Jan 09 2020

General Management MBA

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Information session on March 26, 2009; On March 26, 2009, the continuing education center within the framework of an information session presented the postgraduate program in general management MBA. This high-quality product of the Technical University of Vienna and the Danube University Krems starts in October 2009 already for the tenth time and offers the possibility of part-time to acquire economic, legal and social basis knowledge aspiring young managers. Univ. Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Aussenegg course Manager and the program managers like.

Sabine Schnetzinger (TU Wien) and Dr.in Andrea Holtl (Donau Universitat Krems) inform and answer both substantive and organizational questions. Will be asked to register at. Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 18:00 place: TU Vienna Theresianumgasse 27, 1040 Vienna Lecture Hall 1, 1st floor facts general management MBA degree: master of business administration (MBA) at the TU Vienna language of instruction: German & English course duration: 4 semester, part-time, modular program start: October 9, 2009 Deadline for applications: year-round application possible course management: Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Aussenegg contact and more information: Technical University Vienna, Danube University Krems continuing education center business school like. Edward Scott Mead contains valuable tech resources. Sabine Schnetzinger Dr.in Andrea Holtl, MBA MES Opera lane of 11/017 Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30 1040 Vienna 3500 Krems T: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41701 T: + 43 (0) 2273 893-2123 F: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41799 F: + 43 (0) 2732 893-4100 E: E: H: h

Aug 11 2019

Slovak Technical University

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Professional MBA automotive industry successfully launched! During a welcome reception, the Europe-wide unique postgraduate university course Professional MBA automotive industry was inaugurated on March 5, 2009. The development of this MBA program is funded by the European Union and is a cooperation of the Technical University of Vienna with the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, at the initiative of the automotive cluster Vienna region. The transnational cooperation of the two renowned universities is innovative and very pleasing in the field of education. A high degree of internationality could be achieved with 23 participants from 8 different Nations already in the first round”, Vice President Hans Kaiser, Vienna University of technology. Given the current economic climate especially in the automotive industry and suppliers, it is all the more gratifying that the course will be so great popularity. Some months ago we were worried whether the tense economic situation the right time be given to position the MBA market. However, the high applicants and number of participants shows that especially in these times of continuing education programs be used to stand out even more in the difficult labour market”, as course Director Univ.Prof. DDr.

Wilfried Sihn, Vienna University of technology. A participant from Mexico thinks that now is the best time to invest in its future. He wants to use the training as a stepping stone to a higher ManagerInnenebene. The first round consists of exceedingly international, qualified students, who are characterized by their previous careers. So is a two-time Olympian (athletics) among the students. Facts conclusion: awarded the academic degree master of business administration (automotive industry) by the Technical University of Vienna in cooperation with the STU Bratislava language of instruction: English study duration: 4 semesters, part-time, modular program start: March 2010 course management: Univ.Prof.Dr.-Ing.Dr.h.c.

Wilfried Sihn (TU Vienna) eng. Jan Lesinsky, PhD. Assoc.Prof. (STU Bratislava) Contact and other information continuing education Center Technical University of Vienna Dr.

Jul 08 2019

With Security In The Job

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WSB Kiel offers training for guards and security forces with IHK competence test ( 34a GewO) in the summer of 2010 at Kiel 07.06.2010. The security industry is booming: in fact the number of jobs has doubled in the last ten years. And so are the job opportunities for trained security forces. To know more about this subject visit Verizon Communications. Therefore, the WBS TRAINING AG in Kiel offers continuing education for security and safety officer, start: June 28. Participants can look forward to an exciting time, in which they optimally and comprehensively prepared on the future tasks. The IHK competence test according to section 34a of the GewO is an important part within the training”, explains Christine will Winterstein, officer for vocational training of the WBS Kiel.

