Oct 04 2018


Posted by domain admin in News

The process of I fight one reveals well-occurred and he is conscientiously accepted when the death was taken as real and the familiar one presents availability for personal investments, keeping livings creature the feelings in relation the person who if was, recouping auto-esteem and the valuation of the ego (OLIVEIRA and LOPES, 2008). The individual that is sick passes for many emotions and thoughts, is they it fear of the suffering, of as its life will be and of what will go to happen to it, fear to feel pain, fear of the dependence, therefore with the advance of the illness can need aid to make things that before made alone. Ron O’Hanley often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Other feelings that can appear are of anger and discourage front the situation, have shocked, negation, acceptance, among others. This reaction varies of person for person, therefore each one in accordance with reacts the situations its beliefs, values and way of life until the moment (MORAES, 2009). When it knows of the terminal phase of the illness the patients pass for a phase that is of negation, initially they do not believe that she can be truth. This is a temporary defense, being soon substituted for a partial acceptance. It is important to respect the desire not to accept the illness (KUBLER-ROSS, 2008). When a period of training of the negation cannot more be kept comes the period of training of the anger, with feelings of anger, revolt, envies and resentment, the patient always complaint of everything, at this moment it needs time and attention, therefore either who will be that this anger is being unloaded nothing has to see with these people and to answer with the same behavior goes to get worse the situation of the patient, feeding its hostile behavior (KUBLER-ROSS, 2008). The third period of training is of the bargain, using the previous experiences, the patient knows that it has bigger possibility of being rewarded if holding well.

Jun 20 2018

Growth Responsibility

Posted by domain admin in News

Not I absolutely know nothing of its wife, exactly because it does not leave itself to know. But I feel that it needs aid. It needs to give to more possibility and life more. It needs to believe that she is leaving for the world that we grow inside of our marriage. That she is necessary to risk more and without previous planning. you have the responsibility to make to create it courage to leave its zone of comfort and mundinho perfect that it created for vocs. Other point is that you have the responsibility not to hurt this another person, who for what you wrote is playing in you the responsibility for its proper joy, you entitulando the rescuer of its life (she also worries what me). Imperfections exist there.

Growth without suffering does not exist, this is integrant part of the process. Therefore it has courage to live this moment in its life and to learn with it, whichever the lies to be learned. in more, if all the involved ones to suffer a bit in the end, are part. ‘ ‘ People run the risk to suffer a little when if cativar.’ left; ‘ Small Prince. Kiss for you. Courage and I am always here of the other side of the line. Perhaps it has said excessively and not fond to the place none. If to want to talk, is to write alone me. Taste of you, you always me of a chance to run away from mine mundinho and to forget them my problems and making to be me of victim of my destination. It sees it writes if me.

Jun 14 2017

Silvia Motivation

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Fernando arrives to say that the parents do not have authority with the children, as well as the professors do not have with the pupils, leaving the side punishment, that is the factor that it believes to be the .causing greater of this disobedience. When being inquired on the alternatives for the combat of the indiscipline, Silvia says that it is a question of comment and research of the functioning of the lesson advice, so that it can create circumstances of dialogue between the pupils. Already the interviewed professor standes out the basic importance of the psychologist, which working in set the pedagogia of the school will show the nimbleness where the aspects of the human development are formed: ' ' Psychology can show that the developments cognitivo, affective, aesthetic, social and moral constitute aspects of an only harmonic development humano' ' (BECKER, 2006, P. 01). In this way, the professional of the area of psychology assumes a significant role, acting as agent of changes, taking care of the organizacionais general demands of the institution and in the accompaniment of the accomplishment of psicopedaggicas programs of re-education, operating I assist in it to the professor before the situation of the pupil, as in the proper case of the indiscipline. 2.5. The motivation of the pupils Corroborating Eccheli (2008), detaches, still, the idea of Brophy, a writer who characterizes the motivation as being of two types; the intrinsic one that she is that one that if gets through satisfactory results of some lived deeply and the extrinsical one, distinguished experience as an emotional state caused by determined stimulatons that cause to the interest of the pupils for the activities proposals through profit of you reward or other resources that contribute for the increase of this behavior. Eccheli (2008 apud GUIMARES, 2001) agrees that the use of compliments, in the case of the extrinsical motivation, is more efficient ahead the motivation of what the material gratuity, that is rewards, it is important if tied with some activity and the compliment must serve pra to produce the motivation that beyond a return on such performance of the pupil, also possesss affective component, fortifying the interest.

