All the engine scooters, mopeds, motorcycles and ATVs can be divided into two categories according to engine type – two-stroke and four-cycle. Features of operation and maintenance of each model is largely conditioned by the type of engine. Further details can be found at Bernard Golden , an internet resource. Four-stroke engine is located in the cylinder head, intake and exhaust valves that appears on the camshaft lobes, which in turn receives the rotation from the crankshaft is usually through the chain of transmission. If during the piston down from tdc to bdc (stroke) the intake valve is opened and the fuel mixture of air and gasoline vapor, cooked in the carburetor, under dilution enters the cylinder. Piston reaches bdc, the inlet cluster pan closed, then the piston moves upward, compressing the mixture (compression stroke). For more information see this site: Phil Vasan.
When the piston approaches tdc the spark plugs, screwed into the cylinder head, ignites the mixture. The temperature and pressure of gases in closed volume of the cylinder increases rapidly and the piston under the influence of this pressure goes down, then rotate the crank through the crankshaft (stroke). Upon reaching the bottom of the piston cylinder pressure drops, open exhaust valve, and then the piston goes up again, forcing the exhaust gases in the exhaust pipe, muffler and into the atmosphere (release). When the piston reaches tdc, the exhaust valve closes, the inlet valve opens, and the whole cycle repeats. The working process is obtained consisting of four cycles, respectively, passing for four stroke or two turns of the crankshaft. Working stroke is only 1 / 4 of the cycle, the movement of the piston during remaining cycles is ensured by the inertia of crankshaft and associated rotating parts.
Cheers, from February 16, 2010 shall come into force the changes and amendments to the Administrative Code on the work of mobile stalls Sellers striped rods (road traffic police patrol). Of the "Russian newspaper", it became clear – when and where staff mobile cash collection points may stop wanting to part with it. The new regulation clearly stipulates that a mobile stall "traffic police" must stand so that other members traffic could see him. Latent offer its services staff stalls is prohibited. And if they will hide it from their services still do not give up and just complain.
Especially since there is a nuance, stalls with striped Chopsticks can hide in the bushes if they are monitoring the traffic on the road with , and visibility is limited "natural fractures relief arrangement twists and elements of the road network ". This means that the most honest officers "good offices" come out of the shadow of the bushes, and can now put their mobile stalls at stops, trash tank and other objects are not natural habitats. Also, officers can still raise the roof racks of their stalls and obscure the view of the special color, but now they do it can only if the "instruments" measure the size of your wallet are installed in boot and run "automatically". If this "device" is in the hands of the brave officers then opened the trunk of a violation of regulations. In addition, you can now not afraid of werewolves in the dark.
In the dark time of day employees are required, located on the illuminated sections of the road, and bring not only the "striped sticks", but to be dressed in an appropriate manner fancy suits with all sorts of sparkles, reflectors and reflective tinsel. Another new regulation has touched those employees who did not spare his strength and motor vehicles, for the benefit of society are patrolling day and night on their personal vehicles. Now they can not stop and make money, but are entitled only to fix the violation, and the nearest mobile telephone kiosk with a special color or in a stationary position, where you happily served. But the most important and not pleasant for all road users, this is an item on the prosecutors, judges and investigators upc. This paragraph prohibits employees fined or even sent to medosvidetelstvovanie in the case of apparent intoxication, higher these persons, here it is the highest form of justice in our country.
Lending to the population for consumption purposes in the past year, remains one of the fastest developing areas of the banking sector. Significantly increased the number of people wanting to take advantage of mortgage loan or purchase a car loan. Life in the loan became the norm. In 2002, residents have taken car loan for 700 million dollars, and in 2007 – already at $ 17 billion. Having more money for the purchase of machinery, the Russians prefer to buy expensive and high-quality cars. Upward trend in auto loan segment will continue the next three years. Market demand is stable and banks are creating more simple and at the same time beneficial to customers lending program for the purchase of a car. For example, some banks are launching a new car loan program.
Loan without income verification. To buy a car, you do not have income, but it's important to be married. Client should submit to the bank or showroom only two documents: a copy of your passport and the passport of the spouse and a second identification document. In 2012 Russia will be sold almost 5.5 million cars (From 2007 – 2.7 million). However, the demand will be higher.
Despite the massive construction of factories, manufacturing accounted for only about 2 million cars. So what will inevitably grow import of new and used vehicles. By Projections Rosavtodor, park cars in the country by 2012 will almost double (up to 48.4 million units). It is unlikely that the road network will be developed as rapidly. The richer the country, the more the cars for personal Use buy it citizens. Now, with gdp of about $ 8000 per capita, as in other countries with such indicators, per 1000 people 180 cars. By 2020, gdp per capita in Russia will grow to $ 25 000-30 000, respectively, the number of cars will increase to 600 by 1000. Car sales for cash in Russia is growing at roughly the same pace as gdp. Due to the development of the industry of car loans residents received ability to spend on cars a lot more than they earn.
