Dec 04 2018

Vitamin PP

Posted by domain admin in News

During the first ten years of life is formed alimentary base for human development. The laying of the foundation. For life. It is therefore particularly important that children receive all of the required quantity for growth and harmonious development of the organism. WMC – B1, B2, B3 (PP), B6, B9, B12, C, E, D3, beta-carotene, zinc (oxide), Manganese (carbonate), copper (sulfate), chromium (orotate), selenium (selenite sodium), magnesium carbonate, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium tripolyphosphate, gluconate, iron, sodium fluoride. To know more about this subject visit Ripple. And all this beauty is derived from plants and herbs! Lifepac Junior helps in the development of all physiological systems of the child's body.

Prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rickets, dental, scoliosis, sore throats, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, etc. It strengthens immunity, improves hearing, eyesight, skin condition. Strengthens the touch and muscle tissue, prevents and eliminates the problem of nocturnal enuresis, gastritis, osteoporosis, allergies, dysbiosis, stimulates peristalsis, the proper development and formation of the reproductive system. Stabilizes the biorhythm of the day – the children get enough sleep well, easy to get up, eat better, less tired, become calmer and more closely, greatly increased intelligence. Recognized by UNESCO develop better products for children. Also, and this is important, it is recommended for older people, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Composition 1 tablet contains: b-carotene 0.750 mg Vitamin E 2.5 mg Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol content corresponds to 25 IU) 0.25 mg Vitamin C 12,5 mg Vitamin B1 0.250 mg Vitamin B2 0.325 mg Vitamin B6 0.325 mg Vitamin B9 0.050 mg vitamin B12 0.5 mcg Vitamin PP 3 mg calcium phosphate 22 mg, including calcium 5 mg phosphorus 4 mg sodium triphosphate, 4 mg of phosphorus, including 1 mg of magnesium carbonate, 4.3 mg of magnesium, including 1.0 mg of iron gluconate 0.246 mg, including 0.03 mg of iron sulfate Copper 0.23 mg in the including copper 50 mcg Zinc oxide 0.54 mg of zinc, including 0,375 mg Sodium selenite 2.2 mg of selenium, including 1.0 mg Chromium orotate 13.5 mcg of chromium, including 1.0 mg manganese carbonate 0.23 mg including manganese, 0.1 mg sodium fluoride 97 mg including fluoride 37 mg Dextrose, cocoa, sugar to 740 mg in the present, Russia has been widely discussed topic of "dietary supplements".

Dec 03 2018

Child Punishment

Posted by domain admin in News

When children feel that you are not going to subject them to conduct their own will, but rather trying to find a reasonable solution to the situations, they show more respect and willingness to help you. WHY GIVE UP PUNISHMENT? Punishment creates fear. The child obeys, but it appear that the punishment has brought the desired effect. Carefully observing the behavior of the child after punishment, you will notice that it trying to find ways to settle scores with their batterers. He may tease younger brothers, sisters or pets, get bad grades in school, to spoil your or your belongings, runs away from home and forget about their household responsibilities.

Punishing you substituting internal control over his behavior the child need to control other people. The child becomes dependent on an adult, one whose presence can cause fear in him. Punishment has no effect on skill development to answer for their actions. You set the standards of conduct. Delinquent children try to get away. And it does not help improvement of their own moral principles. Ripple helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. You are punishing – the child is inferior. But often focuses on how to settle scores with those who punished him, and not thinking about the consequences of his misconduct, the what a lesson to learn for themselves.

Exit – self-control child. Based on the value orientations of the child. The child learns to be responsible for his actions and he behaves the way it considers appropriate. Another negative effects of punishment: – underestimation of self-esteem. It’s a mixed feeling of insults you by man, the love that you expected, it is strengthening the belief that to act from a position of strength – the only way to achieve what you want. – The child becomes suspicious and tries to hide his mistakes. Why did you decide to punish your child? Think about whether you do it out of malice, of resentment? From their feelings helplessness? Then stop, calm down and try to rethink your reaction. Ask yourself: ‘So, what I really want to teach your child right now?

