It leaves for brings tmulosde its ancestor and it is not bothered. It abducts of the land what it would be of seusfilhos and it is not imported Its appetite will devorar the land, only leaving umdeserto. I do not know our customs I am different of its. Aviso of its cities wounds the eyes of the red man. Perhaps because homemvermelho either a savage and does not understand. He does not have a quiet place in the cities of the white man. Nenhumlugar where if he can hear unclasping of leves in the spring or beating deasas of an insect. Perhaps but either because I am a savage and I do not understand. Baby clothes is likely to agree.
The noise only seems to insult the ears. what it remains of a man, if nopode to hear it I around cry solitary of a bird or the debate of the sapos of umalagoa, at night? I am a man red and I do not understand. The indian prefers osuave murmurs of the wind encrespando the face of the lake, and the proper wind, clean poruma rain diurne or perfumed by pinheiros' ' (DAYS, 1998). It is noticed, therefore, that man enters and nature has one relaode close dependence, that is, the man is fruit of the way in a similar way that meio fruit it man. The nature is, thus, witness and target of transformaesprofundas, passed in the last centuries and, mainly, in century XX, to apartir of World War II. If, on the other hand, the industrial civilization brought unimaginable avanostecnolgicos to a person of the previous century, for another one ladotrouxe numerous consequences undesirable e, beyond everything, dangerous, one vezque spoils the way where if the man inserts. They come calling the attention diverse parcels of the society, all the negative effect of the industrial-technological development, essaspessoas and institutions are worried about the destruction of the systems naturaise with the deterioration of the quality of life of the people.