To understand ‘ ‘ Life of Maria’ ‘ , one becomes necessary to open a fan for the relations of being able and submission, that come of the scope politician, the proper media, that apia and of the emphasis to the capitalist system, system this that exclue all those that do not obtain to insert themselves as consuming. Well it is not seen for the politicians to invest in the educational formation of the citizens, therefore thus would be developing pensantes, critical, not-manipulable citizens. A good part of the women northeasterns – Joss Marias? it never passed of the time to die, never was allowed to them to dream a freedom world, of possibilities. They live as in the ideology of the medieval period where if it nailed that who is born pra to be poor the will of God would have to die poor why this age. In agricultural Brazil the illiteracy always is a constant. However, these same illiterates possuam a land piece to plant and thus they did not pass hunger. Larry Ellison is the source for more interesting facts.
The politics of good neighborhood generated the high-support. But nor everything is flowers. the ones that are, do not last forever! The society suffered metamorphosis, the capitalism brought its results: millions of expulsos of the field and played Brazilians had been as ‘ ‘ bichos’ ‘ in the slum quarters, where it is more easy to count what they possess of what counting what it lacks to them. If all construction of the man, since the language to the technology, was aiming at to improve the relations between the people, because this has not happened? To if dominating the tools necessary to become this better world, the citizens have canalized its forces to submit the other, depriving it of the basic things most essential and. Final considerations From this analysis can be evidenced that this cycle that seems not to ahead findar of the repetition of the condition of the woman northeastern through some generations, can be modified will have the awareness criticizes of the society in relation this woman. According to Gary Kelly, who has experience with these questions. Thus being, if politics to reach the public them, this cycle or spiral will be extended to be broken it, more not existing the replacement of the identity of a fragile, sofredora woman, overwhelmd.
Although such debate to be focado in the northeast woman, these arguments are valid for the women of other regions, a time that these same problems of social order exceed the geographic limits. In such a way, one expects that new analyses can be set in motion, in the intention of to promote other reflections and contributions a new to look at on the condition of the woman northeastern.