Apr 11 2016

Human Development

Posted by domain admin in News

The life human being is made of stages of adaptations. Just been born a first one if adapta to the womb of the mother stop later if adapting to the environment where the parents live a restricted environment. A child already has access to an environment a little ampler; already the adolescent one starts to explore new environments leaving to the few the environment that the parents had instituted. The young already is a born explorer, it creates new environments, and the adult establishes its proper environment, the friends, the professional group, the religious, social group where she will go to live. Already the aged one, most of the time comes back to restrict its environment, creating its proper world, fellow creature to a child.

But the human being in general needs to be suitable to the environment where it lives, it needs to have an environment that can provide to it, in all the generations, a healthful life. The Index of Development Human being, (IDH) is based on the concept of human development. This index has as objective to offer a counterpoint to the Gross domestic product, (the GIP), that it only considers economic of the development, already the IDH considers, beyond the economic dimension, the social, cultural characteristics and politics that influence in the quality of the life human being. The IDH also considers the longevity and the education. In the case of the longevity the life expectancy to the rising is considered; the education is evaluated through the index of illiteracy and tax of school registration in all the levels of education. The index of Human Development if became world-wide reference and is used by the federal government and can be consulted in Atlases of Human Development of Brazil. In 2010 studies had been initiated to argue the inclusion of new factors for the calculation of the IDH, that completed twenty, (20), years, between these factors it is the internal inaquality of the countries; considering the disparidades and inaqualities that characterize the development.

Oct 20 2014

Industrial Revolution

Posted by domain admin in News

The carbon dioxide Co2 is produced from the used fsseis fuel burning in automachine vehicles moved to the gasoline and oil diesel. This is not the only agent who contributes for emission of gases, exists others as the forest fires in forests, pastures and farmings after the harvest. According to Cardoso (2008), the problem of the effect greenhouse starts when the activities human beings make with that the concentration of these gases never arrives the levels seen by the civilization. With the intense growth of the population and consequentemente of the technology, it has a bigger increase of these pollutant gases. That it can occur climatic changes, the become storm increase thus, hurricanes and, loss of species of the fauna and flora, the melting of calotas of ice that can increases the level of the ocean, they are you vary the consequences of the emission of these gases, and we have that he is intent and thus, to worry more about the attitudes that the society takes, in relation to this ambient question. 2.1.2 Global heating the global heating comes if worrying from the Industrial Revolution, for the speed that is occurring to the climatic changes. In accordance with Man Yu (2008): The global heating is a consequence of the occured climatic alterations in the planet. Diverse research confirms the increase of global the average temperature.

The main contributions for the global heating are related the activities human beings, as in the increase of gases of the fosseis fuels, that cause the increase of the temperature and contribute of significant form the climatic alterations. In search of alternatives to finish with the global heating, in 1997 the protocol of kyoto was carried through, that it has the objective to reduce the emission of gases that provoke the effect greenhouse. 2.1.3 Awareness of the society on the global heating in the education For Days (2000), these events had led to a reflection process on the ambient question in the world. Thus initiating the sprouting of awareness ideas and preservation of the environment, looking for half to transmit the population the ambient problems through the education. The education is an indispensable factor in the awareness of the pupils on the global heating in the environment.

Is paper of school, and of professor and to work of form, where the pupils can really have conscience of what he is happening, are of what he will be able to happen future with environment that affects the climatic changes, what serious destructive for the race human being in the whole world. The professor has that to be responsible and competent to take the best form of agreement to the pupils, what already we are facing with this destruction caused for the man. 6 References DAYS, Genebaldo. Ambient education. So Paulo: Gaia, 2000. YU, Chang. Forest Carbon kidnapping in Brazil. So Paulo: Annablume, 2004. FERTILE VALLEY, Jose. Global heating. So Paulo: Senac, 2008.

Feb 11 2014

IPHAN Enterprise

Posted by domain admin in News

In the scope of hidroelectric enterprises the creation for the IPHAN was decided for good Portaria 28, of 31 of January of 2003.Visando to supply a related gap the absence of preventive studies in the enterprises (engineering workmanships), that the association between contractors and the Brazilian military government had happened by means of, enters the decades of 1960 and 1980, mainly on the industries hydroelectric plants, Portaria 28/2003 strategically establishes norms that it aims at to compensate the negative impacts caused by determined workmanships on finite you harness archaeological remainders in the bands of depletion of these enterprises. Portaria 28/2003? IPHAN, does not take and any enterprise all hidroelectric as potentially impactante you harness to them archaeological, what the principle is something that can, perhaps, to take to the one certain confusion, generating the necessity of a bigger reflection the application of the legal device. The first article of Portaria 28/2003 says: ' ' Art. 1 – That the reservoirs of hidroelectric enterprises of any size or dimension inside of the domestic territory will have doravante in the request of the renewal of the ambient license of operation to foresee the execution of survey projects, prospection, rescue and archaeological rescue of the band of depleo.' ' To laypeople unusual with terms technician, lead in consideration only term enterprise hidroelectric, not considering reason main that is the question of the reservoir, that in the case is not present in all hidroelectric enterprise, at least not in a Small Central office Hydroelectric plant? PCH the wire d' water (is not the case to define how many and which here they are the types of hidroelectric enterprises, we only have as objective the understanding of the PCHs the wire d' water). The reservoir the wire d' water according to Eletrobrs, ' ' this type of PCH is used when the estiagem outflows of the river are equal or bigger that the discharge necessary to the power to be installed to take care of to the foreseen maximum demand. .

Jan 30 2013

Tripling Investments

Posted by domain admin in News

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