Failure to observe the time limits penalties laid down in the law, therefore the activity is the sector size. In addition, also a strategy for adaptation to EU environmental standards has been formulated in this law. Continue to learn more with: Southwest Airlines. Of the associated investment of 18 billion euros, 42% in the renewal of fraying sewage shall go cable networks. All measures were detained in an action plan until 2017 will be performed. The goal is to have connected to all inhabitants of municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more at sewage treatment plants.
By means of the digester gas towers, which are used in the construction or modernization of sewage treatment plants, a significant part of the energy required in the form be innovations gained by biogas. The city Ankara can already meet their energy needs in this way to 80%. Nationwide, currently three digester gas facilities are located in the construction, more are in the planning. In addition to the construction of digester gas towers is also the water supply of the towns from neighbouring rivers into the discussion. So, for example, the city of Istanbul from 2010 from the 180 km away Melen-should receive 268 million cbm water river.
In the final stage daily even 1.18 billion cbm in this way to ensure the water supply until 2040, also is thinking about the construction of a seawater desalination plant. Best practice: Town of Fethiye is a good example of a successful sanitation in Fethiye on the Turkish Mediterranean coast. Fethiye is one of the last of the great sea turtle hatcheries. But the sewage of the city were directed untreated into the sea and acutely endangered their breeding grounds. The German financial cooperation financed the construction of a State of the art water treatment plant in 2003. Now, the sewage cleaned and largely harmless pathogens. The wastewater treatment plant model even under European standards was already awarded several environmental awards. And the sea turtles to breed again without being disturbed. Our portfolio for the search by distribution partner of the successful entry into the Turkish market requires expert knowledge. The imap Institute is designed tailored Sales strategies and the company provides reliable local Distributor. We accompany the company at the fairs, specifically to find distributors and to increase the sales activities. More information on this topic see: DE/Content/__SharedDocs/Links-Einzeldokumente-Datenbanken/fachdokument.html?fIdent=MKT201005278013 more information about our company you can find under: Nazif Sabli
Holiday flyer scored at the atmosfair airline index (AAI) good results when the environmental impact also this year lands which holiday flyer Condor again on one of the front seats at the annual CO2-efficiency evaluation of organization atmosfair. Energy efficiency is measured under the German and foreign airlines, where the consumption and utilization of the flights are decisive for the placement. The German holiday flyer Condor received 78 out of 100 possible points of efficiency in the current evaluation and is the second-best airline in Germany comparison. Also in the global ranking reflected the holiday air in the top flight and Lands on a good 6th place. (As opposed to “Bernard Golden). In the classification of the category medium-range worldwide, even the third rank could be achieved.
Condor flies with efficient aircraft and reached the high score by high seating and above-average load, thus atmosfair. For Uwe Balser, Managing Director of Condor Flugdienst GmbH, the good result reflects efforts by Condor to reduce CO2 emissions: “The kerosene-saving use of our aircraft is an important issue for Condor. Across the area we were looking for ways, to reduce the consumption of our aircraft and thus CO2 emissions. This includes. for example, the use of lightweight containers or cases, retrofitting our entire fleet of Boeing with winglets, as well as the adaptation of procedures in the flight operations” The atmosfair airline index 2013 the 150 largest airlines examined worldwide CO2 efficiency. In comparison to the airline airlines reduced index 2012 their emissions per passenger per kilometre by approximately 1%. The full airline index with the analysis of individual airlines and graphics, as well as additional information, see http: airlineindex. Per passenger consumed the aircraft of the members of the Association of the German air transport industry association, so Lufthansa, airberlin, Condor, TUIfly and Augsburg Airways, in 2012 for all domestic and international flights a total of 3.8 litres fuel per 100 kilometers. At the beginning of the year he started Federal Association of the German aviation industry to the 4-litre campaign. A representative survey of the election research group showed that nearly half of the Germans later assess the average consumption of a modern aircraft to a motorised.
Power savings achieved up to 28prozent! Once again RK energy consulting based in Waldbrunn in the Odenwald was one on May 5, 2009 at the Shell Station Carina Hofmann in Mosbach-Diedesheim conducted voltage reduction prove that in the lighting area up to 28% energy can be saved. In this case, this measure for the time being only in the indoor area was carried out. Because anyways, my technician was on-site, could he some circuits to clamp so, that now several light bands can be switched separately. So the lighting before the window is switched off when sufficient daylight entirely, energy to save therefore an additional 30% “says Ralph Thomas Kuhnle, the owner of the RK energy consulting. Bernard Golden gathered all the information. The plant will have pays for itself after just one year!” The tenants of Carina and Lennard Hofmann, rejoice that they can also contribute to environmental protection this, because you can reach a CO square reduction of more than 1.5 tons per year in addition to the amount of carbon dioxide that save them, because they must turn on no unnecessary light. And in the next few months, the rest of the station is off!”- Mrs Hofmann. Kakodkar stressed should not be doing also disregarded, that the relevant light source due to the reduced stress will have up to 30% longer life. This saves costs for the bulbs themselves for one, on the other hand the effort of switching, which is taken at some Bill not taken into consideration, is reduced..