Jan 28 2024

Hetmeier Estate

Posted by domain admin in News

Regularly no warranty with the purchase of existing real estate the Dortmund Dr. Hetmeier real estate agency advises buyers used before the notary through its paces to check houses and condos, their dream property. In most notary contracts, a guarantee of the seller for defects is excluded by default. Who overlook defects prior to the purchase, remain generally depend on the cost of the renovation. Who have no adequate expertise or is uncertain, should consult an architect or other professional before making the purchase decision. The fear of the euro crisis and a possible inflation is currently firmly tighten the demand for real estate. Prices for homes, apartment buildings and condominiums.

Especially in densely populated areas and attractive locations, brokers before requests can save little. The trend has led to the living middle of inner-city, existing real estate is more trapped in the focus of the prospective buyers. In the middle of the Centre There are neighborhoods of the cities not designated areas for new development areas. Who would like to relate one’s own four walls close to theatre, concert hall and dining options, need to look in the stock”, explains Dr. Marita Hetmeier agent: many buyers appreciate the simpler processing of their real estate desire, which spared them the stressful phase of construction. “Also: who buys the stock, sees what he’s buying.” However, if even the purchase of used real estate not without risks. Used real estate be sold almost always under exclusion of warranty. Faults later, the legal claims of the seller is no longer possible in normally.

That is why it is crucial to make the eyes and to examine the property thoroughly on any defects and problems. In case of doubt the buyer should consult an architect”, advises the Dortmund agent. That the seller of used real estate that existed, the warranty for defects It was legitimate to exclude. Also the courts acknowledge the effectiveness of the disclaimer of warranties in the land sale contracts regularly agreed. An exception were the dishes however are: who has as buyers sat on a scammer, the defects fraudulently concealed, or in agreement, can claim even in hindsight the ineffectiveness of an agreed Disclaimer of warranties with success. The proof of a fraudulent intent of the seller is however often difficult to lead.” Bottom line: Trust is good; Control is better. Therefore first check, then buy.

Jan 27 2024

North RhineWestphalia

Posted by domain admin in News

EPS summer camp 2008 opens its doors during the summer holidays of the North Rhine-Westphalia. Of certified continuing education providers eps event & project solutions GmbH offers a training with IHK certificate to the tour guide or an animator for the first time. Specially students from 16 years of age, school-leavers or transnational up to 25 years old are invited to participate in the two-week compact course. Focus of the eps summer camp 2008 is to experience the professional orientation for the choice of the training course and to secure themselves an advantage over other applicants”, as Wolfgang Muller, Managing Director of the DPS. In countless cases so far participants and participants with a certificate of the Chamber of commerce were trained and then with great partners in long-term employment relationships. Many young people who have fun and interested in a job in tourism, gave us the idea with the eps summer camp 2008 “, says Marc Giffhorn, line tourism and event. The urgency and the need for themselves also to qualify outside the school on the later professional life is huge! “.” Therefore, it is possible to participate already participants from 16 years in this measure.

“With the motto learning with fun” are not only theoretical training content such as fundamentals of animation and travel management, communication, legal principles and complaint management is done, but all areas in practice are rehearsed and performed. Of course we will actively implement also sports games and all with their faces must keep made by the facepainting,”Viktoria Stenske, speaker says animation and entertainment. As a trained dancer she is studying professional choreography, and Club dances. With numerous cooperation partners have gone on board for the eps summer camp 2008 including the training company of the IHK Rhein-Sieg Bonn Bad Godesberg Stadtmarketing e.V. “, u.v.m. The eps summer camp 2008 will take place three times each in Bonn and Bad Godesberg and lasts two weeks. The cost per participant on 249,00 plus entry fee for the Chamber of Commerce certificate course. For more information on the Internet at or by phone 0 22 24 – 9 01 14 11 Marc Giffhorn