Jul 09 2021

The Mayor

Posted by domain admin in News

He was that god rescues in them, all chemical preparation pra party went to be difficult to cancel. When somebody falou__ because it does not call the scythe? they ___quem is scythe? the president of the CBD said. ___ local teams. the mayor answered .mais does not find good idea. Solar Winds has firm opinions on the matter. the scythe can earn is not there well. __Oque vocs to earn? I doubt. it searchs this scythe soon.

__Te the good one, I go to search the teams. When high the fantes of the stadium had announced that Uruguay did not come more was a vaia alone. All prepared pra to go even so when it was announced that Brazil would play against the scythe. There it is that he was one catches pra to capar, ingressions had been all vendidos in instants. Who did not obtain to enter made oque can, went up in houses, trees, building.

All wanted to see the game. The mayor congregated the teams and said. they ___peguem has led, this is a game, a game party .procurem not to make goal tabom. It looked at pra me and said is; better you jogar.assim are not balanced. I was in the bank and perneta entered in my place. Woollen I saw one sujeitinho of legs pies to warp everybody. to each new dribbles the people cried out my name. It was when one negrinho caught the ball ribou everybody chapelou the two zagueiros and made a kettle goal. That was humilhao the stadium if it was silent and all had looked at pra me. The mayor lowered the head I waved perneta pro and said __sai that I go to enter. The mayor said that if I never entered I I would play of new in the scythe. More I had to enter that age humilhao .o negrinho I finish to make a goal of bunda.

Feb 06 2020


Posted by domain admin in News

After a certain literary recess I came back to write. Puts, I do not write nothing since the end of the last year (years are run and these jokes insanes continue). New year, all new of new. As already it is turning tradition I was for the Esplanade. There abnormalitys had happened (as always) in which story in this text. So that all understand the scene where I was I will cite some important points: 1: It rained the day all and the cavalry was convoked. Pra had coconut all lado.2: For climatic reasons much people gave up to go to make dirty the feet in the gram of the Esplanade and to take a bath of chuva.3: Instead of bands of the fans, the singers alone saw umbrellas I do not know as my cousin obtains, but it gave a cake to me already in first seconds 2010.

There I in the front of palco was hearing ' ' You not valley nothing more I taste of voc' ' (Music that turned subject my familiar film). Mine cunhadinha bound to me and arranged company pra party. Now they were four women and I (my mother I would be proud). I observed the people our front. A couple if kissed.

I noticed that the two used masculine clothes: – Dani. It is impression mine or these two if grasping are two men here? It inquired: – Not They are two women. – A. It has reason It was there that the first more left-hand side thing of the night happened. One galera started to run and people were pack in it. They had been questions of seconds. Thing of Witch of Blair. When we arrive at a good distance I I spoke without breath: – Do that we are running same? – I know there. I prefer not to know.

May 30 2019

Mrs Paula

Posted by domain admin in News

Well my mother-in-law, this plate is my specialty and made in its homage. Verizon has much experience in this field. I do not go to say what it is, I go to leave lady to degustar and to guess. I am certain that it goes to like. Paula dissimulated not to see the dissatisfaction of the mother-in-law and made force to seem likeable and happy its presence, even so with great effort.

D. Gertrudes ate with taste, but without making a compliment if it wants. It ate some times, with the excuse of that it was trying to discover what it was what really it had not obtained to know. In the end of the lunch, they had passed to the room to be where Paula served coffee and tried to stop a colloquy with the mother-in-law on that it had found of its specialty, but stopped of speaking suddenly it looked at and it with astonishment face. Why thus looking at is me? It asked D. Gertrudes perceiving that Paula was fixed to look at for it Is that you she is being all swelled and red, what is this? A little without skill answered Paula. D.

Gertrudes ran for the mirror to be able to see itself and started to cry out asking what after all they had eaten in the lunch and when Paula said what she was the mother-in-law was histrica and accused the daughter-in-law to want to kill to it, therefore it had allergy siri. Clement it looked at for the woman in search of an explanation and Paula said that not wise person, but that the mother-in-law was much implicncia to have allergy soon its specialty. I wise person D. Gertrudes, Mrs. never liked me, this its allergy alone can be to imply with me. Paula esbravejava and D. Gertrudes did not tire to cry out that the daughter-in-law wanted to kill to it and the two had been arguing and Clement looking at with weighing its so waited lunch of sunday in family, where nothing could give wrong, if to transform into a true one fiasco.

