Oct 20 2018

Austria Work

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Expert lawyer assumes responsibility for the complete HR an professional Meyer has won from the world of mobility logistics in spring as the new head of the personnel department. From the Automobile Club of Germany (AvD), Michael Mages moved at the headquarters of the medium-sized family-owned company. There he is responsible for the operational and strategic HR work. Friedrichsdorf, July 01, 2011 – last chaired Michael mages eight years in Frankfurt am Main of the personnel Department of the Automobile Club. With the switch to Meyer logistics is continuing his affinity for the field of mobility and staff work on another field. After completing his training with the second State examination in Munich’s, the 48 year old lawyer at the beginning of his career mainly dealt with labour issues, before, turning from his in-depth knowledge of labour law, the entire range of human resources management.

In the AvD he was responsible for the entire operational and strategic HR work, ranging from the recruitment staff care about and development and the development of the organization. In addition, he was responsible for all personnel – and socio-political issues and in particular the labour disputes. In his new job at Meyer logistics wants to assume Michael Mages of in particular the positioning of the Friedrichsdorfer family firm Meyer logistics as the leader in the field of food logistics. Target is more than reliable, friendly and modern company to withdraw us from our competitors and for us to decide as the competition for qualified, motivated employees in the future.” Michael Mages is a key to success in the further development and expansion of organizational and personal instruments. “” As Germany and Europe operating company we need to know everywhere where we are active, local conditions and adequately consider. “personnel management and organizational development are increasingly important for our international company”, Heinz Meyer explains managing Partner of Meyer logistics. We are pleased that we could get an experienced specialist for good personnel work with Michael Mages in our company.” Press contact: main view Agency for public relations work Tobias Loew of Rossdorfer str. 19a 60385 Frankfurt phone 0 69 / 48 98 12 90 company contact: Daniela Bappert Ludwig Meyer GmbH & co.

KG Otto-Hahn-str. 11, 61381 Czemins village phone: 06175 9345-0 Ludwig Meyer GmbH & co. KG: established in 1949, fresh transport and food logistics is an owner-managed medium-sized enterprises. With 1,500 employees and a fleet of around 1,000 vehicles at locations in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands, Meyer supplies the European food retailers, foodservice and catering. The sister company Meyer quick service Logistics GmbH & co. KG”organizes the full supply of around 850 quick service restaurants in Germany, the Switzerland and Romania. Its largest customers are Burger King and yum!

Oct 10 2018

Barack Hussein Obama

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Free Advisor Barack Obama was elected on the subject of rhetoric and communication for downloading in the United States the President in addition to his authenticity and his oratorical skills to persuade voters not least knew his determination. But how can you expand his communication skills? How can one react when the seventh series is asleep? The free guide of the Zienterra Institute of rhetoric and communication give answer to these questions. After the presidential election, it is now clear: Barack Hussein Obama is celebrating victory as future President of the United States of America. As a personality he is a hopeful beacon. Its authenticity, partnership, determination, his courage to new and also the art of free speech were his success factors. A lot of communicative resources could certainly also the German elites, our politicians and managers, still more consciously taken and expanded especially when it comes to managing conflicts! It There is a need for targeted and solution-oriented rhetoric and communication, the ability to take people on a journey. So what if the 7 series is sleeping? Here you will find a small selection of key factors for success: A presentation is a (Indent) travel. \”Therefore we should consider in advance: who goes?\” (Who are the audience?) \”and how is the destination of the journey?\” (What would I do with the audience?) A lively, creative presentation is not a monologue.

\”So we should consider also: How do I integrate the audience?\” She has a dramaturgy and aspires to a finale that remains in memory. Argumentation and demonstration should be accordingly. The linguistic images are important (such as they are the engine of the company!\”), to present a core thought, so that creates an image in the minds of the listeners and they feel addressed. You will find more tips, exercises and success factors,../index_ger.html in the form of guides that are available free of charge to download available.

Oct 07 2018

Resource Knowledge

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Knowledge and information will play a major role in the future no industry will be spared by this inevitable trend, quite especially not continuing education in the health. Who today jumps on the train of the future, studying the MBA is social management in this respect to recommend. This training on the one hand the economic fundamentals are taught the students and on the other hand, they acquire in-depth knowledge in the sense of continuing education in the health. At the MBA social management execution of people who are involved in this industry, for example, in a hospital revolves around thus. So a hospital can successfully serve his patients and cure naturally subsequently, economic aspects into consideration must be considered. Get more background information with materials from (LTC). Therefore, the training of MBA social management for ambitious, aspiring students is an excellent alternative to a different training, because it is just not only either health-specific or just economically in a single segment excellently knows, but just in two.

