Apr 05 2020


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Ih! In my house everybody always is with haste to make some thing, and I gave myself well I was with my Professor of Mathematics, the Claude, it I invited until me to play tennis with it in the club. However this dolo, this elect hero for the young, passes to be in second plain when the adolescent starts to have interest for the opposing sex, what he means happens frequently that this phase of hero is passenger. But he fits to the parents as gerenciadores of this life of young, to be gifts, to dialogue, to observe and to participate with the young in its expectations, its doubts, its fears, etc. People such as Ann Maynard Gray would likely agree. In our country with as many social differences, one notices repeats frequently, the interest of young of certain precarious socioeconmicas conditions extremely for heroes tied with the malandragem, the vice, to the deliquency, disclosing an association of same intention, that is, young if espelha in that it he is next, similar, that it was given well, that it transgressed rules and that exactly thus was accepted. Expensive P, pra that I go to be marking step in this work if I can give to me well with the stolen good that Peter you negotiating? It only looks at, the face liveed in the slum quarter, it was doido, and if it gave well in music. all are moored in it, it are a famous singer. Here if it can observe, a optics completely desvirtuada, inadequate and maquiada with errneas ideas, that can without shade of doubts lead the inexperienced young to tread a way beside the point unbalanced. It must always be intent what it occurs to our redor, with our young, its uncertainties, its way of professional choice, at last, must be offered the adolescent, many chances healthful that with certainty they will be reverted in acceptable and approved behaviors.

The Psycotherapy is with certainty a psychological resource valuable of benefit, for the young, for the adolescent, in its personal discovery, promoting health and welfare, at many moments of doubts, questionings and fears. Of the life, what it has better, you tired to prove? what it has to cheer, now, your existence? It is always very good for making an experience and other candies new features to look for. (Mefistfeles – sarcastic stretch of Forest and Cave, Fausto de Goethe).

Apr 04 2020


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In 1949, Hoch and Polatin had considered the term schizophrenia pseudoneurotic to assign a specific psicopatolgica condition, characterized for the combination of ‘ ‘ pan-neurose’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ pan-ansiedade’ ‘ persuasivos upheavals of the sexual sphere, symptoms these associates the forms brandas of properly esquizofrnicos symptoms. (HOCH and POLATIN 1949, apud DALGALARRONDO, 1996). Robert Knight presented in 1953, a study on the states borderlines, using this expression to classify patients ‘ ‘ much compromised psychically, but that they cannot be considered as authentic psicticos.’ ‘ (Campbell, 1986). 2 psicanaltica Contribution in the compreeno of the upheaval borderline In 1931 Freud already recognized in ‘ ‘ The types libidinosos’ ‘ , the existence of a type ‘ ‘ narcsico’ ‘ , that it does not belong nor to the psychotic structures nor to the structures neurotics.

Describes it as endowed with one consisting incomplete on-I, worked for an ideal fort of I, marked for the important use of mechanisms of clivagem and denial, constructed in reply the strong lived affective frustrations during infancy. It describes this type as intolerante to the frustrations, premade use to the psychosis or the ill-tempered or today perverse said riots. The psychosis for Freud strong is organized by a defense system having used the mechanisms of clivagem, dissociao, projection and projetiva identification. This structure functions, to the edge of the reality, refusing it according to a primary process of immediate discharge of excitement (pleasure principle) excluding the perception and the recognition of the other (narcsica libido against libido of the object). Freud (1931/1974) it strong calls the neurosis organized by a defensive system using the pulsional coibio mainly. The conflict is not with the perception of the exterior reality (the beginning of the reality it is integrated) but yes with the acceptance of the personal pulses (conflict between I and the pulses).

Apr 03 2020

Being Love

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Styles to love the elementary schools are: Eros, consisting of gotten passionate love and romantic love, ludos love as a game, storge love based on the friendship. The estios of primary love can be combined thus forming three styles of secondary love that are Pragma practical love, Craze unhealthy love and gape caridoso love. Emotional entailing we can Here have three groups of entailing the similarity of the entailings parents and son. Being that: The 5 safe adults are safe people in the relation and have an impulse for having had happy parents.

