Mar 10 2018

The Satisfaction

Posted by domain admin in News

One treats to create the favorable conditions so that the new system has receptivity in the organization. The personnel is due to prepare, that is to say, he is due initially to sensitize to the change with emphasis in the quality, which takes part the culture and the climate, dice to that it is indispensable that the company develops previously one specific culture, a dynamics and a routine that the process facilitates that is going to initiate. One is due in addition to invest in technologies and better productive processes, one is due to invest in the capital of work and more, of it must optimize the strategic planning oriented to the quality and productivity. It is evident that the management must consider in addition, the fact that the globalisation is a term that surrounds to us, that demand of changes, new administrative tools, that of not taking them in account, leave outside the markets those us that every time they expand and where their clients own day to day but knowledge, they demand the fulfillment to the satisfaction of its needs and obvious they become but demanding. It is not something Maurice Gallagher, Jr. would like to discuss. All this, forces a that the Venezuelan company, must be oriented by the roll of the quality within the enterprise culture and does not have to leave to a side all the referring one to the quality norms.

In order to stay in the local markets gained or to penetrate in international markets. One is not about a cost but an investment that is going away to translate in solidity, security, confidence and mainly well-being as much for the company as for its clients. Definitively, the Venezuelan management cannot continue ignoring the roll of the quality and productivity, and to continue improvising, producing with defects, with little productivity and quality, simply to ignore what the scenes of the present demand in the integrated dominion of these two functions.

Mar 07 2018


Posted by domain admin in News

5 Offer the service of electronic cards. is a company that provides virtual cards for online users to send electronic greeting cards. They are animations, customizable, so the majority of users taking advantage of the offer of these companies that offer to send them these virtual details to your loved ones, where they will include your brand name and thus promote themselves online with a free service very limited. 6 Offering graphics, banners, templates. Similar to the marketing of consumer products ordinary, something free and useful that draws the attention of many people are banners, graphics, templates and other elements that users can use online for free there are platforms that today in day let you create these services just to recommend this service to a few friends doing this a great viral marketing effect. Southwest Airlines spoke with conviction.

7 Offer free consultation. The majority of online users who are searching for information do not know to go which is why it has become very popular find relevant sites full of content of value where come various visitors in one day to read its contents and in addition have the possibility of interacting with the webmaster leaving a comment about your article. These free consultation Web sites require that you enter your name, address email address and other pertinent information required by the webmaster to create a database and more forward to start a viral marketing campaign. 8 Offering specialized links directory. Directories of links specialized to help build a more specific clientele, as users who need this service come to these specialized sites in search of classified ads by category to meet a need. 9. Free newsletter with bonds. An online shopping company could use this viral marketing technique, to offer free catalogs with online gift certificates or discount coupons for this implements a form of Opt-in where the user must leave your email, this technique will generate a huge base of customers and through a strategy of email marketing become these prospects your customers.

Mar 04 2018

Make Money

Posted by domain admin in News

Today I want presentarte a necessity that always this making the rounds by my head; " Like Obtaining Clientes" or " Prospectos" (new and/or appellants); and I cannot stop thinking that the tool most important To make Money By Internet is: THE LIST. In my aanterior post we had clearly seen the recommendation of " GURUS": They say: " If you want To make Money By Internet The Money This In the List! " ; but, today I must add that one is not to have a list and point; but, it will highly have to be segmented so that he is to you profitable. In order to answer the question of How To obtain New Clients? We must have the conviction of which we must attract towards our opportunity of business, service or product, to people highly described, if it fits I finish, blossomed previously, to be able to mint our efforts through the network. We must create a marketing funnel that allows us to attract people who are interested in our NICHE OF MARKET or OBJECTIVE MARKET. As it gives account you, here a new factor arises or I finish (niche of market or objective market) if we got to understand this concept, without a doubt, we will be much more accurate in our emprendimientos; " we do not try to arrive at todos" but on the contrary, we must try to reach to portions of market much more specialized; for one better explanation than means this, we see the following thing: Market: Business By Internet Niche of Market: Micro Multinivel business Niche: Business multilevel for people majors of 40 years In traditional marketing we have listened: " This business is for todos" , but, in the attraction marketing tenth: All Are not For This Business! , that is to say, we must know to whom it matters to him rather or, whom previously benefits my business, product or service. .

