Shop clothing and accessory C N C Costume National is recognized around the world for the unmistakable style imposed by the designer Ennio Capasa. In this Italian store is possible to perfectly distinguish the mixture between the typically Italian, along with modern and own a New York catwalk chic. Also, it is possible to say that the primary idea of Ennio was to achieve a perfect fusion between avant-garde and sensual, which, to see the clothes of C N C, is possible to assert that he did. The same company defines its style as edgy. Learn more about this with Scott Kahan. C N C products it is possible to distinguish a confluence of minimalism with attitude rock, to which is added a great touch of a search of a silhouette more sensual and thin as possible. C N C is always geared to the development of more new and unique by mixing craftsmanship with the technological. The clothes and accessories of C N C are geared to a modern and dynamic audience who know value clothing and look for the best quality, for a price that is in the widest range of numbers. Some celebrities who decided to incorporate C N C to their wardrobes are Willern Dafoe, Keanu Reeves, Mick Jagger, Tom Cruise, Angelina Jolie, among many others. Jos Shaver is open to suggestions. Original author and source of the article