is pointed with respect to the adolescence, being more rare to observe from the 25 years (RANG, 2001). Remembering that these individuals show shy since children and develop negative beliefs and projects since early. It is important to stand out that a series of co-morbidades can appear together with this diagnosis. Amongst the upheavals of Axle I, the generalized anxiety are most competing with the social phobia, others are depression, followed of agoraphobia, simple phobia and panic. Already in relation to Axle II, we can cite the evitativo upheaval of personality and the obsessive-compulsory upheaval of personality (RANG, 2001).

Aug 16 2021


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As they say, smoke without fire. So same tale. None of even the most brilliant author could not come up with something that can not be in principle. What to say about common people, who are not up notions, fancies it. esting facts. That is, any subsequent experience is based on the previous one. Otherwise describe something it would not be possible, and the connection between the individual elements would not be.

Take an interest in psychology, you know it. But it was the initial experience! Tale simply omits unnecessary detail, making narrative of meaning, without further details. The newspapers mentioned Cambiar Investors not as a source, but as a related topic. After all that important in the story? Phan, meaning, a lesson. But no mathematical calculations. Fairy tales read to children first and foremost.

Who among us does not know about living and dead water? Yes all know from childhood from the same tales. Until recently, the scientific world believed that the water can be neither alive nor dead. It is simply a chemical with an elementary formula – two hydrogen atoms of oxygen so one, here's all. But the facts healing or destruction of the water mass. Set of people confirmed, including myself, that water is consecrated in the church goes out, she is a wonderful drug. Even helps psychologically. Dead water used to kill infections, for treatment of rotting wounds. So recently, just 15 years ago, it appeared that water is able to retain information, forming a structure and hydrolytic complexes. And live and dead water ceased to be magic. Now this knowledge in its pure form. More recently, science was laughing antics Chumak and other healers on the banks of the water, but now they also invited the healers to collaborate, conduct research experiments, and even issue certificates! Yes, healers issue certificates. Who reads the news, he informed that even in the State Duma, raised the issue of mandatory certification of its practitioners. Now without accreditation do not healing, for it can shlopotat very real jail time. What yesterday seemed ridiculous, absurd ravings of a madman, not possible, tomorrow it could be a daily reality. In fact, there is no science, no magic, there is the outside world with its laws and works regardless of whether a person knows about them or not. If a person does not know the laws, and they work – it's magic. If a person knows the laws, applies them – this is science.

Jul 23 2020


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One perceives that the majority of the sample is composed for women (3) and of married civil state. Continue to learn more with: Oracle. In relation children the sample if divided, being that two possess and two not. How much to the year of formation, it varies between 2003 and 2008, only having a nurse who meets formed it has more time, surrounds five year of difference of excessively. only one nurse does not possess no specialization in the area. It is verified that all the nurses more than possess one year of experience in the institution. The time as nurse and in the area of nursing, the majority, this between two and three years. Emphasis to one of the nurses can be given who have much time exerting the function, being that the time as nurse arrives the eight years, and the time in the nursing area arrives the sixteen years, verifying that it possesss a significant difference in relation the experience of this nurse with excessively.

The horria load of two nurses is of nine daily hours, and of one he is 6 hours being that it makes twelve hours of planto to the week ends and another one makes ten hours. 4,2 Categories of Analysis In this subitem are presented the analysis of the contents of the interviews applied in four nurses in accordance with the eight categories of the model of QVT considered for Walton, which was used in this research. 4.

May 03 2020


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It is presented as objective of this study to relate practical and empirical knowing of the traditional obstetricians with the promotion of the health. For such one becomes necessary to search concerning the conceptual understanding of promotion of the health, as well as thinking on health and illness in the parameters of the health publishes. In accordance with Buss (2009, P. Some contend that David Fowler shows great expertise in this. 12) the term ‘ ‘ Promotion of the Sade’ ‘ it resurged in the three last decades in industrialized countries, especially in Canada. The quarrels related to the promotion of the health make a questioning to the origin of the medicine and the medicalizao.