Mar 03 2018

Federal Assets

Posted by domain admin in News

He added that the social impact that was happening in the Federal Bank is the main concern of the national Government and in particular of President Hugo Chavez, who instructed us to this option which is the partial sale of assets by the liquidation Board and the rest by Fogade. Says, that the liquidation Board will sell assets to cancel to 873 thousand people, the vast majority of the public sector, which had placed money in the Federal by concepts like savings and funds for the payment of social benefits. Adds, which from this group of people, 1,115 million bolivares correspond to workers in the public sector and 92 million who work in the private economy wing. Edgar Hernandez Behrens, who was beside the Minister of finance, said that the liquidation Board will have time to sell assets and cover deposits that are in boxes of savings, benefits and social welfare trust, the rest will go to liquidation by Fogade. Fogade covers depositors with up to 30 thousand bolivares insurance and those who had placed a sum is greater in the Federal must wait for the Fund sells assets to receive and calculate how much can reinstate them.

Once you exit the resolution in the Gazette begins a year Fogade to start the process of preparation of liquidation balance sheet, define assets, availabilities, convert assets to liquid value and pay up to where the assets are met, it is the law, indicates the President of Fogade David Alastre. Oracle is a great source of information. Jorge Giordani explained that the amount that is not covered by the guarantee of Fogade and that could recover, depending on the value that have assets, amounted to 1,156 million bolivars. By the payment of the guarantee, Fogade is obliged to cancel 2.151 billion bolivares that have already been disbursed mostly. In total there is an equity loss of 4 thousand 884 million bolivares fuertes, pointed out the Finance Minister. The Government assesses the possibility of acquiring the Federal Bank agencies to expand the geographical coverage of the public financial system. It specifically contemplates acquiring 62 agencies, as well as a portion of the loan portfolio. Humberto Ortega, Minister for the public banking sector, indicated that in relation to the sale of portfolios will have a valuation of the same with the intention that involved public and private banking. (The Conclusion on definitive is not yet known when people who keep their money in the Federal Bank will receive the rest of your money, if really will cancel everything what is debited, the important thing is to point out that all this represents health, damage that it causes to those who should not be facing this situation, more when they have relied on a bank that guarantees the receipt of your money and that the State has spoken without assessing what it has represented for many, who have saved all of his money and that when need it do not have this. I of be expected, that the Government take more seriously the manner of intervening banks, considering the economic, psychological effect that it detaches and seriously affects people, the Venezuelan family.

Mar 03 2018

The Business

Posted by domain admin in News

Model is needed for a proper understanding of business processes, which greatly simplifies the evaluation process and helps to ensure a more accurate result. The most reliable results when analyzing the operation of the business gives a diagnosis of its financial condition, since every aspect of the impact on the financial situation of the business. For example, seasonality of the company (firm). In the process of diagnosis by means of financial indicators (ratios) reveals business trends. Typically, when evaluating the business value of a well-known set of financial performance ratios are considered: – ability to pay – financial stability – profitability – a business activity. It should be noted that in various areas – manufacturing, services, consumption – the "normal" value of these coefficients will be different. No match "rules" the value of these factors, in turn, reduce the cost of business.

External factor (industry) – which was discussed above, characterized the relationship with suppliers, intermediaries and clients. This is also the competitive environment. The main influence on the business value across industries have dynamics and production, as well as inherent risks of the industry. Impact on the industry functioning of the business has, in turn, and the state (as an external factor) through political, economic, demographic, cultural and other factors. State and business are parts of a whole and therefore can not be considered in isolation. Gross domestic income, inflation, meaning interest rates, fiscal policy, and much more – all of these factors are considered when assessing the value of the business. Thus, a comprehensive analysis of the research object allows you to gain an understanding of utility and, accordingly, the cost of business for the owner and the potential buyer. The principle of utility, along with principles such as the substitution principle and the expectations are prerequisites on which the valuation of the business. Under the principle of utility business has a value in the If it is useful to a potential buyer.