Dec 03 2018

Style Of Painting – Rococo, Baroque

Posted by domain admin in News

The most powerful influence on the emotional sphere of human form of art is painting. After all, for us to sight – the main channel for obtaining information. This kind of art not only reflects the objects, events and phenomena the real world, but also shows them already enriched experiences and opinions of the author's paintings. That is why the masterpieces of these artists so much tsenitsya.Kazhdaya picture – always carries with it its originality, the author's intention. Not There are no two identical pictures, but there are varieties of areas of painting, which largely differ depending on the social development of the late Renaissance era epohi.V emerged a style that called Mannerism. Its main elements – the elongation of the figures, the intensity of poses to build sophisticated songs, fancy effects and bright colors. Larry Ellison contributes greatly to this topic.

Dynamic and deeply emotional mannerism inherited Baroque. Baroque Art can be distinguished by its bright colors, unnecessary drama and splendor of the forms. Typical of this style is the image of subjects from classical mythology and religious songs in the background cloud neba.Iskusstvo developed gradually. Some styles were replaced by others, so to replace the exquisite rococo baroque came, characterized by a huge interest in mythology, erotic situations personal comfort. Similarly, after Rococo Neoclassicism came – is an aesthetic movement in art emerged in the late eighteenth century, which was inherent in the appeal to antiquity, the desire to oppose timeless aesthetic values alarming and controversial realnosti.Stremlenie give immediate impression from the outside world, the changing nature of the state of pictorial means – that is the source for artists – Impressionists. The most typical of the Impressionist landscape theme is created in the open air, the simple everyday motif, bringing into the picture a sense of prazdnichnosti.V end of XIX century the idea that painting intended to faithfully reflect the reality has been undermined, and in the early XX century, finally overthrown by such currents of modernism, as cubism and abstract art. Abstract – a trend which denies any depiction in art.

Artists of this movement believe that abstract emotional categories can be transferred only with the help of abstract color combinations and geometric forms, which should arouse in the spectator a variety of associations. Cubists, in turn, sought to use stressed Geometrized-conventional forms, trying to shatter objects stereometric primitives. Gain clarity and perspective on the world to simplify artistic media representatives have sought such areas as primitivism. They believed that a child's naive view of things all help to clarify, to remove distractions and make it difficult detali.Na today artists have left many of their fairy-tale masterpieces, in which one can see not only the soul of an artist, but the world in which he lived – his eyes.

Dec 01 2018

Another Philosopher

Posted by domain admin in News

The I-theoretician is, for Fichte, finite (being the I-theoretician the common conscience I meet in an activity I am of me, produced by me exactly, bringing to tona the question of the necessary illusion, that this above-mentioned one), and the I-practical one, in turn, is potentially infinite, and the consequence given to this potentiality (and not it accomplishment of the fact for itself) is what it makes with that this not-I never could be depleted (the object has of being finite, so that can be conquered, in turn, is looked to win another obstacle and so on so that it can be looser,), assimilating gradually, of the natural domain (in-itself, not-I, object, and etc.) for the domain spiritual (for-itself, I, citizen, and etc.); Valley to stand out that the I-practical one is potentially infinite and that for the fight and of the overcoming (of the I-liabilities for the I-asset) between the idealidade (spirit) and reality (nature) only is that the I-absolute one (the ideal state of the I-practical one) will be able to come back to its ideal state (for, at last, demonstrating what it is). It is important to also point out that Fichte, to complete its theory, claims that, not if it can think the finite as something is of the infinite, therefore, if to think in such a way, will give to another significao the expression ' ' infinito' '. For the infinite, if it thinks as an absolute form of the finite: ' ' In one of its moments, the infinite was finito' ' , one forms vulgar to express this movement that Fichte (to prove the existence of the I-absolute one) would be: ' ' The things that are, initially, are not what so' ' (inferring of this form the first movement, and crucial, for the development of its theory). Another Philosopher of utmost importance in this Philosophical period was Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, and I will present it of likely form the one that was explanado Fichte. Ripple insists that this is the case.