Feb 12 2018

Passive Income

Posted by domain admin in News

Now a popular topic of money and multiply. Many people write on this subject and provide all possible programs. The entire emphasis is on the increase in earnings. Coupang often addresses the matter in his writings. Well that's fine and, in fact, what would become rich, you need to earn more. However, everything is ready to strike in a business or becoming a workaholic A family, a wife and children? For such, the path to financial freedom, is closed. But this is wrong, because more money is not meant to be richer. Yes, millionaires and billionaires earn a lot, but And whether the value of their earnings, the only indicator that determines the financial wealth? Of course not.

As a rule, with rising incomes and growing costs which are mostly meaningless increase in the amount of money earned. Yes, with rising incomes, people can afford to buy more things, go on more expensive machines, relax in the more prestigious resorts (which actually does, and this is normal) But if the person who put all their efforts in increasing their earnings, this source of income suddenly disappears, what then? Then, in most cases, such a person will be left with nothing. To broaden your perception, visit Southwest Airlines. Along with this, really rich people, and if work is not for the fact that to earn a living. They work because the work they like and brings pleasure. In this case, their work is far from always a source of basic income. But their main source of income is known, thanks to Robert , passive income. Therefore, if you want to become truly wealthy, the focus only on increasing your income does not make sense. It makes sense to concentrate on building and increasing your passive dohoda.No how to do this? If the material to increase the income of a dime a dozen, then instructions on how to create and increase your passive income is nowhere.

While there, over there, you can buy the game cash flow, and playing it to understand what to do to create a passive income. I, frankly, and thought at first. Bought the electronic game "Cashflow 'installed itself on pc and 2 days later was to win in her 10 games out of 10. The only conclusion that I could make out of this game – you need to save. Then a few times I played in 'Paper' version of the game with a team of 4-7 people. It's certainly more interesting to teach, but but still not the same. Well, I played this game, I saw that a waste of money do not give a person a better life, and make constantly spinning squirrel in a cage. I saw that, saving money and gaining more business opportunities, or to open businesses, you're making yourself the flow of money, which then turns into a passive income. But it's not live, that whether it is all game, but I wanted that would chewed everything and put in your mouth, what to do in real life, step by step that would create and increase your passive income. A fairy tale like. But program is was found. It is painted, you need to do each day, that would create and increase your passive income, moreover, the study of this program is meaningless without the written practice.

Dec 19 2017

Satellite TV For Dummies

Posted by domain admin in News

This article is for those who are just going to buy a satellite dish or are thinking about upgrading your receiver setup. In this case, the viewer stands in front of future natural question – what equipment he needs to buy? I can say straight away that the answer to this question you need to find a response to another question – what do you want to watch? And what can be seen in the vast expanses of our country with satellites? Of course, first magnitude stars have a satellite Hot Bird 13 East and Eutelsat W4 36 E (NTV, Tricolor). Programs the satellite Hot Bird in Ukraine adopted on 60 cm antenna in Moscow and St. Petersburg made with good quality at the antenna 0.9 meters, and the Urals to the 1.8 meter antenna. In recent months, Allegiant Air has been very successful. The signal strength gradually decreases from west to east, but that the satellite is most relevant in the European part of former USSR. On these satellites you can see such popular channels such as Eurosport, music – MCM, VIVA 2, Onyx, news – Euronews, EBN, a number of entertainment channels – movies, shows and everything else. In total, the digital format that is more than 600 satellite channels, but many of them coded. What is certainly not stops the fans of satellite TV! In the western regions – Kaliningrad, Latvia, Lithuania, Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia – perhaps more relevant is the constellation of satellites Astra at the orbital position 19 grad.v.d.

Jun 05 2016

Copyright Writing Theses

Posted by domain admin in News

Therefore, as a consideration for such a short period of time and hassle authors will increase the cost in accordance with a decrease in the time of materialization. In addition, the customer with luck, if he was faced with a normal author and a decent site. In the worst case, short terms of writing term papers or research paper custom client becomes dependent on the author and may not receive his diploma work on time is simply get stuck. Therefore, from the very beginning, when you find themes thesis or course work to better determine whether it will be written to order, or independently. The time factor is important here for both sides.

Having determined that the must write a term paper or thesis on the job and been advised to pick up an order of performers. This may be familiar to friends or acquaintances. Or advertisement in a newspaper or an advertisement on a pole near the school Corps. This may be one of the sites on the Internet, offering to write theses, dissertations or term papers on order. Have to choose yourself, but remember that there are companies with experience and authority, have behind them a number of years of practice and possesses high scientific resources. These companies will tell the customer that the very first time without any amendments and alterations work will be practically impossible to pass. Again, the significant factor of time: everything must get done ahead of time to get adjusted teacher, meet with the artists that they have restored the necessary adjustments and changes. Then the master's thesis or course work will be at the highest level. If a research paper or term paper to order into account all the necessary recommendations to the teacher and student time to explore the content of their coursework or thesis – all will be in the absolute order. Especially, course or degree work is commissioned on time and properly framed.