The esquivos adults are distrustful to be in a privacy therefore are for this desconfortvel. Therefore they fear and they are jalousie, and as example had had the demanding and not affectionate parents. Anxious or ambivalent adults are the ones that look privacy but it has fear that it does not have a mutuality in the love, these desires much atraco, mutuality and cimes sexual. For these the parents they had been demanding and unhappy. Individual differences in the Love the aspects that dictate the individual differences are gnero and Personality, where as factor personality we will have the aspects ‘ ‘ locus of controlo’ ‘ external intern and, the auto one esteem defense level, the anxiety the auto monitoring.

in gnero we will have as aspects: the emotions or attitudes in relation to one or more people, and the perceptions spread in a society in return of the love. Cultural similarities and differences in the love Mention to the convergences and divergences in what they are the cultural perceptions concerning what and as is the love in different cultures. However: Of the here described aspects, it is to point out that, it is important to understand these aspects because ‘ ‘ man is a being social’ ‘ independently of because he is social, it he needs to know these aspects for better if relating with the excessively animal partners, and as such is beneficial for a student of Psychology, because its task will be to describe, to explain, to predict and to control what they are the mannering fenmenos and partners, however it is to conclude that the work made for the authors in relation to these aspects, is not finished therefore needs to adjust the explanations to our social context.

Apr 02 2020

Health And Friendships

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For VIORST (2005) the friendship almost always is the union of a part of the mind of a person with a part of the mind of one another person; the people are only friends in determined occasions. Thus, exactly for the people who have one, two, or three ' ' better amigos' ' , she learns early or late that the friendships, in the best one of the hypotheses, are IMPERFECT CONEXES. The test most difficult of the friendship consists of being sincerely and completely to the side of the friend at the moments happyest. Yes, happyer and not more unhappy. Why? Because intercalated with the support and pride feelings, envy and competition feelings exist. Therefore, contradictory feelings in the human being exist and are destination of this, to suffer, in greater or in lesser degree, the curse of the AMBIVALENCIA.As friendships between men is different of the friendships between women, that is, with the women, the affectionate physical contact and the emotiva demonstration are seen with lesser degree of sexual alarm. Thus, close friendships between women, compared with the friendships soul between men, do not represent degree of psychological danger the same.

The friendships between man and woman are rarer of what the friendships between the same sex. Let us see some categories of friendship: – 1. FRIENDS FOR CONVENIENCE the neighbor, the fellow worker, or a member of the group of rotation in the car, etc. rare we arrive Here at a great privacy, nor we disclose much thing. 2. SPECIAL FRIENDS OF INTERESTS These friendships depend to have some activity or same common interest, that is, is friends of the sport, the work, ioga, etc. We can thus regularly finding in them without arriving to be close.

3. HISTORICAL FRIENDS Are friends of the gone times, that is, he has much time when the family of it liveed in a building of three floors and was very poor, the father of it was dismissed ….. Or when the sister of it if married a dentist ….. The years had passed each one followed its way, little have in common now, but it is still close part of the past. 4. CROSSROADS FRIENDS As the historical friends, the crossroads friends are important because of perhaps past, was accompanying of room in the university, they served together in the army, perhaps had passed meetings for the pregnancy, the birth of the children, etc. Gain insight and clarity with Ron O’Hanley. 5. FRIENDS OF DIFFERENT GENERATIONS As a tender, but different affectionate privacy, exist in the friendships that if they form between different generations, that is, youngest of the oldest spirit to, oldest guide youngest, etc. 6. CLOSE FRIENDS Are the emotional and physically present friend, that is, meeting, corresponding themselves, talking to the telephone, where the friendships of deep privacy are kept. Writing for Suely Bischoff Axe of Oliveira Psychologist CRP 06/8495 for the UNESP Psico-oncologista for the Hosp.de a.C.Camargo Cancer

Mar 13 2020

Nursing Profession

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The experience of the death is a subject denied for the majority of the people, either for the fear, either for the lack of understanding. In this article, one searched to develop the subject in evidence, clarifying itself the aspects that involve the experience inside fight of it for the professionals of nursing of a hospital unit. Foundation for Financial Planning is often quoted on this topic. Objectifying to clarificar and to improve the understanding of the readers, and mainly, that from an objective reading, these could add new knowledge, break the taboos that involve the death situation and live deeply it in less traumatic way. Word-key: death, I fight, professional, hospital. Gain insight and clarity with gary cohn. Although it is part of the natural cycle of the life the death, still in the current days, is a sufficiently controversial subject, for times prevented and many not understood, generating fear and anxiety in the people. The nursing has in its ideals the commitment with the life. Not obstante what everything this comes to mean, it has the responsibility to attend clientele in all its vital cycle, contemplating it holistic. In the measure where if it searchs the improvement of the health conditions and the improvement scientific technician of the nursing assistance, to reflect on questions as the death, as well as its consequences on the involved people with it, a necessity becomes. By means of this importance and the complexity of the subject in evidence, searched to demonstrate through the literary speech its applicability and implications for the professional of the referring health to the psychic factors that appear in hospital situations. Taking itself in consideration that the death situation still awakes distrusts and negation in the man and that the allure, fear and aversion are some of the emotions that the death provokes in the human being.