Because of wide-ranging knowledge therefore also important changes can be implemented more easily in the respective companies, such as, for example, a hospital, because quite simply to understand the holistic view of such operation. In addition, it is to say that this industry in the future will not occupy a particularly important function in society because want we know people are getting older and of course maintain a corresponding standard of living, in which of course represents the basis for the health. Training in health offers so also demen attractive job prospects and also graduates of the MBA social management can make an important contribution to society. For this reason this occupational group will be seen also in the future accordingly high, which even today is largely already the case.

May 11 2018

Executive Coach Gudrun Happich

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Executives and service providers want to make a career, but in what way? From 12 to 31 July 2011, Executive Coach Gudrun Happich from Cologne conducted a survey on their service provider blog. What role does the question authenticity for the career really?”she gathered a total of eight statements and asked the participants of about the survey to evaluate. “” “On a scale between is absolutely” about is partly “to hin is not” the degree of the respective approval was queried. 92 people participated in the survey, so that she can certainly take a certain expressiveness to claim. The statement authenticity is more important than a Board position I doubt”76.1% of respondents agree absolutely, followed closely by 72.8% for the statement if I can not authentic Act, affects negatively the quality of my life that”. You can see here, that nowadays for many service providers and managers Authenticity is a high value”is Gudrun Happich.

Ranked three, found the statement who wants all the way up, must be adapted, if necessary even bend”- 69.6% at least partially agree with this statement, 7.6% are even of the opinion that this is absolutely true. “” Place 4 and 5 with the absolute consent share with 58.7% and 56.5% manages to everywhere the statements who remains true to himself, but you must know the rules of the game of power and use “and it needs a healthy mix of authenticity and customization to make career”. Two statements will at least partially approved by approximately one-third of the participants. This seems to me that to say that most of the participants the theme customization and authenticity consider quite differentiated. “Many have clearly had the experience, that ‘Pure authenticity’ is rarely possible,” Gudrun Happich comments on these results. Executive coach has more survey results and their interpretation to Gudrun Happich on their achievers blog under performance carrier-blog.de /… released.

Mar 21 2018

New Man Occupation

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Lawyer and insurance specialist joins the team of the law firm Quirmbach Helmut Grafenstein and partner Helmut Grafenstein is the new man in the ten team of lawyers of the law firm Quirmbach and partner, Wallmerod/Westerwald since July 1, 2010. With its more than 30 years of experience in the field of regulation of major injury, he closes the gap between the point of view of the legal profession on the one hand and the self understanding of liability insurers on the other side. With his help the firm can now faster to their right to help schwerstverletzten accident victims or victims of treatment failures. It makes me very happy to be a member of this dedicated and empathetic team. My goal is to bring my experience developed over decades in the tort law, but also in transport and insurance law, in favor of an even more accurate calculation and faster enforcement of claims by victims. My knowledge of visibility and functioning of insurers is faltering in some cases Talks re-launched. These first successes confirm me, you have made the right decision “, Helmut Grafenstein commented on his new job.

Just the efforts of my colleagues and the whole team one the Court to choose quick settlement in favor of the victims to seek, instead of the long way about, is the right approach in my opinion. Schwerstgeschadigte suffer not only from physical disabilities and impairments, but always under an extreme mental stress in their health. Many years or even decades of litigation prevents the processing of the accidents and prolonged the suffering of the clients. A quick out-of-court regulation leads generally to a significant improvement of the psychological situation of the persons concerned and consequently accompanied most of the general health situation”. The founder Martin Quirmbach regarded it as an extraordinary stroke of luck, that Helmut Grafenstein the team reinforced and says: the insurance world and the Prosecutor’s Office represented conflicting interests which complicate the negotiations, often even block. With the help of special knowledge of the new colleagues, it should succeed to overcome these obstacles and to find a constructive communication. First successes confirm that this approach is correct. I am delighted that the accident has resulted in the Mr Grafenstein us”. Ulrike Fetz, law firm Quirmbach, partners, press and marketing

Jan 10 2018

System So Real Executives To Management Training

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The stated goal of the promoters the performance and motivation of employees is GmbH, which operates over 30 years of experience in the training field with the help of Crestcom management school, to increase”their new training program for current and future managers, pursuing this successfully since April 2008 in Alzey. The Director and writer Jurgen Behrens, who has 14 years experience in quality management, introduces the concept of that management training in a workshop, that succeeds now in over 60 countries and in more than 25 languages. He arrives also on important issues such as costs continuity flexibility of the workshop will be held on Friday, July 4th, 2008 in the morning from 7:30 9:00 in the Conference Room of the company document solutions in the Hagenauer Strasse 53, 65203 Wiesbaden. Registration deadline is Wednesday, July 2, 2008. The participation is free of charge.