Nov 20 2016


Posted by domain admin in News

And there seems to be a vicious circle. After all, total freedom – is nirvanic state and reached his little. And the body needs with their physiological or psychological subordination in this case cease to be the object of attention and consideration. Then there is a reasonable question, but what makes a person not familiar with either the highest meditative state, nor with the nature of addiction? Recipe for one. Study himself inch by inch, watch and try to learn to tailor their instrumental in person at least to some extent. (As opposed to Gary Kelly).

And here without awareness of the problem depends not do. Here's what they think about the nature of dependence, some researchers in area and psychology. "Man lives satisfaction of their desires, fears, struggles, vanity, entertainment and amusements, mindless sport, business intelligence and gambling, priobretatelstvom, sensuality, mind-numbing daily work, daily care and concern, and most of all – the subordination of pleasure and submission, and if he ceases to obey the same power, it immediately begins to obey the other. " pd Ouspensky "A new model of the universe." "We – the machine, we are totally controlled by external circumstances. All our actions follow in the direction of least resistance to pressure of external circumstances. " G. G "Conversations with students." "A man of habit," it's almost a "mechanical man" since the images themselves derive from it a certain behavior, and he need not take any decision or to govern themselves.

" M. Orlov. "Rise to individuality. " In one series of documentary video series "Game Gods", author and film director Sergei explores the habit, as one of the restrictions, without breaking it up into categories of good – bad.

Apr 05 2016

Marie Lenormand

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Maps, which enjoyed Maria Lenormand, were the most ordinary. Only treatment was her own, largely based on rules imposed Eteylloy (special card – "blank", "carte blanche" – to ask or questioner, accounting, direct and reverse positions, etc.). After her death (1843) nor any special cards, nor the more notes on divination has survived, although many wrote Lenormand. But it was mostly a memoir of meetings with famous people and philosophical reflections on the future of France. Methods Marie Lenormand was only partially restored and described by her disciples and followers. The most successful reconstruction of cartomancy Mary Lenormand made the Flemish fortuneteller Erna Drusbeke. To facilitate the work of intuition Erna Drusbeke made a 36 card is usually a French deck symbolic figures, the interpretation which is not difficult: it is clear means that the sun is the joy, warmth and light, a ring – marriage, and the cross – suffering.

In addition to the usual (ace of diamonds, nine of spades, and so on), and the cards have their own special numbering that enables diviners to find new numerological relationship. These maps have we are not yet available, but we can take an ordinary deck renumbered card again and use this system: the result of this will be no worse. Lay out the maps can be any of you all know how, here we give only one alignment, which was used most girl Lenormand and even now rarely used fortune-teller. Laid out all the cards in 4 horizontal rows of 9 cards each. After that, they sought Map questioner ("Form"): if this man, the ace of hearts (N 28, master), if a woman – the ace of spades (N 29, mistress). If you are wondering at the child, asking for the card can be taken Jacks Peak (N 1913, Child). After this vertical column, which hit map Ask me before accepting a number of present and all that is left of it, belongs to the past, all right – for the future.

Dec 03 2015

Retrograde Planets

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Since ancient times, our ancestors knew about the impact of retrograde planets in all human activities. This is particularly true of the retrograde Mercury, Venus and Mars. Period of retrograde planet comes at a time when she slows down and begins to move back down. A few weeks later the planet resumes movement in direktnom direction. This information you need is not for 'banal erudition', but rather for personal gain. There are several relatively simple rules, applying to, you save yourself from many problems, save lots of time, health and money.

So, let us imagine, Mercury retrograde! This smart little time to stay retrograde three times during the year, an average of 24 days. This time it is enough to frustrate any innocent people, disrupting important travel and business meetings. Also, when Mercury is in retrograde in droves occur confusion, misunderstanding, confusion, deception and self-deception is lost or delayed mail, failure of equipment. During this period, is highly undesirable to sign any documents to get a job, starting a career, move to a new place to buy home appliances, phones, computer, cars. From buying all sorts of expensive things and apartments are also possible, to abstain (can happen deception). Webmasters: you should not register with the affiliate programs and catalogs, to produce new sites, I warn you once, nothing will. It is best to use this time to complete the already initiated cases, but the plan new useless. In In 2009, Mercury will be retrograde from January 11 to February 1, from 7 to 31 May, from 7 to 29 September and from December 26 to January 15, 2010.