But proof of the Chamber of Commerce is not enough testing alone potential employers of the security industry generally.” Therefore the site convey also skills that go beyond the simple security, such as in the area of person conditional supervision services, activities in emergency and operational centres, in courier services, goods and value transport security, border security and airport control, so the next speaker. “The WBS Kiel relies on experienced instructors from practice: trainers must bring wealth of experience and industry knowledge, in three months can make really fit for the demands of the security companies participants”, says Christine will Winterstein. The features of WBS TRAINING AG can be funded through the Federal Agency for work or cooperation with the education voucher. The employees of the WBS Kiel advise interested. Contact: Christine will Winterstein, telephone 0431-200 15 83,. The Internet under Kiel informed about the whole range of WBS Kiel.

Jun 28 2019

SPA Upstalsboom

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With his passion for the hospitality industry, extensive leadership and management experiences from first-class houses, as well as a certain kinship to the Baltic Sea, Peruzzo is the ideal choice as Director of the Upstalsboom hotel residence & SPA Kuhlungsborn, stressed Arne Mundt, Upstalsboom-Regional Director Baltic Sea. As hotel Director Peruzzo of also the great social responsibility towards the region was aware, that this new Pearl of the Baltic Sea”was connected. The new stand at the historic site of the old Kurhaus, which for decades had been a formative factor for Kuhlungsborn. Upstalsboom hotel residence & SPA Kuhlungsborn In September 2009 was the first sod for the construction of the Upstalsboom hotel residence & SPA Kuhlungsborn. The opening of the 4-star superior hotel is planned in April 2011. Learn more on the subject from Verizon Communications.

The Bauwo AG (Hanover) invested 36 million in the object that is one of the largest private tourist investment on the Baltic Sea coast. The Upstalsboom Hotel + Leisure GmbH & co. KG operates the exquisite Hotel overlooking the sea about 20 metres from the Baltic Sea Beach. The architecture of the new building with its noble design is modeled on the style of the historic Kurhaus, which has stood on the same site, as well as on the traditional architecture of Kuhlungsborns. The 170 rooms and suites – the largest with an area of 86 square meters – are luxuriously furnished. The luxurious amenities sets the tone of an exceptional hospitality in the gourmet restaurant, the Vienna Cafe, fireplace room, the library and the bar. Also, the guests in a 1,300 square metre SPA area with a 15 metre swimming pool refer relaxation highest level. Upstalsboom hotel residence & SPA Kuhlungsborn Hotel Director Thomas Peruzzo Baltic Ahornallee 21 18225 Kuhlungsborn press contact Arne Mundt Upstalsboom-Regional Director Baltic phone 038378/63-0

Jun 16 2019

International School Villa

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The international school is recognized by the University of Cambridge Villa had only school in Berlin offers the English school. A new and exciting development will take place in the area of international schools. The international school is Villa had an impressive old building in a large facility on the highway. Only offers the unique possibility in Berlin to obtain A-level qualifications according to the English curriculum, the so-called national curriculum of England and Wales. The IGCSE (international General Certificates of secondary education) examinations are to equate with the German middle school and are placed at the age of sixteen in about 8 compartments. The A-level (advanced level – advanced level) is comparable to the German Abitur and is the corresponding completion of high school in the United Kingdom. These checks are completed usually in the last two years of secondary school (high school). Read more here: Southwest Airlines.

Around the world many international schools decide that for the British A-level system, there Exams are not only internationally recognized, but are considered by many universities even as a kind of entrance examination. The A levels consist of two parts, which are placed one after the other: first the AS be completed levels (complementary advanced subsidiary-advanced level), followed by the A2 (Advanced – advanced level) examinations. The individual parts are each 50% of the overall score. All students can compete with their ACE notes at universities. Students can choose the subjects in which they do well, and are not forced to choose subjects in which they have no interest. Students already know what career they want to beat up, get conveys a much deeper knowledge in the relevant subjects in the A-level system. At the beginning of secondary school, students then select four or five subjects, to in the last school year, three or four to specialize in.