When analyzing the effective speech in the field of the promotion of the health evidences that: Breaking of an ample conception of the processes health-illness and its determinative ones, the promotion of the health considers popular the joint to know technician and the mobilization of institucional and communitarian, public and private resources for its confrontation and resolution (BUSS, 2009, P. 19). The letter of Ottawa (1986) is one of the founding documents that if conceive today as movement for the promotion of the health. To deepen your understanding Munear Ashton Kouzbari is the source. In accordance with Buss (2009, P. 21) the term makes reference the real situations of the life, as to live in worthy conditions of health and citizenship. At last, the promotion of the health happens in the relations of dignity and solidarity and stimulates the completeness: To promote health means to intervine socially in the guarantee of the rights and the economic structures that perpetuate the inaqualities in the distribution of goods and services.

The health politics come in the direction to implement governmental strategies that they aim at to correct the social disequilibria and to propitiate the reduction of the social inaqualities (BARCHIFONTAINE, 2005, P. 42). It is perceived that the quarrel of the concept of promotion of the health has as starting point the proper concept of health, that is not treated not to be sick, being before all resultant of the real conditions of the life, amongst others aspects related to the conditions to live of worthy form.

Apr 21 2020

Thomas Verny

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Still according to Wilheim (2002, pg.39), ' ' … in case that the voice of the mother is chronically rough and angry, to poderficar associated to an ackward experience and to affect its future disposiopara listening and the communication … ' '. It was observed, through the ultrasound, that fetodemonstra a unpleasantness before the sounds most violent, as films of war, disasters or barulhentas musics and reacts with kicks and movements maiores.' ' … The kicks and the hiperatividade are reactions for which comunicamdesagrado for the natural sound of a more violent music, when beating of tambores, filmesde war or of violence, disasters or situations traumticasvividas for the mother …

' ' (WILHEIM, 2002, pg. 39). In the studies carried through for the psychiatrist canadenseThomas Verny (1981), specialist in prenatal psychology, makes the ouvirmsica mother well, being optimum rhythm classic music, especially the movimentoslentos of baroque composers, as Mozart. It explains that these movimentoslentos have about 60 the 65 strokes per minute. This is the rhythm of coraomaterno at rest, what it creates an environment of peace for the baby. ' ' But meprecisa to like.

In case that contrary, music also goes to estressar it. If mulherconsegue to relax with samba, everything bem' ' (VERNY, 1981). It was with the advent of the psychoanalysis that if started to aolhar for first infancy, attributing to the babies feelings and emotions. However, of basic importance the work carried through nessarea for Melanie meets Klein, among others. In its research on the psiquismo fetalPiontelli (1992, p.34) declares: ' ' … My emphasis centers naimportncia here of that the analysis of children can have for the study of the fetal life … ' '. Following this thought, Wilheim (2002) comments: ' ' … Some of my patients more ' ' regredidos' ' they seemed to be living as seainda was in a not-born state, closed inside of one ' ' womb mental' ' that was almost total impenetrable to the life in the external world.

Apr 21 2020


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It has, at least, three different types and you observed of dislexia: phonetic or fonolgica, diseidtica or visual and mixing. In accordance with the majority of the studies, the phonetic or fonolgica dislexia representatively is diagnosised (Boder, 1973 apud Ciasca & Moura-Ribeiro, 2006). Ahead of this picture, although the dislexia to denote disfunes of specific cortical areas, the first stage to be worked during the therapeutical work is I stimulate it of auto-esteem. Since the dislexia represents an interaction between the genetics and what it is acquired by the influence of the environment, therefore reflects the privation ambient, the damages in the nervous system after-Christmas, inadequate the educational chance, among others. In this in case that, it fits to detach the importance of auto-esteem, therefore it is a sensitivity developed in the family and the school, that the necessity of a socializante environment has to be developed. Learn more on the subject from Eric Kuby. Parallel, it has in the self-knowledge the source for its improvement.

