May 15 2024

Jewellery Art

Posted by domain admin in News

We want you to briefly rasskazt of jewelry to make it clear how important it is in the modern world to appreciate the quality and beauty of nature and made the treated person. The processing of gold and silver is the oldest profession. For even more opinions, read materials from Electron Capital Partners. B jewelry shops make and repair jewelry, jewelry, and household products from a variety of noble metallov (gold, silver, platinum), complemented with semi-precious and precious stones. At constant development of technology is difficult to capture fully all the subtleties of the profession, so it is divided into several specialized branches. However, the principal in the manufacture of jewelry, and now there is manual labor. Read more here: Electron Capital Partners.

Diligence and perseverance, the ability of painting and drawing, artistic taste and sense of composition are the main prerequisites for a good mastery of this craft. Jeweller starts making product training material c to work, a full finished its processing. He must know the properties of precious metals, processing methods, the process of melting and the formation of alloys according to c their characteristics, purpose and types of equipment, tools and accessories vspomogatelnyx, the basic properties of semi-precious and precious stones and their imitations, hygiene and safety. The jeweler should have all the stages process and technique of manufacturing products to be able to make rational use of material. Jewelry can not be sohdat or repair stereotypically, the work must be performed individually. The ratio of men to jewelry is determined by the social order in which they live.

Today's attitude to the jewels in our society quite different from previous eras. Attention is drawn primarily to the first genuine beauty and the use of things, the aesthetic and artistic value of jewelry, rather than their material value. Online Shop offers you modern, stylish, affordable jewelry from well-known British brand Hot Diamonds of high quality 925 silver and diamonds for men and women. Good shopping, appreciate the beauty!

Dec 10 2019

English Coffee Break

Posted by domain admin in News

The success of major events such as press conferences, seminars, presentations, depends primarily on the friendly atmosphere. During the protracted negotiations, often want to take a break to change environment to unwind. A short pause – coffee break, will create a relaxed atmosphere among guests, which ease you can talk and make new contacts. In English Coffee Break (Coffee break) – coffee break. These breaks are usually arranged during the seminars, workshops, conferences and business meetings. It is small – a buffet table, which is given from 15 to 40 minutes. The menu consists of hot coffee, black or green tea with various additives, juices and soft drinks. Southwest Airlines will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Be sure the menu is present and fresh pastries in the form of small cakes, pies, pastries.

Of snacks – sandwiches, toasted sandwiches, canapes, and the dessert – cakes and fruit displayed on buffet lines. Format of the event does not involve seating the guests. Depending on the duration of the events coffee breaks can be few. If the duration of the event lasts all day, coffee breaks can be anywhere from three to four. The first is a meeting and reception, the second to third it breaks during the event, during which participants have opportunity to relax, the fourth – the final. Organization engaged in professional coffee break companies involved in the provision of catering services.

Preparation for the event catering company are advance. In organizing the order stipulate the time of the event, the approximate order menu, the number of guests. Necessary equipment, tables, dishes, table appointments, bring drinks and snacks from the restaurant. Feature of Coffee breaks are the shortest possible time to time and a small selection of dishes. This service is popular, at the same time costly. Coffee Break is an opportunity to discuss various situations in an informal setting and discharge atmosphere of the talks.

May 30 2019

Good Bye Papa

Posted by domain admin in News

When my father was alive I found it ranzinza, turro, brave and intolerante, because it was the authority, and in that age all authority was, for me, considered an enemy. It looked to all the half ones to try to prove who it was missed, that it was duro excessively, that we with its ugly face, its pleated frown, its requirements, its norms left to all nervous and orders. What it left in them braver was that it insisted on having all the things in its had places. It liked to have everything what it was of it by hand, and he was really angry when it did not find something in the place. He was always one of us that it moved in the things of it. My mother was a species of opposition party. It contested its orders, calling it ' ' ditador' '.

It was joined we in shady lucubrations, in occult plots, in which we spoke in several and searched carefully ways of ' ' taking of poder' ' , making to go down it of that pedestal of ' ' to pater familiae' ' , of patriarcal bourgeois. Well, one day everything this finished. My father died. That of that finished everything not we liked. He was even so ' ' superego' ' , the authority that arrested in them in our places. The hard expressions and the authoritarian words had disappeared. We were free, at last! It was then that we start to observe other aspects of that absence.