May 09 2019

Peter Thunder

Posted by domain admin in News

Transtornado it, counted that not wise person what to make, she was ones three and thirty of the morning, thought about going down, more pra that, in this height, it already deceased was deceased horrivelmente. It continued to go down and looking at for the retrovisor of its side, when derrepente it looks at for the side of the hitchhiking, who it sees, seated to look at smiling for it? Aloira of the hitchhiking. The blond one that it had finished to run over. Arregalados Peter, Eyes tremendous, lost the notion of everything, the truck if he mismanaged when it entered in the curve of the blond one, he went up in the seedbed he broke the guard body and he twirled abrupt declivity the low one, more than 150 meters of depth, had been alone the pieces. In the hour of the accident it came a viatura of polices federal road behind it well. It saw when the accident occurred. They had set in motion the aid for a true miracle, Peter Thunder was cuspido pra is of the cabin when the truck gave the first tumble, it had been soon on suffered only aranhes had the broken head, it twisted the ankle in end, it was a true release, it already was believing now is that its faith is stronger, today it is in charge leading those that die thus without knowing, for the other side of the life, but it only can help those that believe God.

Peter Counted that a thing called its attention very perfumes was it that woman used, was one smells insuportvel of jasmim. It ties today, does not forget itself that one smells. Julio terribly materialistic, atheistic one expensive irreducible found that age all trick. It said that spirit did not exist soul nor and when somebody died everything finished. It looked at for the man who finishes to count history and, it said that it did not believe nor if proper Peter Thunder in person counted that history, and added, where I I can find this Thunder? At this moment a man older than until then it had not said nothing was arisen it looked at for Julio and it said: – I am Peter Thunder, and if you find that we are playing in them, because we do not go there to see, since the partner said that it saw an accident, and it is here close, because in the five we do not go there, seeing if it had or did not have accident? Julio and or others four had entered in an old car that was stopped there and had followed for the presumption place of the accident.

Dec 20 2017

Russian Air Force Mission

Posted by domain admin in News

Benedy agent flied in high speed, the modern digital panel of the cabin indicated that already km/h had surpassed the mark of the 2000. The new version of the military aircraft, Mig 29, was the hunting most sophisticated of the imponent Russian Air Force, equipped with missiles of high technology, had the capacity to destroy targets more than the 40 kilometers of distance and to remain imperceptible to any type of radar. Inside of it, still nervous for the mission that finishes to carry through, Benedy obtained to breathe tranquilamente thanks to the typical oxygen mask developed to the military pilots. Thoughtful, it faced through the dark viewfinder connected to the helmet, the photo that fixed in the superior part of the cabin before leaving, where a blond beautiful smiles when holding in the arms its small delicate son. Since that it accepts this mission, has two months, Benedy never more saw the family, it could not never share with them the risk of that profession. Now, finally everything was finished, its objective arrived at the end and had been completed with total success. The covered hand for the gloves of the traditional overalls of flight, it trembled when compressing heavy the stick of the hunting that oscillated due the great acceleration.

The clean and sunny sky allowed to the Benedy the privilege to contemplate the flaring landscape that few in the world had the possibility to witness, was moments made as soon as to feel it the true pleasure to pilot. But, the calmness did not last for much time. Suddenly, the delicious classic music that listened abruptly was interrupted, the agonizing noise of the powerful turbines working of the side of is had again taken account of the interior of the aircraft, seconds later, one strong feminine voice sounded through the phones in its ears. – Alpha Mother for CC06, is in listening? – Here it is CC06, she continues Alpha Mother!

Dec 10 2017


Posted by domain admin in News

For this the eyes are enough. The images do not apetecem in them with the physical contact, and yes with the appearance. A blind person could not reviver the lived one with a photo album, no matter how hard still the vision remained it other directions seno. Everything what could feel is the cold and smooth texture of the photographic paper. on this stains would be it of the digital ones. Dirt of the hands of outrem on what it had of less temporary in the life of Aunt: it would be as> continues in sigh tone the world before was thus, yellow, fosco and to the times desfocado, accurately as in these photographs.

