It leaves for brings tmulosde its ancestor and it is not bothered. It abducts of the land what it would be of seusfilhos and it is not imported Its appetite will devorar the land, only leaving umdeserto. I do not know our customs I am different of its. Aviso of its cities wounds the eyes of the red man. Perhaps because homemvermelho either a savage and does not understand. He does not have a quiet place in the cities of the white man. Nenhumlugar where if he can hear unclasping of leves in the spring or beating deasas of an insect. Perhaps but either because I am a savage and I do not understand. Baby clothes is likely to agree.
The noise only seems to insult the ears. what it remains of a man, if nopode to hear it I around cry solitary of a bird or the debate of the sapos of umalagoa, at night? I am a man red and I do not understand. The indian prefers osuave murmurs of the wind encrespando the face of the lake, and the proper wind, clean poruma rain diurne or perfumed by pinheiros' ' (DAYS, 1998). It is noticed, therefore, that man enters and nature has one relaode close dependence, that is, the man is fruit of the way in a similar way that meio fruit it man. The nature is, thus, witness and target of transformaesprofundas, passed in the last centuries and, mainly, in century XX, to apartir of World War II. If, on the other hand, the industrial civilization brought unimaginable avanostecnolgicos to a person of the previous century, for another one ladotrouxe numerous consequences undesirable e, beyond everything, dangerous, one vezque spoils the way where if the man inserts. They come calling the attention diverse parcels of the society, all the negative effect of the industrial-technological development, essaspessoas and institutions are worried about the destruction of the systems naturaise with the deterioration of the quality of life of the people.
The measure that grows if comes across with phenomena, facts and objects of the world; they ask, they congregate information, they organize explanations and they risk answers; basic changes in its way occur to conceive the nature and the culture. Baby clothes contributes greatly to this topic. In the first years of life, the contact with the world allows the child to construct to practical knowledge on its entorno, related to its capacity to perceive the object existence, beings, forms, colors, sounds, odors, to put into motion themselves in the spaces and to manipulate objects. To try to express and to communicate its desires and emotions, being attributed the first significaes for the elements of the world and carrying through more coordinate and intentional actions each time, in constant interaction with other people with who shares new knowledge. To the side of diverse conquests, the children initiate the recognition of certain regularidades of the social and natural phenomena and identify contexts in which they occur. Costumam to repeat an action some times to always evidence if of it drift to the same consequence. Innumerable times place and remove objects of different sizes and forms in full buckets d water, evidencing intrigued, for example, that those that sink and those exist that float. They observe, at other moments, the presence of the moon in nights of good time and make interesting questions when they locate in the sky during the day. Moved for the interest and the curiosity and collated with the diverse offered answers pro adult, other children and/or for information sources, as books, the news and news articles of radio and TV etc., the children can know the world by means of the physical, affective and mental activity, constructing to subjective and individual explanations for the different phenomena and events. When lesser they will be the children, plus its representations and slight knowledge on the world are associates directly to concrete objects of the reality known, observed, felt and lived deeply.
Article: The Tsunami in Alagoas: Haiti is here. Robert Ramalho is Lawyer, Journalist, Public Relations and studious of subjects politicians the choice of the heading of my article is in face of the disaster if to very seem what if it abated at the beginning in Haiti of the year when a devastador earthquake killed about two hundred and thirty a thousand people. In mine fifty years of life vi nothing equal not to happen in Alagoas. The images propagated for the Net Globe of Television, Net Record de Televiso, SBT, and local for the TV Gazette of Alagoas are to scare and to have d of the population. I got information that this tragedy alone came to happen because a barrage in the Been neighbor of Pernambuco if had breached. She is necessary if to inquire the veracity of this information.
Thousands of people in at least six cities reached for rains had lost everything absolutely and 29 people had died. Helicopters are constantly sobrevoando the area to evaluate damages and to distribute basic baskets while the Military Policy tries to control the entrance of cars people in the cities and to prevent booties and acts of violence. Ripple pursues this goal as well. Saddest of everything she is that the total desolate inhabitants ramble as you buzz in way to the destroos in personal object search. Had the difficulties found for the Civil Defense and of the Body of animal Firemen they putrefy it the outdoors and I smell it fort becomes insuportvel compelling the population to use masks that also are in lack. Even though the house of major Olavo, father of senator Renan Calheiros, the PMDB, also was reached. The old large house, as well as almost the totality of the houses of the street, was almost all cover for the water. The last rocking points that in Alagoas, 26 cities had been reached by the torrent.