Next in importance is beautiful Venus. It is retrograde ('not in the spirit') about 40 days, but with intervals of 19 months. Very unfavorable it is time for change in his personal life, it is useless to make new acquaintances, to enter into marriage (relations would soon be canceled). Questions of personal property, real estate, Finance is not worth raising, may be mistakes. Buy expensive clothes and jewelry should be delayed failure may be exhibitions of artists, all the arts going through difficult times. In 2009, Venus retrograde from March 6 to April 17. Closes our trinity of Mars, which is as much as 2.5 months every 2 years is retrograde ('cultural' rest, I suppose). Incidentally, it is better not to bother at this time, that is not to start a new cycle of physical activity, sports, military training and conflict. It is undesirable that time, and for litigation, as well as surgical operations, buying a car and dangerous journeys. In 2009, Mars retrograde from December 20 to March 10, 2010.

Apr 22 2014

Game Control

Posted by domain admin in News

Each family member is in daily contact with many close friends. It is included in various complicated relationship, also serves a lot of social roles, often poorly mating with each other. Social competence, in a sense, resourcefulness, and simultaneously dialogical-that is what a child learns very early. With such a family organization is often the question of power – the main one. He decided in the context of any communication: Dad forbids, and her mother allows the child something, it's all done with a child and a hidden message in this case is: 'The child listens to me, not you, then I am more important. " It briefly about the situation, now more: First Underwater Stone – "power and control." The outside world at times of social and economic instability is perceived as hostile, dangerous and unpredictable. "Rules of the Game" for many changes, becoming in many respects contradictory interests of the people, preventing them realize their goals. Sharply increased anxiety of the individual and the situation does not allow control of the important elements of life and thus make the situation more predictable.

Need to control and use it in the removal of anxiety is not going anywhere. And if you can not globally control over their lives and the external situation, then you can take this concern small "chunks". Free for this area human life – is communication. With communication we can try to control other people to raise their status by humiliating others. Family suited for this could not be more out there worthy and permanent partners for this brutal game.

Feb 14 2014

Life Changed

Posted by domain admin in News

Today we will talk about how people choose their path in life and what mistakes they do make. Mistake 1. Lack of choice as it may seem strange, but most people just make the choice about which way they go through life. All thrown at random. How will. As a result of their throws on life as an autumn leaf in the wind. Go to college because they suggest an acquaintance. Went to the section, because praise.

Got a job, because close to home. As a result, work is boring, miserable life, family, Sick of it. Quarreled with the head, changed jobs. Quarreled with his wife, changed his wife. Quarreled with the body, replaced the light on that. Why live? It is not clear. Mistake 2.

Waiting for a miracle variation of the first error. All the same thing, but hope for a miracle. That tomorrow will be quite different. Something changed in the life and the mechanism occurs around a beautiful garden full of blooming roses. Just not today. But soon, very soon. Well, not really soon, but always will be. The idea that if you want a garden, you have to grow, such as never occurs. Mistake 3. Hard work squirrels in a wheel in this case the person is ready to work day and night, but he did not know what he wants. He working two jobs, takes overtime. All his strength and health is investing in the endless rat race. Rather, more soon. Relax once, hurt once.

Oct 04 2012

The Center

Posted by domain admin in News

Ahead of this, valley to consider that the history of the movement was not painless much less easy and, of the processes of transformation in years 70, however, had come to result in the law 180, this that says in its first articles, that will also not have to be constructed lunatic asylums and, imposes the elaboration of alternative solutions for the psychiatric assistance, anchoring it sanitary reform. The psychiatric circuit, that previously counted only on the psychiatric hospital, walked in direction to the joint of a more complex and perfected operative model. Together with all this process, it was possible to verify that previously, at the moment where if gave attention to the person in crisis, if it was simplifying the individual in the symptom, however, is passvel to consider that the crisis condition corresponds to a complex existencial situation, thus, is perceived how much the resources and instruments to confront them must be complex also, that is, it became necessary the understanding of the existing complexity of the appearance of psychiatric demand e, inside of this demand, the complexity of the crisis. Then, the attention of the service to the situation of the patient in its complexity, as a whole of social subjetividades, material relations and condition of life becomes evident, in addition the experience of hospitality in the Center, in such a way lives deeply in them of the patient how much of the familiar ones, it represents an operation of dismount, practical and symbolic of ' ' modality internao' '. Something more to be salient, is the fact of that the Italian psychiatry was not most advanced, however, in years 70, where a school practical-theoretician, whose works coligaram it important social movements, cultural and proper politicians of those years, had determined a situation that led to law 180. Being that, this law that was the first one to restitute the right to the citizenship of all, therefore before it the mental sick people did not have this right.