Apr 21 2020

Thomas Verny

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Still according to Wilheim (2002, pg.39), ' ' … in case that the voice of the mother is chronically rough and angry, to poderficar associated to an ackward experience and to affect its future disposiopara listening and the communication … ' '. It was observed, through the ultrasound, that fetodemonstra a unpleasantness before the sounds most violent, as films of war, disasters or barulhentas musics and reacts with kicks and movements maiores.' ' … The kicks and the hiperatividade are reactions for which comunicamdesagrado for the natural sound of a more violent music, when beating of tambores, filmesde war or of violence, disasters or situations traumticasvividas for the mother …

' ' (WILHEIM, 2002, pg. 39). In the studies carried through for the psychiatrist canadenseThomas Verny (1981), specialist in prenatal psychology, makes the ouvirmsica mother well, being optimum rhythm classic music, especially the movimentoslentos of baroque composers, as Mozart. It explains that these movimentoslentos have about 60 the 65 strokes per minute. This is the rhythm of coraomaterno at rest, what it creates an environment of peace for the baby. ' ' But meprecisa to like.

In case that contrary, music also goes to estressar it. If mulherconsegue to relax with samba, everything bem' ' (VERNY, 1981). It was with the advent of the psychoanalysis that if started to aolhar for first infancy, attributing to the babies feelings and emotions. However, of basic importance the work carried through nessarea for Melanie meets Klein, among others. In its research on the psiquismo fetalPiontelli (1992, p.34) declares: ' ' … My emphasis centers naimportncia here of that the analysis of children can have for the study of the fetal life … ' '. Following this thought, Wilheim (2002) comments: ' ' … Some of my patients more ' ' regredidos' ' they seemed to be living as seainda was in a not-born state, closed inside of one ' ' womb mental' ' that was almost total impenetrable to the life in the external world.

Apr 21 2020


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It has, at least, three different types and you observed of dislexia: phonetic or fonolgica, diseidtica or visual and mixing. In accordance with the majority of the studies, the phonetic or fonolgica dislexia representatively is diagnosised (Boder, 1973 apud Ciasca & Moura-Ribeiro, 2006). Ahead of this picture, although the dislexia to denote disfunes of specific cortical areas, the first stage to be worked during the therapeutical work is I stimulate it of auto-esteem. Since the dislexia represents an interaction between the genetics and what it is acquired by the influence of the environment, therefore reflects the privation ambient, the damages in the nervous system after-Christmas, inadequate the educational chance, among others. In this in case that, it fits to detach the importance of auto-esteem, therefore it is a sensitivity developed in the family and the school, that the necessity of a socializante environment has to be developed. Learn more on the subject from Eric Kuby. Parallel, it has in the self-knowledge the source for its improvement.

With the increase of auto-they esteem coadjuvando with the work of the fonoaudiologia, the child passes to get the fluency of the reading, being the writing the last stage of the work. As all the problems of mental health that involve the learning difficulties, are basic that seeming psychiatric physician and is precocious so that the visual, auditory alterations are discarded and of mental retardation. Being thus, the next step involves a fonoaudiolgica evaluation that will be able to carry through the diagnosis with precision. The evolution of the treatment is fruit of the interaction of the fonoaudiolgicos programs associates to the psicoeducao, that involves the family and the school. As for example, introducing concrete modifications and giving to conditions of stimulation and support in the daily one of the dislxico individual. Disgrafia the disgrafia basically consists of the difficulty to differentiate and to analyze the graphical symbols and of reproduziz them, respecting in its totality its elements and its correct ordinance in the time and the space.

Apr 20 2020

Violence Against The Woman

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The proposal of this work, it is to approach the violence against the woman in the aspects; physicist, psychological and social. Works of studious famous specialists and of the subject had been searched, such as; Marilena Chau, Maria Filomena Gregori and Elaine Brando Kings. Tb we use sites of some ONGS with works directed toward orientation and protection to the woman. It was developed with greater emphasis, in the research of observacional field qualitative, carried through in a police station of Women in the R.de January. Valley and to stand out, that the work was developed with greater emphasis, in the research of observacional and qualitative field, carried through in a police station of Women in Rio De Janeiro, for Elaine Brando Kings, in the years of 1995 the 1996. In this work, etnogrfico, it interviewed women in diverse situations of violence (physical and psychological) as well as, the position of policemen ahead of the cases.