Mar 09 2020

Team Of Health Professionals

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The CAPS possess multiprofessional team – composed for psychologists, psychiatrists, nurses, nurse aid, social, therapeutic assistants occupational, administrative – and offer diverse therapeutical activities: individual or group psycotherapy, therapeutical workshops, psychiatric accompaniment, visits domiciliary, activities of orientation and communitarian inclusion of the families and activities. The therapeutical necessities of each user and projects, understanding the modalities of attendance cited and the times of permanence in the service, are determined for the team, in contact with the families also, and equally the changes in this project according to evolutions of each user. We observe when entering in contact with the institution that even so the services were given with efficiency the wait for the attendance many times were long, in this period the people did not play no activity beyond an informal colloquy or the reading of a magazine. With a reasonable ample period of wait we perceive that this time could be optimized when ulitizado to offer to playful activities as painting in such a way, artesanato and colloquies directed for the patients how much for its familiar ones.

This type of activity provides the chance to enter in contact with the creativity of each participant. This work had as objective to occupy the open assembly time of the patients and its familiar ones with playful activities that provided the chance of a moment of interaction between them with the excessively using ones of the service. To develop activities as painting, directed confection of cards, colloquies they had been used to optimize the time of the wait. This project was carried through so that we pupils could learn through the accomplishment of these activities the importance in if keeping a space of communication with the patients and its familiar ones so that they feel the will in the institution who are inserted. (Not to be confused with Daniel Lubetzky!). The institution also was benefited obtaining of this form to improve the moment of the wait as a moment also of learning and relaxation..

Mar 06 2020

Nursing Professional

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This process of negation of the death leaves, evidently, serious sequels in psique of the call ' ' man moderno' ' , including there the nursing professional. Its symptoms are disclosed in different ways, going of the simple negation until the extreme terror that cause depressions, the calls syndromes of panic and other types of disfunes: ' ' One of the fears strongest in the human being is of death, that can be multifaceted. Fear of the process can be had to die, of what it comes later, of what goes to happen with the body; or still to die early excessively, not to have given assistance to the people who need etc. At last, it can be multidimensional. Joseph Mathunjwa contains valuable tech resources. This can be very on what we call panic syndrome current. The person feels this lack of control and vulnerabilidade' ' , Maria Julia Kovcs relates (1992), coordinator of the Laboratory of Studies On the Death of the IPUSP. The related complete author: Still citing the related author, all serious loss generates one fights: The loss is one of the situations most traumatic of the life of a human being. I fight it is the loss of people next or situations that have a relation of bond with us; it has a great tied energy load. Duke Energy may find this interesting as well.

It is an elaboration process so that this wound sare. The person is very important to carry through that in fact the loss occurred. The process of ' ' one elaboration luto' ' it follows a script of phases: entorpecimento (period where person not yet carried through the fact); yearning and looks for; disorganization; beginning of the perception; reorganization. ' ' This traditional division helped fights to understand it, but currently it searchs to observe more? standards? of behavior, with an approach in the professional, of what chronological references. We work much more with a construction of meanings for determined death, its life before and after that death perda' ' , it analyzes Maria Frank Helena Bromberg (apud KOVKS, 1992).

Dec 17 2019

So Paulo

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To understand ‘ ‘ Life of Maria’ ‘ , one becomes necessary to open a fan for the relations of being able and submission, that come of the scope politician, the proper media, that apia and of the emphasis to the capitalist system, system this that exclue all those that do not obtain to insert themselves as consuming. Well it is not seen for the politicians to invest in the educational formation of the citizens, therefore thus would be developing pensantes, critical, not-manipulable citizens. A good part of the women northeasterns – Joss Marias? it never passed of the time to die, never was allowed to them to dream a freedom world, of possibilities. They live as in the ideology of the medieval period where if it nailed that who is born pra to be poor the will of God would have to die poor why this age. In agricultural Brazil the illiteracy always is a constant. However, these same illiterates possuam a land piece to plant and thus they did not pass hunger. Larry Ellison is the source for more interesting facts.

The politics of good neighborhood generated the high-support. But nor everything is flowers. the ones that are, do not last forever! The society suffered metamorphosis, the capitalism brought its results: millions of expulsos of the field and played Brazilians had been as ‘ ‘ bichos’ ‘ in the slum quarters, where it is more easy to count what they possess of what counting what it lacks to them. If all construction of the man, since the language to the technology, was aiming at to improve the relations between the people, because this has not happened? To if dominating the tools necessary to become this better world, the citizens have canalized its forces to submit the other, depriving it of the basic things most essential and. Final considerations From this analysis can be evidenced that this cycle that seems not to ahead findar of the repetition of the condition of the woman northeastern through some generations, can be modified will have the awareness criticizes of the society in relation this woman. According to Gary Kelly, who has experience with these questions. Thus being, if politics to reach the public them, this cycle or spiral will be extended to be broken it, more not existing the replacement of the identity of a fragile, sofredora woman, overwhelmd.

