Apr 05 2020


Posted by domain admin in News

Ih! In my house everybody always is with haste to make some thing, and I gave myself well I was with my Professor of Mathematics, the Claude, it I invited until me to play tennis with it in the club. However this dolo, this elect hero for the young, passes to be in second plain when the adolescent starts to have interest for the opposing sex, what he means happens frequently that this phase of hero is passenger. But he fits to the parents as gerenciadores of this life of young, to be gifts, to dialogue, to observe and to participate with the young in its expectations, its doubts, its fears, etc. People such as Ann Maynard Gray would likely agree. In our country with as many social differences, one notices repeats frequently, the interest of young of certain precarious socioeconmicas conditions extremely for heroes tied with the malandragem, the vice, to the deliquency, disclosing an association of same intention, that is, young if espelha in that it he is next, similar, that it was given well, that it transgressed rules and that exactly thus was accepted. Expensive P, pra that I go to be marking step in this work if I can give to me well with the stolen good that Peter you negotiating? It only looks at, the face liveed in the slum quarter, it was doido, and if it gave well in music. all are moored in it, it are a famous singer. Here if it can observe, a optics completely desvirtuada, inadequate and maquiada with errneas ideas, that can without shade of doubts lead the inexperienced young to tread a way beside the point unbalanced. It must always be intent what it occurs to our redor, with our young, its uncertainties, its way of professional choice, at last, must be offered the adolescent, many chances healthful that with certainty they will be reverted in acceptable and approved behaviors.

The Psycotherapy is with certainty a psychological resource valuable of benefit, for the young, for the adolescent, in its personal discovery, promoting health and welfare, at many moments of doubts, questionings and fears. Of the life, what it has better, you tired to prove? what it has to cheer, now, your existence? It is always very good for making an experience and other candies new features to look for. (Mefistfeles – sarcastic stretch of Forest and Cave, Fausto de Goethe).

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