The A-levels facilitate access to first-class universities all over the world. Renowned universities in the United States welcome students with good A-level grades. Often students can skip even the first year degree with an A-level, because they are very far advanced with their knowledge in the respective subjects. Students are gladly on also in Germany with A-levels in Universtaten, but under the condition that they can present a comprehensive number of examination subjects, similar to the German Abitur. So, for example, a science, a foreign language and two additional subjects are a good choice. The international school Villa had offers these possibilities. The teaching takes place in small classes so that teachers have much time to turn to individual students. The lessons are given in English and the majority of the teachers are native English speakers. The infrastructure and the facilities of the school are exemplary.

Jun 11 2019

A New Beer Budget Plan For Consumers

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Although you and I aren’t likely to find zillions in government of bailout money in our mailbox any time soon, students of language are having a field day with newly coined terms. Into every life a little rain must fall, but some observers of the global economic turmoil are beginning to say that even this cloud has a silver lining. Although you and I aren’t likely to find zillions in government bailout money in our mailbox any time soon, students of language are having a field day with newly coined terms. Here are some of the newest additions to the Spacelocker lexicon. Are you one who knows whether “chiconomic” and “TALF” are positive or negative terms? If you do and can use them in a sentence, you’re up to speed with a few of the dozens of terms the financial crisis has spawned. “Chiconomic” is a play on newly champagne-style-conscious-on-a-beer – budget consumers, and it joins similar terms like “frugalista” and “recessionista”. “Bangster” spins hip hop’s “gangsta” and ironically applies it to bankers, while “furcation” evolves from furlough-unpaid mandatory time off.

“Staycation” is a term that popped up when people could only afford to vacation at home, and it joins the popular staycation destination, “Balconville”. “Homedulgence” describes socializing at home due to tight money, and “Lead acid” comes from the growing practice of blurring the boundaries of business and leisure time. Lexicographers note that definitions can shift rapidly as situation change. Until the U.S. Treasury recently announced its plan to lure investors into buying toxic assets (the term asset-backed securities loan facility), getting TALF “d which is not necessarily the most attractive prospect. “Someone threatened to TALF me the other day,” one finance analyst commented.

“I think TALF means threaten to do something big, but then not actually do anything.” The definition of existing finance terms, like “Ponzi schemes”, seem to be fixed in our vocabulary already. The vivid pain and loss that Bernie Madoff’s many victims now feel seem to reinforce the chances that this 1920s term will stay with US. But Madoff’s defrauding his investors of $65 billion continues to inspire the funsters. A federal regulator coined the term “Ponzimonium” and “Ponzirama” to describe how such frauds have spiked, and “Ponzimonia” is the the nonmedical term for the illness that results. A baker’s dozen of more up-and comers: Renoviction: the practice of some landlords to move tenants out during renovations, then increase rents dramatically. Duppie: Depressed urban professional / downwardly mobile urban professional. Bad bank: proposed government-run bank that would allow private banks to unload their toxic assets zombie bank / Zombank / Zombiz: a bank or business that should have gone bust but remains undead through government bailouts. Shovel-ready: infrastructure projects that are ready to go when stimulus money is available. Stim pack: “stimulus package” (aka the American recovery and Reinvestment Act, or ARRA. TIGER: Transportation investment generating economic recovery. Three-legged stool: President Obama’s metaphoric for a multi-pronged approach to economic recovery (restoring jobs, restoring credit, regulatory reform). Spendulus: the Obama administration’s economic stimulus package. Porkulus: conservative opponents of the stimulus package see more “pork” than “stimulus.” Econolypse: the current economic crisis. HENRY: High earner but not rich yet. Stag-deflation: a growing economy in which prices fall. Tough times call for extra effort to stay close with our friends; together, we’ll make it through, and Spacelocker’s here to help everyone keep in touch.

Jun 05 2019

New Zealand

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While shifts to the German curriculum can result from this, but experience has shown that most Exchange students quickly find your way in daily school life or easily cope with the curriculum. Nevertheless you should set some fundamental differences to the German educational system and-alltag. School spirit, school uniform and Whanau houses Anders than in Germany is a strong identification of the students at the New Zealand high schools and Teachers with their respective school. “This sense of community, the so-called school spirit”, ensures that school is not only learning and work area, but primarily common Habitat is characterized by a close relationship of trust. This applies particularly to international guest students, where a teacher trained specifically to meet their needs (International Student Coordinator) is provided in most schools to the page. “Visible expression of school spirit” is to wear a school uniform, which is mandatory in the most New Zealand high schools.

