One perceives that the majority of the sample is composed for women (3) and of married civil state. Continue to learn more with: Oracle. In relation children the sample if divided, being that two possess and two not. How much to the year of formation, it varies between 2003 and 2008, only having a nurse who meets formed it has more time, surrounds five year of difference of excessively. only one nurse does not possess no specialization in the area. It is verified that all the nurses more than possess one year of experience in the institution. The time as nurse and in the area of nursing, the majority, this between two and three years. Emphasis to one of the nurses can be given who have much time exerting the function, being that the time as nurse arrives the eight years, and the time in the nursing area arrives the sixteen years, verifying that it possesss a significant difference in relation the experience of this nurse with excessively.
The horria load of two nurses is of nine daily hours, and of one he is 6 hours being that it makes twelve hours of planto to the week ends and another one makes ten hours. 4,2 Categories of Analysis In this subitem are presented the analysis of the contents of the interviews applied in four nurses in accordance with the eight categories of the model of QVT considered for Walton, which was used in this research. 4.