The UnternehmerForum Wiesbaden is a group of entrepreneurs from different or complementary sectors, which every Friday morning in Wiesbaden to the business meeting meeting. Founded in November 2003 and organized since October 2006 as an association, the team under the name UnternehmerForum Wiesbaden works. For more information, see. Contact: UnternehmerForum Wiesbaden Birgit Wierzbinski Tel: 0611 71 69-115 fax: 0611 71 69-116 E-mail:

Dec 28 2017

Wolfgang Rademacher

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A point always appears on the list of demands: training programs for the spirit. At the present time, it is so that more and more people want to be always mentally on the height at a young age and must simply due to work-related requirements. And the most stress hectic professionals for extensive brain teaser just don’t have the time or just don’t feel like. Even in non-retirement age does not. To get better mental elasticity, the best-selling author Wolfgang Rademacher has in his book mental force”(spiritual power) describe simple tips and tricks. All of these tricks can be applied immediately.

The main objective is to gain greater mental agility and to put it immediately in everyday life. Anyone can do, as evidenced by the book impressive: no large training programs are necessary, no extraordinary intellectual force file must be accomplished. This knowledge just at each corner must be used instead. Official site: Ed Bastian. A positive side effect of the 243-seitigen training manual is, that alone through the application of these techniques simply described mental skills differently and better use and insert. “Mental force”- and each user will stay mentally fit in old age! My readers can look forward to more mental flexibility and as a result have significantly less stress”, the author promises. With the expertise of mental force’ all intellectual hidden strengths become full days. Finally, in old age, everyone can stay mentally fit and discover the breadth of his hidden talents and qualities, and take advantage of. In very simple manner.” A good memory and mental fitness are very motivating.

Therefore, force increases mental”also confidence and panache for the challenges of everyday life no matter in what circumstances. Use your mental powers as efficiently as I use my! “, Wolfgang Rademacher calls on his readers. You will be amazed of what you at once about can reach. And without effort. “In short: be let by any self doubt more to slow from now!” The book/program is at Amazon or in bookstores available or under erfolgsonline.de/mental-force.php Wolfgang r m V.i.S.d.P and your contact person: he Eichendorffstrasse 27 59379 Selm Tel.: (0 25 92) 98 18 87 E-Mail: boiler plate Wolfgang Rademacher writes books that open the eyes of every reader. Books that motivate and inspire. Books that provide special insider knowledge. Thus anyone through own actions themselves out of any predicament can free themselves and the current situation was still so hard. With this knowledge, the reader is masterfully mastered personal, professional, financial or business situation and to find more quality of life.

Dec 22 2017

Group Coaching Workshop Seminar

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Trademark I – so you up with self – marketing, self – PR and USP well trained, clever, resilient and yet still far get away from the dream job? Then you might lack the right strategy: ICH-marketing. Martina Wagner from Coachingarbeiten.de shows how to best sell. Step 1: what am I? Know the question, by Robert Lembke, the response takes more than a few five-euro bills. In the workshop or in the coaching make inventory in their head and dig up forgotten and underrated talents. Self-marketing is primarily self-recognition”says Martina Wagner, coach and career consultant (www.coachingarbeiten.de). Before you develop any professional strategy, you must know what you have. “Making career today with a combination of typical female and typically male characteristics: the talent, the pros and cons of a decision to weigh and the appetite for risk and risk.” In the workshop and the coaching is defined, what do you mean in the marketing-USP: his unique selling Proposition”. So a combination of properties, from all other products say: Competitors is different and makes it unique.

Step 2: What is my marketing strategy? After step 1, you have already written it: you are a top quality product. Only: Where do you sell is the best? (Not only), by reply job postings or call at the employment office. In the workshop or in the coaching to develop together ideas, where it best picks up his audience, where it stands: maybe you meet the dream boss on an industry party rather than, or at the bar. And then it says don’t make a mess but pads! Coach Martina Wagner: They always remember, you are your own branded the boss and the boss of their own campaign. And what would you think of a company, in which advertisement is: our things are okay? Forget it: you are the real thing! Step 3: What am I worth? Low tide on the account? Then you have sold perhaps too long too cheap. That deadline is now. Real class has its price, you will have to your Only convincingly represent skill and talent.