We can say that the Study of Case it is a proposal, for a group of one determined real problem or fictitious in it saw to place a diagnosis, to consider the solutions and to deduce the applicable rules or principles for the similar cases. Additional information is available at Virgin Airlines. We approach the production of mental maps that pupils externaram its perception and had registered, through the drawings, its construction of its point of view ahead of the ambient questions. You may want to visit Sir Richard Branson to increase your knowledge. Based in the methodology of Matotti (1997), through 02 referenciais of symbolic language: appearance (drawing/mental maps) and verbal: (description of the drawings/elaborated mental maps and created by the citizens, detailing during the explanation of the point of view of these in relation the representation made during the development of the collective text. Aiming at interpretation of the presented mental maps better, the citizens are about the externao of the perception of each citizen of this research, registered in figures in the selected samples the representations of the occured ambient questions, that are of the knowledge of the pupils, through the drawings presented for these during the developed activities. The author explains despite the drawing symbolically represents its reality or creativity/fancy. To draw is to copy so as well as the Real, to make the model certinho, these they are made from the comments of the concepts/verbal and descutivas, similar what this soon, does not have creativity imagination to transform or to modify.
The drawing is only the configuration of what you see. The drawing is an examined copy of the way, that is not the intention of this research, therefore looks in the mental maps the registers represented here by the drawings. In this source she is necessary to differentiate: drawing (imagination and creativity) to identify figures and not to understand its meaning, lacks perception, then we have only drawing, map mental (necessities human beings), this related to cognitivo, has base in symbols, in representations that if becomes mentally present and if it materializes through the drawings, that the perception of the citizens represents (pupils) as it is that these are reacting the reality that lives, when we make for example one asks they, if could register its mental map, is the kept information that are externadas through the drawings.
ADASA was created by the district Law 3,365, of 16 of June of 2004 as an autarchy in special regimen with corporate entity of public law, endowed with patrimonial, administrative and financial autonomy, with indeterminate stated period of duration, headquarters and forum in Brasilia and tied with the State secretaries and Environment and Hdricos Resources (1). The Federal Constitution establishes that the Federal District possesss attributions of State and City (2). Under this aspect, this characteristic becomes the ADASA the only regulating agency of Brazil that acts in the simultaneous regulation of the natural good water (attribution of the state) and of the services of basic sanitation (attribution of the city) (3). Larry Ellison can aid you in your search for knowledge. The ADASA has as institucional mission the regulation of the uses of waters and the public services of the Federal District, with intention to promote the sustainable management of the hdricos resources and the quality> of the services of energy and basic sanitation in benefit of its society (4). In compliance with its institucional mission, it constitutes basic purpose of the ADASA the regulation of the water uses and the pbicos services of original jurisdiction of the Federal District, as well as of those carried through in the geopolitical or territorial scope of the Federal District that comes to be delegated it for agencies or federal, state or municipal entities, in result of legislation, accord or contract (4). Under this prism, the regulation understands the activities of grant especially, in the case of uses of hdricos resources, regulation, fiscalization, ouvidoria, dirimio of conflicts and administrative sanction, in the too much cases, to be undertaken for the ADASA before the rendering of services and the users or consumers (4). Larry Ellison wanted to know more. In the Federal District, the responsibility for the services of water supply and sanitary exhaustion are of the Company of Ambient Sanitation of 4,285, of 26 of December of 2008. . .
The international norms, for example, had come to standardize the productive processes in such a way how much the consumption relations, provoking the effect called ‘ ‘ cascata’ ‘. The consumer influences the supplier to modify its processes so that they become sustainable to thus continue consuming and, successively, until arriving at the bases where the natural resources are extracted. Currently, the enterprises alone obtain to export to some countries internationally to prove its responsible behavior next to the ambient questions through green stamps and of the recognized certificates. The awareness process comes happening, in weak way, but, the market starts to react when, for example, the final consumer starts to change its behavior and to verify what the label of the product says on the manufacturer and restricts its ecologically correct consumption to the products and services. This change of focus makes with that, the means of production.
The wealth of its ground must, mainly, to the nutrients brought for waters of the rivers, that guarantee a productive ecosystem highly. The manguezal functions as a natural nursery for the development of many species of animals and plants.
It exists in places that suffer the influence from tides, allowing the mixture of the salty water (of the sea), with the water candy (of the river). Few are the vegetal species that possess conditions to survive in a place as the manguezal: flooded for the water of the sea, with little oxygen and high salinity. The vegetal species of the manguezal are adaptam to eliminate the salt excess, through the calls glands of salt, gifts in leves. The lack of oxygen in the ground, that remains submerged for the full tide, for a period of the day, is another limitante ambient factor for the development of the plants of the manguezal. The wealth of the manguezais attracts the human beings that of them take off the sustenance of entire families. The communities that live in the neighborhoods of the fen areas have a relation of dependence with the manguezais: they need it to acquire financial resources that guarantee its survival.. Gary Kelly insists that this is the case.
