During the first ten years of life is formed alimentary base for human development. The laying of the foundation. For life. It is therefore particularly important that children receive all of the required quantity for growth and harmonious development of the organism. WMC – B1, B2, B3 (PP), B6, B9, B12, C, E, D3, beta-carotene, zinc (oxide), Manganese (carbonate), copper (sulfate), chromium (orotate), selenium (selenite sodium), magnesium carbonate, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium tripolyphosphate, gluconate, iron, sodium fluoride. To know more about this subject visit Ripple. And all this beauty is derived from plants and herbs! Lifepac Junior helps in the development of all physiological systems of the child's body.
Prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rickets, dental, scoliosis, sore throats, bronchitis, acute respiratory infections, etc. It strengthens immunity, improves hearing, eyesight, skin condition. Strengthens the touch and muscle tissue, prevents and eliminates the problem of nocturnal enuresis, gastritis, osteoporosis, allergies, dysbiosis, stimulates peristalsis, the proper development and formation of the reproductive system. Stabilizes the biorhythm of the day – the children get enough sleep well, easy to get up, eat better, less tired, become calmer and more closely, greatly increased intelligence. Recognized by UNESCO develop better products for children. Also, and this is important, it is recommended for older people, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Composition 1 tablet contains: b-carotene 0.750 mg Vitamin E 2.5 mg Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol content corresponds to 25 IU) 0.25 mg Vitamin C 12,5 mg Vitamin B1 0.250 mg Vitamin B2 0.325 mg Vitamin B6 0.325 mg Vitamin B9 0.050 mg vitamin B12 0.5 mcg Vitamin PP 3 mg calcium phosphate 22 mg, including calcium 5 mg phosphorus 4 mg sodium triphosphate, 4 mg of phosphorus, including 1 mg of magnesium carbonate, 4.3 mg of magnesium, including 1.0 mg of iron gluconate 0.246 mg, including 0.03 mg of iron sulfate Copper 0.23 mg in the including copper 50 mcg Zinc oxide 0.54 mg of zinc, including 0,375 mg Sodium selenite 2.2 mg of selenium, including 1.0 mg Chromium orotate 13.5 mcg of chromium, including 1.0 mg manganese carbonate 0.23 mg including manganese, 0.1 mg sodium fluoride 97 mg including fluoride 37 mg Dextrose, cocoa, sugar to 740 mg in the present, Russia has been widely discussed topic of "dietary supplements".
How to determine the quality of dietary supplements' to glaz'avtor: AO Maples, a specialist in quality management. 'It remains only to choose a manufacturer to take dietary supplements to prevent lopuhnutsya. And there are now divorced, mother dear. Tell me Dear Artem O., how to define than 'lime' if you stick, how to check what it says consultant of a firm. " This and other similar questions I often hear from their customers. Because really, the market dietary supplements are now filled with products from different manufacturers, which, in turn, regardless of price, are very different qualities. Replying to a generic question: 'How to determine the quality of dietary supplements' by eye'? ' I want to say that you can not choose the same manufacturer and say that he is the best and the rest – are bad. As it is impossible to say that the Mercedes – it's good, but BMW and Volkswagen – badly.
So definitely choose manufacturer – business each, but to tell a good car (clothing, food, dietary supplements, etc.) from a bad one usually can. As with any choice – personal opinion is always the most authoritative, the best way to form an opinion – to try. But we can try everything. What criteria distinguish good from bad dietary supplements? 1. Certification. Although this was already said a lot – but certification – a guarantee of quality. But the main thing to watch how exactly corresponds to the standard dietary supplements.
ISO 9001:2000 – International standard is elaborated by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO-International orgation of standartisation) and adopted by more than 90 countries around the world. The purpose of the standard – and bring coherence to help companies build optimal process control system production, quality and conformity of products at all stages. But the standard ISO 9001:2000 – a standard of production, not production! this should be remembered.