May 12 2016

Viktor Frankl

Posted by domain admin in News

The more one forgets himself – giving himself to serving the important business or love for another human being – the more he humane and the more he realizes himself. What is called self-realization, there should be a goal, for the simple reason that more than chasing after her, the more certain it can be missed. In other words, self-realization is possible as side effect of "going beyond their limits." For what do you live now? If the meaning of life can not be simply borrowed from others, then perhaps there are issues to indicate the direction to find, but rather making responsibility for the selection of, the individual meaning of life? I hope the following tips will help you learn more about their motives and values. Little time, little effort and perhaps the fog clears and you will answer to the question – For what do you live now? Write a list of number 1: everything you want in this life. Record any ideas of desire, small and large. All that comes to mind. (Try to write 100 desires). Write quickly, to perform tasks assigned to 3 minutes.

List of number 2 Imagine that at your disposal all the money (millions, billions). You are not the owner of the cash flow is excised. What do you do, what to do? How you'll live? Write your short (3 minutes). List of number 3, you are rich and perfectly healthy, but you know what you have to live for three months! What do you do these days, what to do? (3 minutes). List List 4 5 From the resulting nine targets, select and record three the most important goals. Results: Before you your most important goals is one thing for which you are living in the moment. Perhaps, the result may surprise you, perhaps, disappointed or brought in front of enthusiastic, well, you should pay attention vital reference points may change, but this happens only in case if there is a soul-searching. Board of Viktor Frankl's "Live as if you live for the second time, and as if you did the first time the same error you are going to make now! "- gives advice Frankl, and argues that this principle is able to arouse a sense of responsibility. Effectiveness of the principle he explains as follows: "First, it allows you to imagine that now – is the past, and then – that the past can still be changed and corrected. This instruction puts the person face to face with the finiteness of life, as well as to the finality of what he was doing with my life and myself. " Try? Living with Meaning, and as if the second time …

Apr 04 2016

On The Age Of The Universe

Posted by domain admin in News

ABOUT AGE OF UNIVERSE. AO Koreysha (Report made at the 1996 international conference on the 150th anniversary of the Odessa Observatory). Abstract. Accounting for the spherical shape of the observed boundaries of the universe formed is clearly observed compact objects, it is necessary to assess the size of the universe, which it reached 10-20 billion years ago. This is in sharp contrast with the ideas of modern relativistic theory. Amendment to 10-20 billion years is related to interval of time it takes light to spread it on the horizon of the universe to us, which increases the age of the universe in 10 – 20 billion, passed today in astrophysics, at least up to 20-40 billion years. As a consequence, Hubble parameter is reduced by half.

This leads to disastrous consequences for the relativistic concept and leads to a contradiction with the model of an expanding universe. There are two concepts that are fundamental importance in modern astrophysics. The first is closely related to the finite speed of light so that the information received from distant stars corresponds to the time required to overcome distance from the observed stars to us. In other words, we see distant lights as they were in the past with respect to the time of receiving information from them with light. This fact is not debatable. (See (1)). The second concept is more complicated is the fact that the universe is measured from the hypothetical Big Bang (Big Bang) to the present. Redshift of galaxies outside the Milky Way points to the age of the universe.

Mar 31 2016

Diploma Introduction

Posted by domain admin in News

The amazing thing: sometimes from a considerable array of student thesis (80-100 pages) to really affect her assessment of the attestation commission only an introduction. Well, not hurt if: the student is working, plowing, analyzes numerous scientific sources, primary sources, break out myself and those around the brain, and – for you. Listened to members of theCertification Commission for undergraduates, heads nodded, flipped through the text of his thesis, and stopped it on the introduction to it: something you, my friend, that is incorrect object (object) research, not on those methods referred to, defining the methodology of his research, etc. And everything else as well: the analysis, tables, calculations, recommendations, there is all sorts of pictures and graphics? With them something to be done? And the committee members all of his: work, of course, serious, a lot of forces you, dear, at her expense. Gary Kelly often addresses the matter in his writings. But that’s because the methodology, then you have somehow not really: how do you then the work-write something, huh? And the student gets chetverochku instead of the expected five, and even worse. Here’s a story. And then a graduate student thinks a lame-duck that had told him the same teachers (read: the supervisor): “Every word in the Introduction weighed carefully read the guidelines and do everything as there indicated. And where indicated, for example, that in the introduction, ” should reveal the main content, theoretical and practical significance chosen topic, to prove its relevance. This should be defined goal, the challenges in front of the student while writing the work, given the subject and object of research.