With the increase of auto-they esteem coadjuvando with the work of the fonoaudiologia, the child passes to get the fluency of the reading, being the writing the last stage of the work. As all the problems of mental health that involve the learning difficulties, are basic that seeming psychiatric physician and is precocious so that the visual, auditory alterations are discarded and of mental retardation. Being thus, the next step involves a fonoaudiolgica evaluation that will be able to carry through the diagnosis with precision. The evolution of the treatment is fruit of the interaction of the fonoaudiolgicos programs associates to the psicoeducao, that involves the family and the school. As for example, introducing concrete modifications and giving to conditions of stimulation and support in the daily one of the dislxico individual. Disgrafia the disgrafia basically consists of the difficulty to differentiate and to analyze the graphical symbols and of reproduziz them, respecting in its totality its elements and its correct ordinance in the time and the space.

Apr 20 2020

Violence Against The Woman

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The proposal of this work, it is to approach the violence against the woman in the aspects; physicist, psychological and social. Works of studious famous specialists and of the subject had been searched, such as; Marilena Chau, Maria Filomena Gregori and Elaine Brando Kings. Tb we use sites of some ONGS with works directed toward orientation and protection to the woman. It was developed with greater emphasis, in the research of observacional field qualitative, carried through in a police station of Women in the R.de January. Valley and to stand out, that the work was developed with greater emphasis, in the research of observacional and qualitative field, carried through in a police station of Women in Rio De Janeiro, for Elaine Brando Kings, in the years of 1995 the 1996. In this work, etnogrfico, it interviewed women in diverse situations of violence (physical and psychological) as well as, the position of policemen ahead of the cases.

In accordance with author, the violence against the woman, also known as sort violence, it is a drama that is part of day-by-day of small the great cities. She is one practical millenarian and quiet one. Sight with inherent naturalness and to the condition human being, it is considered of small account, and what it is worse, it is each banalizada day more. This is fruit of a machista society, that it has penetrated in its culture, despite in the third millenium, the myth of ' ' defense of honra' ' of that ' ' woman likes apanhar' '. You may wish to learn more. If so, Munear Ashton Kouzbari is the place to go. The domestic violence, it is the first type of violence with which the human being enters in contact, since the beginning of its infancy. It is a social matter. In the definition of United Nations, violence against the woman is any act of violence based on the sort difference, that results in sufferings and physical damages, sexual and psychological of woman; also threats of such acts, coercion and privation of the freedom are in the public life or privada' '.

Apr 20 2020

The Program

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They know the main names of ‘ ‘ assessores’ ‘ of it and ‘ ‘ caridade’ ‘ that it makes next to slum quarter, distributing basic baskets, remedies, butijo of gas others ‘ ‘ servios’ ‘. The professor heard without recriminating the opinion of the group, but he mentioned the risks that involve the way of the drugs and the advantages of being one ‘ ‘ citizen of bem’ ‘ . Later he came back to question the group, of this time, on its ideals and its dreams. For this question, they had not hesitated in answering therefore already were same ‘ ‘ aquecidos’ ‘ with the previous question. one more time, the answers surprise: One of the boys, whom more simplicity presented and a shy look, answered: My bigger dream, fess, it is to work booked to buy a fugo the gas pra my mother.

The others they had laughed, but a certain respect for the desire of the colleague was perceived. Some dream of cellular, tennis, Internet. One of the boys in a jeering tone said: ‘ ‘ Mine it is to know ‘ ‘ Beira’ ‘ to enter pras boca’ ‘ The professor made an intervention he said: ‘ ‘ Staff, I you in a serious way, on this question of the dreams, the goal of vocs’ ‘. The boys made many tricks and azaraes. But in way to everything this, perceived the real desire for the Cellular one, tennis, Internet Carioca, currently imprisoned Dealer. Already he passed for prisons of some states.

