The average price of a model program for creating electronic catalogs is 150 y. e. The program includes a set of tools for creating electronic catalog and record it on cd. Many companies offer their services to create multimedia electronic catalogs. The standard proposal for the development of an electronic catalog and writing it on CD-ROM includes: – the creation of original design, interface, search system, a system of import data and update the electronic catalog; – developing a template data file (Excel format or XML), which is filled customer – the customer's experts advising on the preparation of data for an electronic catalog – the primary content of the electronic catalog data testing and debugging electronic catalog – Record electronic catalog on CD-ROM – training of specialists working with the client catalog of updates, etc.
This whole complex of works on creation of an electronic catalog in the Moscow-based companies worth – from 1500-2300. is, in other – 300-1000 y. e. Time of making an electronic catalog – 2-3 weeks. The quality of these directories depends on the database, which provides the customer, if its own Soft-making company with no connection to the product manufacturer, it is usually leads to disastrous results. Since the market of electronic catalogs of parts and components (spare parts), tractors and mobile machines there are two most widely promoted Yekaterinburg company (previously it was one, judging by databases), they have made from archival library catalogs, books (publication of the last millennium!) and distribute their e-mail digests of 75 for. .