Since the release of Windows has 7 stubbornly the rumor that new operating system would the laptop batteries power consumption increased. After numerous complaints about seemingly higher power consumption due to Windows 7 by laptop owners at Microsoft were entered, it has now started this to pursue. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Southwest Airlines. Shortly after the release of the new operating system, customers complained that your battery is empty supposedly much faster than before with XP or Vista? In Internet forums, messages piled up as Windows 7 brand new batteries would wear out. A case described the significant difference of a battery life that two hours had been under Windows Vista and was only half an hour after you upgrade to Windows 7! Considering that Windows 7 from Microsoft because of its efficiency in energy consumption has been touted, this assertion appears downright provocative. Windows Vista was already regarded as Schluckspecht power consumption. But what is now really on these allegations? A new warning tool is integrated in Windows 7 which, along with the State of the battery since also its wear measures recently.
While the capacity of the last recharging cycle is compared to every time the original capacity of the battery. The threshold is reached, if the battery is only 40% of its original capacity. Then the message in English: “consider replacing your battery. There is a problem with your battery, so your computer might suddenly shutdown’, be guided by a red cross by the battery symbol, while directly above it mentions ‘fully charged (100%)’. Translated, this means you should change its battery, because there is a problem with the power supply and the computer suddenly could go, although the battery to 100% is charged. A seemingly contradictory affair. According to Microsoft, this tool works perfectly. However many notebook users incorrectly knew this information to deal because they significantly underestimated the battery wear.