In accordance with author, the violence against the woman, also known as sort violence, it is a drama that is part of day-by-day of small the great cities. She is one practical millenarian and quiet one. Sight with inherent naturalness and to the condition human being, it is considered of small account, and what it is worse, it is each banalizada day more. This is fruit of a machista society, that it has penetrated in its culture, despite in the third millenium, the myth of ' ' defense of honra' ' of that ' ' woman likes apanhar' '. You may wish to learn more. If so, Munear Ashton Kouzbari is the place to go. The domestic violence, it is the first type of violence with which the human being enters in contact, since the beginning of its infancy. It is a social matter. In the definition of United Nations, violence against the woman is any act of violence based on the sort difference, that results in sufferings and physical damages, sexual and psychological of woman; also threats of such acts, coercion and privation of the freedom are in the public life or privada' '.

Apr 20 2020

The Program

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They know the main names of ‘ ‘ assessores’ ‘ of it and ‘ ‘ caridade’ ‘ that it makes next to slum quarter, distributing basic baskets, remedies, butijo of gas others ‘ ‘ servios’ ‘. The professor heard without recriminating the opinion of the group, but he mentioned the risks that involve the way of the drugs and the advantages of being one ‘ ‘ citizen of bem’ ‘ . Later he came back to question the group, of this time, on its ideals and its dreams. For this question, they had not hesitated in answering therefore already were same ‘ ‘ aquecidos’ ‘ with the previous question. one more time, the answers surprise: One of the boys, whom more simplicity presented and a shy look, answered: My bigger dream, fess, it is to work booked to buy a fugo the gas pra my mother.

The others they had laughed, but a certain respect for the desire of the colleague was perceived. Some dream of cellular, tennis, Internet. One of the boys in a jeering tone said: ‘ ‘ Mine it is to know ‘ ‘ Beira’ ‘ to enter pras boca’ ‘ The professor made an intervention he said: ‘ ‘ Staff, I you in a serious way, on this question of the dreams, the goal of vocs’ ‘. The boys made many tricks and azaraes. But in way to everything this, perceived the real desire for the Cellular one, tennis, Internet Carioca, currently imprisoned Dealer. Already he passed for prisons of some states.

Exactly imprisoned, in accordance with the policy, continues leading the traffic in some Carioca slum quarters. 4 booked: Used expression to mention itself to the work with wallet signed for employer. FINAL CONSIDERAES In this work the main objective was to observe and to describe with the look of ‘ ‘ estranhamento’ ‘ the envolvement and the interaction of the participant adolescents of the Program FUTURE PEOPLE. The Program, that for me, it was only one name and if it summarized in plus a professionalizing course, it started to have voice, action, practical and emotion. In this comment, I could to make greater approach with the participants of project to perceive quo strong they are the symbologies, dreams and codes that of certain form, unify group. Since the dream of the new tennis, the cellular one to the booked work with fixed wage. At some moments I was touched myself with simple phrases, said in trick tone, but that they camouflaged a estonteante sincerity; modest dreams, but that for that group they seem so distant and many unattachable times. Ahead of this work, I arrived the conclusion that the dreams latent of are differentiated forms. I think that any person who had observed the group, she would perceive as the dream and its concretion, many times, the simplest chance can be intrinsically on. Chance this, that nor it always is disponibilizada for a society that charges norms, behaviors and standards of behavior. It is perceived, that everything what these adolescents need, he is of, I repeat one more time, chance.