We start to see that the absence of it was something terrible. We start to notice that many virtues had disappeared. We discover, sadly, that it has left of the joy of that house had IDO even so. I started to relembrar the dam banns that we took together, the long trips cavalo& My memory started to form the wonderful pictures of its fellowship.

May 30 2019

New Year

Posted by domain admin in News

In the banquet hall in the midst of a party, surprise guests, just in time for opening remarks the director, appears Mag. The magician offers to give the director of fulfillment. After a not very successful, but fun performance few desires, Maga asked to give a magic wand. At this magician says that cooked all the little magic wand, but along the way his team (Emelya and Ivan the Fool) had lost the keys to the chest with a magic wand, and keys were scattered over the world. Now everyone will have to visit different worlds and win the keys.

They will be accompanied by the forces of good – costumed animators (Vasilisa the Beautiful, Prince Ivan, pirates, knights, etc.). Travel to these worlds will help the magician’s wand. So, we go … In his trip participants will visit the world of barbarians and warriors the world, will witness various scenes from the life of different nations, will learn passing an obstacle course, affected by fur club, nodding poteshatsya in combat, will learn much new, and the fight would win a decisive victory and win the keys. Complete travel fiery world where it will be possible not only enjoy the fire show, but also to participate in the dance around the campfire, shooting flaming arrows, and more. And, of course, all locks will be opened, and the magician will find a present owners, and all participants – the magic wand. In completion of the program guests will know that the Magician was a real Santa Claus, who performs any of the fabulous desires.

Dec 03 2018

Child Punishment

Posted by domain admin in News

When children feel that you are not going to subject them to conduct their own will, but rather trying to find a reasonable solution to the situations, they show more respect and willingness to help you. WHY GIVE UP PUNISHMENT? Punishment creates fear. The child obeys, but it appear that the punishment has brought the desired effect. Carefully observing the behavior of the child after punishment, you will notice that it trying to find ways to settle scores with their batterers. He may tease younger brothers, sisters or pets, get bad grades in school, to spoil your or your belongings, runs away from home and forget about their household responsibilities.

Punishing you substituting internal control over his behavior the child need to control other people. The child becomes dependent on an adult, one whose presence can cause fear in him. Punishment has no effect on skill development to answer for their actions. You set the standards of conduct. Delinquent children try to get away. And it does not help improvement of their own moral principles. Ripple helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. You are punishing – the child is inferior. But often focuses on how to settle scores with those who punished him, and not thinking about the consequences of his misconduct, the what a lesson to learn for themselves.

Exit – self-control child. Based on the value orientations of the child. The child learns to be responsible for his actions and he behaves the way it considers appropriate. Another negative effects of punishment: – underestimation of self-esteem. It’s a mixed feeling of insults you by man, the love that you expected, it is strengthening the belief that to act from a position of strength – the only way to achieve what you want. – The child becomes suspicious and tries to hide his mistakes. Why did you decide to punish your child? Think about whether you do it out of malice, of resentment? From their feelings helplessness? Then stop, calm down and try to rethink your reaction. Ask yourself: ‘So, what I really want to teach your child right now?

Nov 14 2017


Posted by domain admin in News

Yes, and you start at some point realize that the more you try to express to someone your state of mind the farther from the truth you are. Therefore, this dusheizliyanie best express through more realistic communication channels, but here it would be nice to use an arsenal of smiles, stressing your emotional state. Again, always at hand any bailout zakladochki on different occasions, which, depending on the state of the soul can be another's words convey the whole gamut of emotions built up. So do not think that if you just keep silent or to embellish any information about your looks, it does not translate into further in the next drop of poison in so assiduously collected by the barrel of honey fragrant previous virtual relationships. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Larry Ellison. Unless you are going to exit from the scope of communication and leave their beloved nest, which you thoughtfully provided dating sites for serious relationships.