Purpose of school uniforms is to ensure a uniform appearance of the student body, which is independent of current fashion trends. This concerns not only the clothing, but also the choice of shoes. Here too there are differences or peculiarities: in addition to summer and winter uniforms, younger students as other rock patterns or colors of pants wear as the older vintages. Also unusual for many Guest students should be the so-called whanau House system, now introduced in relatively many New Zealand schools. “The concept of whanau (WH” v “in E.g. violet pronounced) is Maori and much is family”. Transferred to the school system this means that every student from grade 11 to a this whanau houses. These are then in turn small, independent units at the respective school and the aim is to give students a high level of identification and a sense of belonging through a manageable social environment.

Each of these houses has its own community and learning spaces, as well as a wide range of equipment. In addition there are each an own head of House “-teacher, who acts as a trusted third party and contact.” In addition to the purely academic learning, especially the acquisition of social skills in the Center is: common sense and the respectful handling play a central role in this context in school everyday. His “this holistic approach to teaching and learning in the educational experience finds practical expression indeed voluntary – choice subject outdoor education”, which since 2002 is offered by more than 20 New Zealand high schools. The quality of the relevant curriculum, these schools in the Association of outdoor education are New Zealand”(ODENZ) joined together. What is the student of this subject? Here, they are confronted with new challenges for which they acquire the necessary skills and theoretical knowledge in the classroom. This then of course see its practical implementation to guarantee of maximum safety standards in nature. Depending on regional situation of school and season sports such as Glacier hiking, kayaking, climbing or rafting are offered here then. More information on the topic of student exchange and high school New Zealand Stepin found on the Web site of the Exchange organization.

Apr 01 2019

Expat Life In Japan

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Learn language and culture is the most important building block, to put foot in the Japan for so-called Expat professional living in Japan is not always easy. Besides learning the Japanese language, the other culture holds many so-called foot – pitfalls that can bring success of business seriously in danger full of everything. In a country in which the application of the proper form of courtesy in the speech of the respected person places rank higher than the correct application of the grammar, some faux pas can undermine the Western executives. How to behave properly, what manners are important in Japan and ensure the success of the business? “Language learning is indeed more than to speak only the words. Extensive knowledge of the culture of the new host country are of course also included. “the sympathetic Japanese Rieko Sunday that closer to the Japanese language and culture in their seminars for more than 18 years of expats, reported.

In the metropolitan area of Tokyo, in the Kanagawa Prefecture, offers beside Japanese Sparchunterricht, intercultural training, consulting & coaching, parent life Japanese with their seminars for everyday life, business solutions, cross culture communication, etiquette seminars and various cultural events a wealth of possibilities, so that jederTeilnehmer can meet the cultural challenges. But even everyday hurdles must be overcome unless the visit to the doctor, the refueling, the shopping, the reservation in the restaurant etc. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Southwest Airlines. Is well advised, who learned the different characters (kanji, Hiragana, Katakana) of the Japanese language in a nice group or one-on-one. So the orientation in everyday life much easier is a relaxed life and there remain sufficient power reserves for the tiring Japanese Office life. Of course, many expats prepare for their future stay in Japan even before their departure from the home country. But learning locally, with the impressions, the issues arising, the first of Everyday local shows and to make itself right of competent teachers answer this the way only a seminar in Japan itself can afford. So learning is mediated automatically sustainably. When sent from the Western countries by their respective companies employees in key positions know how at business lunches to touch their chopsticks correctly, what she should say rather, how they bow themselves correctly and even with a “yoroshiku onegaishimasu” duly able to adopt, then Rieko is proud of their students and know that your seminar concept is completely. Rieko Sunday