Riddle in the workshop: you are a cheap brand product or a more expensive quality article? It sounds heretical, but just a Marketing Director considering if he determines the price of an item. And the workshop participants must also ask exactly that. No matter whether you prepare for a job interview or a discussion of content within a company. Step 4: How do I get in the conversation? You have something (male) colleagues. Talk talent and fun at the Exchange. Shamelessly exploit the advantage. Do good and talk about it. Especially in the presence of your boss. “” First the good news: women are usually team capable, open, and communication-capable as men, “believes adds Martina Wagner by coachingarbeiten.deund: the bad news: often make their own services in the shadows.” This should be changed in the coaching and workshops. According to the motto: An end to modesty. Advertise for themselves, stand in the spotlight and avoid the pitfalls. In collaboration with the PR agency medienarbeiten.de offers Martina Wagner and her team of power workshops and coaching (also individual coaching) on to the topic of self marketing and self-promotion. You send start-ups and entrepreneurs, self-employed, entry level and professional newcomers, but also businessmen and business women.

Nov 17 2017

Business Studies

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Business studies: what is it used? A graduate of business administration studies it is required in every company, otherwise nothing work there. Economists make their calculations and capabilities for existing reserves pertinent be used and thus help the company to benefit. All theoretical needs of student knowledge study him in his business. More at Guelph Academy! Possible sphere of activity according to the business after it has completed his business administration studies, involves study the right workplace. Larry Ellison is likely to agree. This one has a wide variety of industries, who will gladly set a. Companies in the trade, construction, banks, insurance companies, market research or industry need economists in all departments. There you will primarily be entrusted with tasks of project management or meet also advisory functions. Soft skills in the business studies not to be neglected! The results of his work, projects or figures and statistics professionally present should be able and present every graduate exhibit useful communicative and reprasentativeFahigkeiten.

These must be are constantly optimized and further developed, as well as flexible and open-minded dealing with people of course must, because employment is often accompanied by genugmit leadership. Mathematics makes a large share in the Business Administration degree of interest in the matter of global operations, economic events and political developments of study is essential for a successful conclusion in the business. In addition you must be aware that mathematics makes up a lion’s share of the study without the, you will get absolutely not. Integral – and differential calculus, as well as the remaining material from the upper level must sit so that can be built further on this knowledge base..

Aug 24 2016

International Students

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Successful training launch of the MSc programme ‘ renewable energy in Central & Eastern Europe the postgraduate university course “Renewable energy in Central & Eastern Europe” launched on October 17, 2008 already for the fourth time. The course Director, Prof. Dr. Reinhard Haas and DI Martina Prechtl (Chairman Deputy of the energy park Bruck/Leitha) led by the program and welcomed many well-known personalities from science, economy and research, as well as representatives of the main sponsors of this program. Above all MR Dr. Gerhard Burian (Federal Ministry of Economics and labour) and the like.

Gottfried Hamid (Raiffeisen Leasing GmbH). Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schimak (TU Vienna), which was significantly involved in the development of this programme, initially spoke about the history of the course. Prof. Haas was Prof. Dr. Miklos Nemenyi, the Vice Rector of the West Hungarian surprise University Mosonmagyarovar, with a certificate of commendation of the University Mosonmagyarovar.

Following Dr. Dorte Fouquet, the Director held by EREF Brussels their speech on the topic of “Banking, Financing and Governing Crisis Climate and Renewables”. Finally, all 28 students were presented. International program by the countries of origin of the participants of this class is still being underlined: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Italy, Kosovo, Croatia, Austria, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine and Hungary. Good luck to all course! For detailed information, visit our website at newenergy.tuwien.ac.at. Contact and other information like Vienna University continuing education center. Verena Salim Opera lane 11/017 A-1040 Wien T: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41701 F: + 43 (0) 1 58801-41799 E: H: continuing education center at the TU Vienna your competent partner for career hunger and thirst for knowledge, we see our mission is to unlock the full potential of a technical scientific training graduates. We open initiatives figures according to relevant practice new occupations in the economy. “We develop tailor-made training programmes together with initiatives of companies and institutions. Together we provide the adventure of innovation and technological change also on competitive, but always interesting markets us.” Univ. Prof. Dr. Hans Kaiser of the postgraduate study to the in-depth seminar we watch us on the intensity of your needs. Our unique expertise at the interface between technology and economy, between innovation and market, ensures a balanced and always up-to-date portfolio of training programs in conjunction with our international network.