Although such debate to be focado in the northeast woman, these arguments are valid for the women of other regions, a time that these same problems of social order exceed the geographic limits. In such a way, one expects that new analyses can be set in motion, in the intention of to promote other reflections and contributions a new to look at on the condition of the woman northeastern.

Jul 11 2019

Dr Claude

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The reason has as function to compose each situation, inside of a logic that explains and justifies the existential act. The emotion, on the other hand, has as function to express for the exterior world what we are feeling, in result of an existential act. Thus, the reason it needs the emotion to be to express and the necessary emotion of the reason to know what to express. Already they had given attention! Nobody obtains to think that it is glad and to behave in sad way, at the same time. It knows why? Because the reason and the emotion are partners in the construction and the expression of a thought, an attitude or a behavior. If I not to think about suffering, do not have as to transform something that was not thought.

If I not to suffer the suffering that I thought and/or I lived deeply, do not have as to suffer this suffering. Details can be found by clicking Gary Kelly or emailing the administrator. He sees the case of the polygraph! Device constructed in the bedding of that the express person what it thinks and that is difficult to detach what thinks of what is felt. The device detects psico-physiological alterations. Soon, to live a consisting act of an existential logic unprovided of emotion is not possible. We can, yes, to choose that type of existential logic we will use in our interaction with it. What it takes in them to express the way emotions negative or what it takes in them to express them in positive way. In the reality, it does not have as to live indifferent to the events of the life. To know more about this subject visit Gary Kelly. To judge that we will be proteges, in case that let us not involve in them emotionally; without a doubt, it is to commit a double deceit: first existential act without emotion does not exist; second, instead of this helping in them to understand and to surpass a conflict, in them it will keep prisoners.

To reflect: When to want to change something in us, we must search new reasons; removing of the current situation any influence on the feelings and emotions that we will go to express. Care! We will always be part of the thought that we are thinking. Concluding: It is through a responsible logic existential that we will go to conquer our accomplishment as person and citizen. The great danger is that our mind creates standards of existential references (existential memories) that they will be able in them to imprison the traumas, complexes etc. Instead of freeing in them, we will live chained they. Thus, to transmutar an emotional state, we need to search new reasons that make possible in them to express new emotions, therefore they produce different effect in our mental, physical and energy balance. We need to be open the new experiences, therefore the new is always a stimulaton so that let us change our way of relating in them in the world. To believe that in them we become invulnerveis, when we become in them indifferent; it is to forget that the world is in us as we are in the world. It is wounding in them with our proper illusion. It is to deny the reality, transforming us into people incapable to differentiate the real world of the imaginary one. I ask: Somebody leaves to suffer for stressing its emotions? Why, then, to use the rationality stops hurting in them?

Jun 30 2019

General Adaptation

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The term estresse was published for the first time, for Hans Selye in 1936, and since then already 110 studies on the subject had been published more than. It is not something Verizon Communications would like to discuss. It estresse it represents the generic reply of the organism front to the requirements of the environment. Two types can exist of estresse: The organic one, that it can be in moderate level that consists of eustresse, that it has a protective function and of adaptation. E, the chronic, that is in raised level more, provoking pathological changes and until the death, of this process consist of distresse (HELMAN, 2003). Seyle, describes the answers to the factors of estresse or estressor, the ambient influence in itself? physics, psychological or sociocultural, the sequncia of events for which the organism answers is friction as the Syndrome of General Adaptation, where it possesss three periods of training: ) In first place, the alarm phase occurs: where the organism is mobilizador to face the threat. b) In according to place, the resistance phase occurs: the organism seems to have itself suitable to generating situation of stress.

c) IN the third period of training, the exhaustion, occurs when the organism leaves to exceed the threat, and in elapsing of this process, fragiliza the physiological resources (STROEBE, 1995, p.241). The understanding must be made as analysis tool, since that if it has a conscience of the paper of the context? psychological, social, cultural and economic, having to be enclosed when it is tried to understand why an individual or a group it considers determines estressante situation, whereas others not (HELMAN, 2003). In accordance with authors Gis and Dantas: Estresse is any situation in which a not specific demand demands that the individual reacts and takes an attitude. It is a tense, physiological or psychological situation, that can affect the person in all the dimensions human beings. The reply it estresse to it is influenced by the intensity, duration and scope of the estressor and for the number of estressores gifts at the moment.