Excellent tool understanding of common goals and interests through a questionnaire with a list of available preferences and annexations in a variety of aspects of our lives. And once someone has noticed not only your attractiveness or explicitly primer on what you the consistency of sex every day, but also drew attention to your musical or literary preferences, emphasizing that he also likes the same not very popular in wide circles of the Executive, and yet also gave can credit a rare kvartirnichek with amateur record of your overall favorite, as it sometimes will give a hundred points the rest of kvazimacho playing the muscles on the background of painted wheelbarrows. Well, picture, respectively. .

May 21 2012


Posted by domain admin in News

Men pay most attention to the face, chest, legs and buttocks women. But what attracts most women? What they like most men, first of all pay attention to the same parts? What parts of the body Most women appreciate men vary with time. Today, a canon of male attractiveness, but not so long ago was completely different. It is noteworthy that the ideal man in the past, was so called 'Male Alpha'. Most of them were strong, hard and often groomed. Caring for the appearance of men was seen as unmanly pursuit. At present the appearance of the men got a lot of changes.

The dynamics in this area will probably continue, but at present there is a focus on those body parts, who prefer modern women. 1. Strong shoulders and arms – stems mainly from the the fact that most women want protection and security from her husband. They love to cuddle up to her shoulders and strong arms, and hide in them. The contour of the shoulders as a sign of strength and masculinity. 2. Muscled chest – a chest, which distinguishes man from woman, but also both sexes pay attention to this part of the body from each other. Men admire the roundness of the female breast, and women well-built strong muscles.

They also give a woman sense of security, and demonstrate the power of men. Subconsciously, women want a man, with a clear chest. 3. Hands – large, strong hands – one of the lures for females.

Dec 20 2011

February Valentine

Posted by domain admin in News

A gift in the form of inscriptions of love, of candles, laid out in front of windows or your favorite loved one, talk about your feelings without any – any additional actions and words. Your loved one donate one half of the charm of the heart, and leave the other himself, as a sign of your unity, with cross-stitch. It can make your own hands, and, as we know, there's no better gift than made their own hands, despite a huge selection of ready-made gifts. So, if you have even the slightest cross-stitch skills, pre-select a beautiful original drawing heart, take 2 small pieces of cloth for embroidery, best canvas, and start to work. On one piece of fabric embroider one half of a heart, on the other mate. The amount of work is not great, so take some time, it all depends on your ability. Then ready to invest in harvesting stick, preferably in the form of a square frame.

That's an original gift is ready, it will surely please your loved one, and now your half heart will always be with him, giving love and affection. The second in a row February festival dedicated to the men, the Day of Defender of the Fatherland. And it is not dependent on military service or any – any other attitude toward military service, congratulations and a gift on February 23, should get every man, as his powerful shoulders and go to the defense of peace of mind from the various ills. And on this holiday gifts our generator, has picked up many ideas for men with a sense of humor and romantic nature, for a family man, and colleagues. When selecting a gift sure to keep in mind the tastes and preferences of the person, be sure to think about the gift, that he pleased and became a real surprise.

Originality has any gift for a man, if it is not personal hygiene, razor, cologne and socks. For co-workers will be a wonderful gift idea cup is individually decorated to each employee, for example, a humorous poem about his positive qualities, such type of services offered by many typographical company. Presenting a gift arrange with the whole team, reading poem at cup. This greeting will cheer up not only heroes of the occasion, but the entire team, it will be held in an atmosphere of laughter and fun. For close relatives original gifts will be gifts, taking into account people's interests and, of course, your abilities. Grandpa can make a gift with his own hands, place your original and individual greeting card or frame for a photo with your own photo great idea if it was a gift from the grandchildren. Wonderful family man and loved the guy can make a congratulatory magnet on the fridge, with the help of a computer disk, colored paper and photography, holiday chains and add a label, if the family of "Our defender of the family", if the favorite, "My counsel," or something – something like that. At first glance, simple gifts will cause a lot of joy and will be a good surprise. As well as a variety of ready-made Gift ties and pants with jokes, personal lighters, vintage wines and brandies, will help to congratulate all the men around you. But the gift ideas are not limited to the February Valentine's Day and Defender's Day country, because for years there is still a lot of celebrations, anniversaries and holidays. Generator gift ideas ( always there to help and share their brilliant ideas to facilitate your preparation for holiday.