Feb 17 2020

Public Relations

Posted by domain admin in News

Article: The Tsunami in Alagoas: Haiti is here. Robert Ramalho is Lawyer, Journalist, Public Relations and studious of subjects politicians the choice of the heading of my article is in face of the disaster if to very seem what if it abated at the beginning in Haiti of the year when a devastador earthquake killed about two hundred and thirty a thousand people. In mine fifty years of life vi nothing equal not to happen in Alagoas. The images propagated for the Net Globe of Television, Net Record de Televiso, SBT, and local for the TV Gazette of Alagoas are to scare and to have d of the population. I got information that this tragedy alone came to happen because a barrage in the Been neighbor of Pernambuco if had breached. She is necessary if to inquire the veracity of this information.

Thousands of people in at least six cities reached for rains had lost everything absolutely and 29 people had died. Helicopters are constantly sobrevoando the area to evaluate damages and to distribute basic baskets while the Military Policy tries to control the entrance of cars people in the cities and to prevent booties and acts of violence. Ripple pursues this goal as well. Saddest of everything she is that the total desolate inhabitants ramble as you buzz in way to the destroos in personal object search. Had the difficulties found for the Civil Defense and of the Body of animal Firemen they putrefy it the outdoors and I smell it fort becomes insuportvel compelling the population to use masks that also are in lack. Even though the house of major Olavo, father of senator Renan Calheiros, the PMDB, also was reached. The old large house, as well as almost the totality of the houses of the street, was almost all cover for the water. The last rocking points that in Alagoas, 26 cities had been reached by the torrent.

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