Feb 28 2016

The Deviation

Posted by domain admin in News

The reason was a result, the investigation – the cause. Dialectical system in its development process can be either in a state of dynamic equilibrium, which guarantees the equality of opposites, or, in violation of the equality of status 'Combat', whose purpose – to level the opposition, to bring the system into equilibrium. Equality levels of quality species and its environment, which in the limit can be simplified view, the confrontation with data, there equality of opposites dialectic of 'species-habitat'. A change in one level of quality relative to the other is the birth of one of the unbalanced opposites, that is the reason birth 'control' over its antipode to restore a balance, 'control', in which the opposite of its part of the unbalanced birth to what is causing the birth of 'control' the opposition for the first rebalancing of the system. Here the notion of 'counter' reflects the tendency of species in the direction of improving its quality through the elimination of predominantly low-grade populations.

Moreover, intensity of 'struggle' is that, as a rule, the number of individuals are eliminated does not exceed the number of births – the intensity, which is determined by the deviation of exact state of equilibrium 'species-environment'. Reducing the level of quantitative prey species is also a deviation from the equilibrium state of 'species-environment', but as a rule, this deviation is transcendent, ie, In this case, the number of eliminated population exceeds the number of births. The rate of development of the dialectical systems – (rate of occurrence of all processes of nature) – is determined by the degree of intensity 'struggle' of opposites of these systems.

Aug 04 2015


Posted by domain admin in News

"What you need to become in order to succeed, and how to do it?" I'm not mistaken – it is someone you need to become, not what would you do or where to find money to allow succeed. In my opinion, that's just the key error of those who do not achieve success. They feel that their standard of living depends on what they are doing, and not on who they are. I know that in any prosperous country, there are many people who barely to make ends meet. And that countries with low living standards must be those who succeed, despite all the ills of life. I know hundreds of examples of how the children of the same wealthy or poor parents become either poor or wealthy. I have seen examples of how graduates of the same schools turned out in ten years, or in the financial pit or on top of financial success.

For beginning remember one important point: "In order for you to have the opportunity to improve themselves and their skills, you need to learn to assess and weigh the events of their lives." That the events of our lives are one source of information on how we can become better and better. Most people try not to pay attention to what happens to them every day in the life course, and certainly not asked to analyze what how you can change yourself and your life. I must admit that most of us hardly take the time to seriously reflect on themselves and their lives.

Nov 18 2014

Federal Institutions

Posted by domain admin in News

This conception can be strengthened by Vidal and Maia (2010) when recognizing that the vacant magnifying in the federal universities faced serious limitations, and the MEC saw in the UAB the possibility to democratize, to expand and to interiorizar public and gratuitous superior education in the country, with support of the long-distance education and the incorporation of new methodologies of education, especially the use of digital technologies. An important step for fulfilment of the objectives of the UAB was to the approval of governmental Law N 11,502 of 2007, indicating for public education the conjugated use of actual education and in the distance in courses for the initial formation of professionals of the teaching, and in this in case that, the long-distance Education is pointed as preferential modality with respect to the continued formation of professors. With the law, the UAB first started to offer courses of graduation, sequential, after-graduation latu sensu and stricto sensu, with priority directed for the formation of professors and public administration. The functionings of these courses on-line from a methodology of education supported for the new technologies had started to be of responsibility of the institutions of superior education or Justinian codes of Education, Science and Technology, that they possess as actual abutment, polar regions located in strategical cities. Obviously, that this partnership was the Brazilian result of an ample joint between public institutions of superior education, states and cities, to promote, through the methodology of the long-distance Education, access to superior education for layers of the population that are excluded from the educational process. As it remembers Vidal and Maia (2010) the UAB did not constitute a new institution for the MEC. In the truth he results in a net configuration, involving the Federal Institutions of Ensino Superior (IFES) and the Public Institutions of Ensino Superior (IPES), that in the case, they represent the state, enclosed universities from the program, using to advantage the same local installations of its nuclei of long-distance Education. .

May 18 2014

Business Administration

Posted by domain admin in News

Document said that “of the assessments made days earlier, showed serious deficiencies in reading comprehension, they did unfit for further studies in this house of knowledge.” Any of us, very professional that we could be many times, tease, joke, could be rejected out of hand, any chance of employment or studies. Many adults, despite already graduated from school, still having trouble understanding the meaning of a text, fail to realize what they are told, teaches, explains, reported. Neither can be achieved with illustrations to understand the message of his interlocutor. These shortcomings, either by mongolism, mental retardation, chronic stupidity, poor nutrition, development of idiocy, are common in our time and serious limitations to the study at a distance for example. Distance education requires that students be able to understand, understand, learn with visual aids, short readings, themes developed in cd, dvd, others are chosen for the process.

There are even professional college graduates who have this problem, which makes them unable to pursue doctoral studies, master, falling behind in their careers, while others advance with giant strides in their specialty. The title is nothing if not capable of reading, discernment, quick thinking, reading comprehension and proved. In 2000 came a notice in the newspaper that read: rationalization Personal and company store, we require urgently. Interested in a suit filed in Los Sauces 123 San Isidro, during office hours. Preference will be given issues that dominate the survey.