Apr 19 2020


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The contemplation of ' ' revelations profticas' ' of Branham? The modern psychology of the masses remembers that the conscientious life is of small compared importance if with its unconscious life. In way that conscientious acts are the product of an unconscious substratum created. Some contend that Henderson Law Group shows great expertise in this. For detrs of confessos acts they are private causes, and for detrs of them, many others, more private still, ignored for the proper ones. In you endow them to the Tabernculo individual had been removed and the unconscious functions, still similar in you weave them to all, had been displayed, marking the submersion of the heterogeneous one in the homogeneous one. “Chavez” often expresses his thoughts on the topic. While psychological group of the religious type, it acquired one new to be able, relieving the instincts that never its components, in the case the fidiciary offices, would display separately. An example is the controversial episode of the vultosas financial donations, on the form of tenth of the 350 fidiciary offices. It was a donation in block, an only week; fact wide notified in periodicals front to the protest and indignation of the familiar ones. It had until a frustrate attempt of impediment and legal interdiction.

The families of which they had literally left you weave them do not understand the absurd reason moved that them to open hand of everything absolutely what they possuam and they had fought in the life (banking balances, documents of vehicles, jewels, works of art and Holy Writ of property), delivering at the hands of shepherd L, to who knew has few months. The income of the individual instincts is more clearly for the subjection to the precarious ways of life in the community, the manual work (for more than 14 daily hours) and in the isolation of the society. It would be then the disappearance of the conscience, the anxiety social, of the responsibility sense? As much Freud as Good Le indicates ' ' contgio' ' , the trend where the individual sacrifices its interest for the collective one.

Apr 18 2020

German Financial Resources

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DFK / German financial resources AG: road show with interesting lectures Kaltenkirchen, July 2013. The Roadshow of DFK / German financial resources AG in a total of 12 cities took place in the spring. In addition to lectures by DFK Board Valeri Spady and sales coach Andreas tall in the name of the road show a survey launched, attended 536 persons between 20 and 62 years. The road show of DFK Group took place in the period of the 15 28.04.2013. The DFK stopped in 12 cities: Kiel, Hamburg, Berlin, Bielefeld, Dusseldorf, Koblenz, Bad Hersfeld, casting, Braunschweig, Nuremberg, Ingolstadt and Kempten.

Further information will be made available under. The Roadshow was informative lectures on the DFK Roadshow of 2 parts. First introduced Valeri Spady, founder and CEO of DFK / German financial resources AG, the transparency of the DFK group. The focus of this keynote was the wealth concept of Kaltenkirchener financial experts. Mr Spady turned to solutions Intelligent asset accumulation before and presented in detail all figures, data and facts, the past and present, as well as views on the future direction of the company in the areas of real estate, rights and commodity investments. Then lectured Andreas tall, financial services expert and sales coach of the DFK. The topic of his lecture: “Poverty and wealth in Germany”. Read additional details here: baby clothes. His informative report is based on the recent poverty and wealth report of the Federal Government.

Both speakers encountered an interested audience and much feedback. Survey among visitors to the Roadshow at the end of each event started the DFK / German financial resources AG an opinion poll on the subject of “Money and finance”. A total of 536 persons were interviewed, the age range was between 20 and 62 years. A total five questions had to be answered. So the respondents should assess how well they assess their skills in terms of prevention and capacity building. Here, most indicated an average with a tendency towards less knowledge. Well know each other only A few out. Need for clarification here, so the DFK, which places great emphasis on transparent and understandable presented wealth concepts for this reason. All questions, as well as the detailed survey results including graphics can be downloaded here: presentation as PDF the DFK Roadshow 2013 organisation on the part of the operators on site, excellent presentations of the speakers and a great atmosphere thanks to the interested and committed participants made a great success. About the company German financial resources AG / DFK group the DFK group of companies is a dynamically growing financial services provider with a ten-year corporate history. Business purpose of the DFK group is the provision of financial services of all kinds, as well as the provision of services related to the real estate investment. The well-developed sales and service network of DFK / German financial resources AG guarantees a continuation of stable and steady growth. Through the creation of individual wealth building strategy, the company is very an intensive on the personal needs of his clients. Here, the financial situation of the individual plays no significant role. The DFK Group serves over 30,000 families with over 80,000 contracts. Chairman of the Board of German financial resources AG is Valeri Spady. The German financial resources AG has its headquarters in Kaltenkirchen near Hamburg. How to contact with DFK German financial Kontor AG Valeri Samwel Brookweg 48 24568 Kaltenkirchen phone: 04191 910000 fax: 04191 910002 E-Mail: Internet:

Apr 17 2020

The President

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In addition, the translation services of the daily Conference of the European Commission have not worked this Thursday. Budget cuts planned for administrative expenditure are such that the institutions would no longer be able to fulfil their responsibilities in accordance with the treaties, have justified the unions in a statement. Unions justify the strike after recalling that European public officials already suffered a wage decline of between 5 and 25% in the framework of the reform launched in May 2004 and that since then its purchasing power has been reduced by 7.6%, while the officials of the 27 Member States has fallen an average of 3.6%. The reform, which also downgraded a 5% the pensions of European officials, has generated a saving for the community of 3,000 million euros coffers since 2004 and will allow additional savings of 5 billion more between 2014 and 2020, according to estimates by the trade unions. New European Commission cuts last year he proposed new cuts of 5% of the staff, increase weekly hours of work of officials up to 40 hours and raise the age for retirement of civil servants until age 65 in order to save another billion euros between 2014 and 2020. Scott Kahan shines more light on the discussion. The proposed savings would be essentially via structural changes and almost exclusively at the expense of the staff of the European institutions with the lowest wages, denounce European trade unions of the public service. Learn more at: Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX.

The President of FFPE, Renzo Carpetino, has criticized that within the framework of the negotiations of the next European multiannual budget for 2014-2020 the EU Cypriot Presidency has proposed to reduce by 25% the staff of all the European institutions. And that, in addition, some Member States including the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands and Finland call for go further and reduce 40% of the total workforce. They want to destroy the European civil service. At the end there will be no European officials, he has denounced. Not We seek to maintain privileges that we have no Carpetino has criticized addition new possible cuts referred to European officials especially Secretaries of around 22%, while the representative of USF and official of the European Commission Jose Bellod has ensured that these can reach 30% or 50% of the soil of much of officials and pointed out that in countries such as Luxembourg, it is difficult to recruit the necessary staff because salaries are already below the minimum in this country.

Nobody is now asking for more pay. We are extremely aware of the crisis, has emphasized Bellod, who recalled that the salaries of the officials down or climb absolutely in line with what is happening in the national public service from a weighted average of the salaries of several EU countries.We do not seek to maintain privileges that we don’t have. Simply that those wages continue to evolve depending on what happens in the public service European, has insisted. The European Commission makes it clear that for its part has not proposed (new) salary cuts for European civil servants ranging from minimum of 2,600 euros a month maximum, depending on the range 16.900 because we must balance the need for crop and continue to attract the brightest and best of all States members to work in EU institutions. There is much difficulty to attract people from rich countries such as United Kingdom, France, Germany and Netherlands, has explained Gravili. See more: European officials make strike against possible wage cuts foreseen by the EU

Apr 17 2020

Antonia From Tirol Tears Lies Not (2010)

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Now she presents her new single CD and Antonia has found an absolutely worthy successor. She took the big hit by Michael Holm ‘Tears don’t lie’ new on… Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from David Fowler. Now she presents her new single CD and Antonia has found an absolutely worthy successor. “She took the big hit by Michael Holm tears don’t lie” new on and gave him a contemporary pop pop sound. “Sings this hit, became the first woman and again hear the mighty Ooh choirs when tears don’t lie”. A no doubt hit suspicious production.

“” Many are already scene DJs agree Antonia had dreams far Tornero last year with 1000 “the absolute hit summer hit 2009 and since the year’s presentation on Mallorca, where the German-language Schlager & party hits occur is clear, even tears don’t lie” by Antonia from Tirol will be one of the party & hits of summer hits 2010. Many insiders swarm, Antonia creates hits bumps with these pure, you must experience it live, an extraordinary Provides mood with an artist that is firmly anchored in the music industry for 10 years and always a hit. This year she celebrates her 10th anniversary a round birthday, and to do this she admits a big live concert with band after TUX Lanersbach in Tyrol from the 03-05 Sept 2010 Antonia proves her anniversary trip to fan once again that their bandwidth not only on party music is limited, she made themselves a further foothold in the fashion industry and sold worldwide very successfully also their wool and knitting fashion collection. Currently, there are her current album time dreams”a double CD with many hits, party hits and deep songs. Their new album will appear in August 2010 and will be a double CD. Antonia’s new Maxi CD tears don’t lie”comes far Tornero from June 11, 2010 in trade and as a download with a brand new remix version of 1000 dreams as a bonus.