The people do not smile, because all delayed and melancholic age. If you wanted a photo of these, you had that to congeal the proper body in the position during one, two, some minutes. does not have smile that it supports passing of the time. They are serious, these people. Source is a great source of information. Seriousness before was noble attitude, glorified. Age of custom to soon learn to be old in the cradle, as if we could rejuvenescer with passing of the time so dreamed, youth! Being thus, better is to appeal to these photographs. The least is pictures fidiciary offices of as of the time.

They do not lie, and of so sincere they make to remember what one does not expect or if wants. I love them, but cursed they are for the badness. Estatuetas of Aunt was dusty. It has are very not clean, restored, reorganized. It pleased the current organization of the bookshelf. the photographs to the few were assimilated to these souvenirs. Dirty, of so intocadas, they exactly passed the impression of that the dust always is there. – It only sees, is the photo that I looked for! One remembers this day? It was when we had our first supper together, here in my house, after making use to help me you and its parents, my beloved. It looks at as you are pretty! – But Aunt, us never we take off photos together, here. That> they know, after all, the insects? I perceived that memories consist only in registers and minds. Aunt closed both and never more she touched in its bookshelf.

Mar 23 2014

Don Quixote

Posted by domain admin in News

The daily meeting that were weekly had started to be e, without giving muitotempo the loved one to get rid itself of other commitments, treated to take it parasua house, choosing it, immediately, queen of its humble castle. They had been happy days where the Bahian looked for to work more close to the house, of form not to lose of sight its maiden. To tardinha, before the one for of the sun, already of taken bath, they seated to the table it supper and, between ones drinks and others, papo rolled until afternoon. In the truth, not hrelatos of the loving life of the two, but what everything indicates, the first ones diasforam many calientes. For the Bahian all age newness and good estavamuito, therefore had times that it did not have a feminine company. However, for its ' ' Dorothia' ' (by the way that the Bahian is the muitoparecido one with Don Quixote in the engravings of the book of Cervantes) the agricultural monotony domundo started to suffocate to it, thinking about a way to brighten up its anguish, it required to the loved one that it supplied to olar with more liquor of still. Until here, four weeks had been transferred little more than and, as qualquerpedido of the loved one it was an order, the Bahian treated to supply the home with osmelhores alambicados liquors of the region, as well as with parts of meats parachurrasco and other iguarias in order to become that end of a pretty doms afternoon of May in a great party the two. However, as it is known, the anguish tends to increase to the measure that olcool ingested starts to make effect. Thus, it did not delay very it amadacomeasse so that it to relieve and to play the guilt of its sadness in the friend, under ofalso argument of that it was depriving its freedom, its meeting econtatos that kept in the city, etc.etc.etc.

Nov 09 2012

Already One

Posted by domain admin in News

In my life I had not seen a girl who wanted in such a way to fish despite in high-sea as that one. It seemed to want to fish more for diversion of what for necessity, she was what saw in its eyes. But in its soul she was to help its father who as much helped in house, for only living in two. Its mother faleceu has some years behind. one of them continued: ' ' How somebody as you go to obtain to fish? ' ' This highest age of the three.

It came back to look at toward that agitated water and said: ' ' Sonho.&#039 is mine; ' three had laughed and left from there. Highest it turned the coasts and, not seeing a long thing to the soil, it stumbled. ' ' Who left this here? Here it is not place! Droga.' ' After leaving it alone, its father came back of the sea. They were many fish that the cockle-boat almost capsized. ' ' We go to have one has supper today satiated! ' '. It looks at then it, preoccupying he coou the head and he said something different: ' ' It looks at my son I started other I work. I go to vender these fish in the fair. We can eat the possible minimum.

I swear you that if nobody to buy, we will go to eat them and for more than saciarmos in them until three dias.' ' It answered with a face movement that understood the facts. It then moored its boat and took in a stand its fish that had catch. It only caught its pole of fishes and gathered that one ' ' treco' ' length in the soil going in direction its wooden house, there next. ' ' Already it is the eighth time that you lacked in the school.