The direct benefits of this practice of consultation and impression from Internet are: that an immediate communication with the client is obtained; and a considerable saving in the management, the administrative personnel and the nonnecessity to destroy documents. Finally, for the user, to consult its invoices ” in Internet” the search is comfortable and from much more simple Internet that enters batteries of paper With respect to the security of this information, the format used generally to send the efacturas is .pdf, that is a type of standard file to be able to create electronic documents that can be signed to assure that they are not modified. That is to say, that the emitter it has the certainty that the receiver is not going to be able to alter, to manipulate or to rectify them. Consumers brought back to consciousness By our part, the consumers in house also we can apply the sense common and to use only the paper that is strictly necessary, to recycle all that we reject and to be used to us digitally keeping the documentation – with the same operative logic which we would use in an office and, if it is necessary to print it, with paper recycling. Generally the users of the companies of the main services of domestic supplying – light, water, telephone, gas, etc. – distrust of the electronic invoices, but it is necessary to remember to them that the electronic invoices and extracts have the same was worth legal that those of paper with the advantage of not having to store them; to be able to receive a warning by email as soon as is available; to have the certainty that they will not be lost; to accede to her in any place and moment and for printing them from Internet; and, why no, with the total tranquillity of not having to give explanations to anybody on certain expenses. In addition, it is interesting to consider that the saving that supposes for a company that massive volume of paper, with its corresponding managements like the impression, ensobrado and the postal shipment, etc., can pass the reduction of costs been able by to have to print and to inviar documents at home, directly to the clients or to reinvert it again in the company for, for example, to offer interesting special promotions available solely for its more sustainable clients. In summary, although they are the companies first that must offer to the usuary options to accede to their documents, as invoices and extracts in electronic form, the last people in charge so that this initiative has success are the end users, still reticent in adopting the options of unloading and impression from Internet. Published by Andre the Olive Kleins in the name of Julio A.
Another one of the possible solutions for the ambient crisis is the Protocol of Kyoto 4 carried through in 1997 in the city of Kyoto in Japan, this protocol less established that countries more rich, that is the ones that more poluem with the emission of gases, would have to emit from 2012, 5% of what they had emitted in 1990. Although, for the projection of the specialists, for 2012 we will be emitting more than 30 billion tons there not 21 billion as Kyoto asks for. and in third in the total of credits placed what it in according to place in ranking of the ONU in numbers of proposals prepared to deal with this innovation. I believe that one of the solutions most important is the participation of the society, participation this that can come in different ways, as to stop to consume certain products or to consume little, and also to promote or to participate of debates on ecology, in the schools, the quarter, the workstation etc. Hear from experts in the field like Ed Bastian for a more varied view. Of this form, we believe that only from ideas that involves the world-wide effort we will be able to diminish the problem, and thus to be able to provide to the future generations a conscientious use of the environment, healthy and for todos.CONSIDERAES FINAISLogo, the ambient crisis did not appear of one hour for another one, has seen that it he is resulted of the harmful actions of the man stops with the environment throughout its existence.
This crisis has for consequence the proper results of the predatory actions of the human being, as the global heating, increase of illnesses, dry and to drinking waters lack scarcity of the natural resources, extinguishing of animals, among others. stops to solve this crisis is necessary the union of all we, each one, making its part. She is necessary if to be valid the Right in itself, that is, of the laws; of the efetivao of the Protocol of Kyoto; awareness and respect to the environment; of the participation of the society; of the Public Power, so that it can invest in the ambient education and look ways to accomplish the formula of the sustainable development.
and China. The result is that the strong pendency of Overheating that can impactar the food production negative, as well as stimulating the biggest occurrence of natural disasters is lived. being valid of recent studies has an inclination of increase of 3,5 degrees in the globe temperature up to 2100. A threshold of this is the data that only present that in the first semester of this year, 17 countries had beaten records of temperatures, since that the official measurements had started to be made in middle of century 19. For the next decades the forecasts entertainers are not nothing.
For consequence of this she can have disastrous effect on the agricultural production, still, to reflect in the water availability, the biodiversity of ecosystems and the increase of the level of the sea in the whole world. The overheating can bring obtains an increase of the incidence of natural catastrophes, creating thousand of climatic refugee. As for Brazil the climatic Changes can reduce the energy generation, for the data of Regional, Urban the Bulletin and Ambient that had been divulged by the Institute of Pesquisa Econmica Aplicada (IPEA) in day 22 of September, the climatic changes will be able to provoke impacts ' ' alarmantes' ' in some Brazilian hidrogrficas basins, especially north-eastern. In the Region North the reduction of the water supplies up to 2100 would be more moderate. But, in excessively, it can have reduction of the capacity of energy generation hydroelectric plant, of 29,3% 31.5%%.
e, still, north-eastern agriculture would be the main one affected. The heating of climate would not only affect the sugar cane-of-sugar farmings. The soy plantations would suffer to reduction from 34% 30%, of maize, 15%, and of coffee, 17% 18%, with more serious aggravation in the north-eastern culture of subsistence. So soon, as the Bulletin the impact on the agricultural cultures could be contouring from genetic modifications of the products, and this passes for a consistent investment in science, technology and innovation, what it demands annual investment of R$ 1 billion in research.