At the moment car repair offer ample opportunities internal and external tuning. In the process of internal tuning is carried out structural improvements car, due to which the specifications improved. Tuning involves changing the external appearance of the car. The most popular of them: installing LED lights, auto tinting, airbrush, body painting, etc. In addition, often ordered installation of car audio and pasting vinyl. Why would you want to tint car tinting and types of tinting car – one of the most popular among the customers directions of the external tuning. Its relevance is explained as follows: 1) at toning the windows of cars vehicles look more stylish, and 2) are used for tinting the film the lights go down passing and opposing vehicles and sunlight, which promotes safety, and 3) according to Expert auto tinting is able to absorb ultraviolet light, protecting the vehicle interior from fading. To date, using 3 types of toning: tinting film, installation of stained glass, spraying.
When applied auto tinting spray, glass can otzerkalivat and quickly scratched. Moreover, its price is quite high, and very difficult to remove the coating. When using a film of glass is not scratched and does not grow turbid, it is resistant to both both low and high temperatures and does not go bubbles. You can, of course, purchase and colored glass, but this type of car tinting is not cheap. Increased demand for pasting pasting vinyl vinyl is drawing on a car of vinyl film, drawing and color that the customer chooses itself. In most cases, it can be compared with the temporary tattoo on a car or airbrushing. It happens that pasting car vinyl ordered to provide additional protection for the LPC. Experts advise to produce vinyl film pasting parts of the car, where most of all there chips and scratches and are most susceptible to stress during the ride.
Usually takes less than a vinyl-pasting the day. The film was withdrawn just as quickly with the help of a special fan. However, it is not recommended to organize the dismantling of the vinyl coating on its own. That the price of pasting and removing vinyl vinyl films are available to any motorist in order to preserve paint should refer to the expert in his field. Also, do not be superfluous to emphasize that often, in addition to the above types of tuning to establish a quality auto sound auto.
The average price of a model program for creating electronic catalogs is 150 y. e. The program includes a set of tools for creating electronic catalog and record it on cd. Many companies offer their services to create multimedia electronic catalogs. The standard proposal for the development of an electronic catalog and writing it on CD-ROM includes: – the creation of original design, interface, search system, a system of import data and update the electronic catalog; – developing a template data file (Excel format or XML), which is filled customer – the customer's experts advising on the preparation of data for an electronic catalog – the primary content of the electronic catalog data testing and debugging electronic catalog – Record electronic catalog on CD-ROM – training of specialists working with the client catalog of updates, etc.
This whole complex of works on creation of an electronic catalog in the Moscow-based companies worth – from 1500-2300. is, in other – 300-1000 y. e. Time of making an electronic catalog – 2-3 weeks. The quality of these directories depends on the database, which provides the customer, if its own Soft-making company with no connection to the product manufacturer, it is usually leads to disastrous results. Since the market of electronic catalogs of parts and components (spare parts), tractors and mobile machines there are two most widely promoted Yekaterinburg company (previously it was one, judging by databases), they have made from archival library catalogs, books (publication of the last millennium!) and distribute their e-mail digests of 75 for. .
In Russia today, despite the rapid development of industries in virtually all directions, the production of special and construction equipmqnt in our country is still poor. Like all know the demand for special equipment has now reached a peak here and most companies have to buy foreign machinery, which, unlike ours, is a high demand. Bulldozers and excavators Komatsu, Samsung – enjoyed greater popularity, as compared with the Russian special equipment. Leading position among the exporting machinery occupied China, Japan and Korea, producing a comfortable, reliable and versatile special equipment for all needs. Today is a great demand started to use a new special from China.
Over the past few years, China has increased significantly the number of companies producing quality products. But that does not go to “Chinese counterfeiting, is thoroughly think. Under this special quality is made only in public enterprises. Haulers shaanxi, bulldozers, excavators, wheel loaders xcmg known for their capacity, build quality, as well as ease of use. The Chinese have known since ancient times as the most practical producers choose not to ‘reinvent the wheel “but to improve what has long been someone invented. For example, dump trucks shaanxi built on technology and on the basis of man the most roomy and comfortable, and also not expensive, even compared with Kamaz. Affordable price is due not bad quality and low cost labor and parts. A few words should be said about concrete mixers shaanxi, which differ in a simple design, coupled with good quality and adaptation to Russian conditions. Special machinery from China corresponds to today’s world standards Euro-3 and has minimal impact on the environment. Meets all the requirements of the modern customer, possessing qualities such as mobility, flexibility and increased permeability. All the special equipment from China is available on request, pre-paid services in whole or in making a partial prepayment.