Oct 10 2018

Barack Hussein Obama

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Free Advisor Barack Obama was elected on the subject of rhetoric and communication for downloading in the United States the President in addition to his authenticity and his oratorical skills to persuade voters not least knew his determination. But how can you expand his communication skills? How can one react when the seventh series is asleep? The free guide of the Zienterra Institute of rhetoric and communication give answer to these questions. After the presidential election, it is now clear: Barack Hussein Obama is celebrating victory as future President of the United States of America. As a personality he is a hopeful beacon. Its authenticity, partnership, determination, his courage to new and also the art of free speech were his success factors. A lot of communicative resources could certainly also the German elites, our politicians and managers, still more consciously taken and expanded especially when it comes to managing conflicts! It There is a need for targeted and solution-oriented rhetoric and communication, the ability to take people on a journey. So what if the 7 series is sleeping? Here you will find a small selection of key factors for success: A presentation is a (Indent) travel. \”Therefore we should consider in advance: who goes?\” (Who are the audience?) \”and how is the destination of the journey?\” (What would I do with the audience?) A lively, creative presentation is not a monologue.

\”So we should consider also: How do I integrate the audience?\” She has a dramaturgy and aspires to a finale that remains in memory. Argumentation and demonstration should be accordingly. The linguistic images are important (such as they are the engine of the company!\”), to present a core thought, so that creates an image in the minds of the listeners and they feel addressed. You will find more tips, exercises and success factors,../index_ger.html in the form of guides that are available free of charge to download available.

Dec 22 2017

Group Coaching Workshop Seminar

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Trademark I – so you up with self – marketing, self – PR and USP well trained, clever, resilient and yet still far get away from the dream job? Then you might lack the right strategy: ICH-marketing. Martina Wagner from Coachingarbeiten.de shows how to best sell. Step 1: what am I? Know the question, by Robert Lembke, the response takes more than a few five-euro bills. In the workshop or in the coaching make inventory in their head and dig up forgotten and underrated talents. Self-marketing is primarily self-recognition”says Martina Wagner, coach and career consultant (www.coachingarbeiten.de). Before you develop any professional strategy, you must know what you have. “Making career today with a combination of typical female and typically male characteristics: the talent, the pros and cons of a decision to weigh and the appetite for risk and risk.” In the workshop and the coaching is defined, what do you mean in the marketing-USP: his unique selling Proposition”. So a combination of properties, from all other products say: Competitors is different and makes it unique.

Step 2: What is my marketing strategy? After step 1, you have already written it: you are a top quality product. Only: Where do you sell is the best? (Not only), by reply job postings or call at the employment office. In the workshop or in the coaching to develop together ideas, where it best picks up his audience, where it stands: maybe you meet the dream boss on an industry party rather than, or at the bar. And then it says don’t make a mess but pads! Coach Martina Wagner: They always remember, you are your own branded the boss and the boss of their own campaign. And what would you think of a company, in which advertisement is: our things are okay? Forget it: you are the real thing! Step 3: What am I worth? Low tide on the account? Then you have sold perhaps too long too cheap. That deadline is now. Real class has its price, you will have to your Only convincingly represent skill and talent.

Riddle in the workshop: you are a cheap brand product or a more expensive quality article? It sounds heretical, but just a Marketing Director considering if he determines the price of an item. And the workshop participants must also ask exactly that. No matter whether you prepare for a job interview or a discussion of content within a company. Step 4: How do I get in the conversation? You have something (male) colleagues. Talk talent and fun at the Exchange. Shamelessly exploit the advantage. Do good and talk about it. Especially in the presence of your boss. “” First the good news: women are usually team capable, open, and communication-capable as men, “believes adds Martina Wagner by coachingarbeiten.deund: the bad news: often make their own services in the shadows.” This should be changed in the coaching and workshops. According to the motto: An end to modesty. Advertise for themselves, stand in the spotlight and avoid the pitfalls. In collaboration with the PR agency medienarbeiten.de offers Martina Wagner and her team of power workshops and coaching (also individual coaching) on to the topic of self marketing and self-promotion. You send start-ups and entrepreneurs, self-employed, entry level and professional newcomers, but also businessmen and business women.