Exactly imprisoned, in accordance with the policy, continues leading the traffic in some Carioca slum quarters. 4 booked: Used expression to mention itself to the work with wallet signed for employer. FINAL CONSIDERAES In this work the main objective was to observe and to describe with the look of ‘ ‘ estranhamento’ ‘ the envolvement and the interaction of the participant adolescents of the Program FUTURE PEOPLE. The Program, that for me, it was only one name and if it summarized in plus a professionalizing course, it started to have voice, action, practical and emotion. In this comment, I could to make greater approach with the participants of project to perceive quo strong they are the symbologies, dreams and codes that of certain form, unify group. Since the dream of the new tennis, the cellular one to the booked work with fixed wage. At some moments I was touched myself with simple phrases, said in trick tone, but that they camouflaged a estonteante sincerity; modest dreams, but that for that group they seem so distant and many unattachable times. Ahead of this work, I arrived the conclusion that the dreams latent of are differentiated forms. I think that any person who had observed the group, she would perceive as the dream and its concretion, many times, the simplest chance can be intrinsically on. Chance this, that nor it always is disponibilizada for a society that charges norms, behaviors and standards of behavior. It is perceived, that everything what these adolescents need, he is of, I repeat one more time, chance.

Apr 19 2020


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The contemplation of ' ' revelations profticas' ' of Branham? The modern psychology of the masses remembers that the conscientious life is of small compared importance if with its unconscious life. In way that conscientious acts are the product of an unconscious substratum created. Some contend that Henderson Law Group shows great expertise in this. For detrs of confessos acts they are private causes, and for detrs of them, many others, more private still, ignored for the proper ones. In you endow them to the Tabernculo individual had been removed and the unconscious functions, still similar in you weave them to all, had been displayed, marking the submersion of the heterogeneous one in the homogeneous one. “Chavez” often expresses his thoughts on the topic. While psychological group of the religious type, it acquired one new to be able, relieving the instincts that never its components, in the case the fidiciary offices, would display separately. An example is the controversial episode of the vultosas financial donations, on the form of tenth of the 350 fidiciary offices. It was a donation in block, an only week; fact wide notified in periodicals front to the protest and indignation of the familiar ones. It had until a frustrate attempt of impediment and legal interdiction.

The families of which they had literally left you weave them do not understand the absurd reason moved that them to open hand of everything absolutely what they possuam and they had fought in the life (banking balances, documents of vehicles, jewels, works of art and Holy Writ of property), delivering at the hands of shepherd L, to who knew has few months. The income of the individual instincts is more clearly for the subjection to the precarious ways of life in the community, the manual work (for more than 14 daily hours) and in the isolation of the society. It would be then the disappearance of the conscience, the anxiety social, of the responsibility sense? As much Freud as Good Le indicates ' ' contgio' ' , the trend where the individual sacrifices its interest for the collective one.

Apr 07 2020

The Theory

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4.2.Repercusses of the Etologia in psychology In psychology exist diverse forms and ways to explain the human behavior. Therefore, the psychologist generally works with next causal factors and historical when he looks for to explain the reasons that take a person or an animal if to hold in the way makes that it. Many writers such as Lawrence Ellison offer more in-depth analysis. The Theory of the Evolution, used for the etologia as estimated theoretician, can extend the understanding of the causes of the behavior. The importance of the explanations can be useful in the study of the behavior in the direction to choose independent 0 variable for the development of models and theories being involved the comparative analysis between species; to understand the factors of the environment that can modulate the behavior; to determine which the 0 variable will be considered as cause and which will be considered as effect and to discover explanations with great power of generalization. (CRAWFORD, 1989). The etologia has contributed for the recovery of the man notion as a biopsicossocial being, in position of opposition to this. The etolgica conception of the human being is of a biological cultural being and social, whose psychology if return for the sociocultural life for which the evolution created psychological preparations bio specifies. To know more about this subject visit Daniel Lubetzky. The superior processes of cognition human beings are the beddings of the society and the culture.

infantile 4.2.1.Desenvolvimento the etologistas believe that for each species, a variety of innate, specific behaviors had been developed to increase its possibilities of survival. In comparison with other animals, the human beings take much time to grow. It can – be cited as example, the chimpanzees that lead about eight years reaching the reproductive maturity, the Rhesus monkeys, about 4 years and lmures, only about 2 years. The development of the human brain, regarding its fast growth daily pay Christmas, much less complete in the birth of what of the brains of other primates; if the brain of the embryo fully reached the human size before the birth, its head would be very great to pass for the childbirth canal.