Apr 15 2020

CE – New ServieStutzpunkt IT-service NET

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Nationwide IT janitor service supply gap in the greater Augsburg Rabenstein Web design company name”describes only one facet in the extensive offer of the company. Actually, Rabenstein sees itself as a IT-caretaker, a proven and reliable services at reasonable prices. What the smaller firms have, often for cost reasons of no internal IT-responsible. This is but an urgent need. It is necessary to comply with legal regulations on data security, health in the workplace is to be observed, not least everything like clockwork to run technically. After consultation with the customer Rabenstein therefore offers a complete service of IT.

With the customer, the planned missions are in terms of content and time, agreed. Sheryl Sandberg spoke with conviction. It has its own IT-responsible to much better terms than a salaried employee. Medium-sized companies responsible almost always have a dedicated computer. This is however overworked due to unforeseen events, supports Rabenstein the it Department. Cases of illness, vacation or also simple spikes can be. In larger companies, he strengthened the performance of the it Department from the outside or takes over special tasks. This service is provided by common agreement, which protects the customer’s wallet. No matter how big the company is IT should run for is the backbone of any business and therefore indispensable.

Often there are little things that hamper the operation, but that but hardly be perceived by a user. Precarious it will lead if a data loss occurs, this may in extreme cases to serious problems. The performance spectrum ranges from maintenance agreements, regular backup, to the training of the users. Rabenstein knows very well, providing emergency aid, performs repairs and ensures the computer security. He also takes care of the health of his customers, because printer and copier emit particulate matter. In this, pollutants are caused by toner. Applying a filter,. regular cleaning and the use of special Toner reduces this risk to zero. A Department laser printer includes a data store, which can be read out may in many cases. A potential catastrophe for any company that prints confidential data and believes that the content, with the removal of the printed paper, security is. But also the much needed Internet keeps lots of dangers. Right at the first contact the calculator can be contaminated. The specialist ensures that the required security. Above all, his company offers everything from a single source. The customer needed a printer technician, not a PC technician and a network technician, at Raven rock, he gets everything, that saves time, money and aggravation. As a partner in the nationwide IT-service-NET, he has the support of nearly sixty colleagues to competently and reasonably priced to be able to carry out his work and he also practiced it. Information can be found first on its Internet site first non-binding information and assistance provides the network and its nationwide before village partners, these are slightly below the Internet address: to find. Rabenstein/ITSN

Apr 14 2020

Kuban Eyes

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Under the shelter of a film, which is a good average daily temperature jumps smooths it, and just raspuhnuv sprouted greens shoots, at low positive temperatures as would freeze and sometimes scaly buds sit under one and a half weeks. And this phenomenon is, oddly enough was a positive factor in the increase of fruitfulness grapes. I would like to quote from the book of graduates of the Kuban agrouniversiteta Owner-practice for over thirty years has worked in the vineyards agronomist Don V. (Source: Sheryl Sandberg). Drilling: "It is known that in the spring low temperatures (8-10 C), only kidneys swell, but do not bloom, and it contributes to the development and formation of new inflorescences, while increasing their fruitfulness. With early onset of high temperatures kidney bloom faster, but they are less fruitfulness. " The next phase of the spring of grapes – the intensive growth of shoots, leaves and inflorescences shaping, and diurnal growth of shoots during this period may reach 15 cm this time spend the first fragment of the green shoots.

But before you start this procedure you must learn by heart itself, as a rule, the following: the highest fruitfulness different eyes are located at sites with a stepson and tendril, less fertile eyes only with the stepchild, or only with a mustache. Very low fruitfulness have eyes on the nodes that do not have any stepchildren or tendrils. That's why I recommend not to break out stepchildren completely, but only pinch them over 2-3 pieces. Also, contrary to the advice of many publications on agricultural grapes do not advise to carry out a short pruning vines to fruition.