Roxita. 4.2. D. ROXITA D. Roxita is one lady of 59 years, robust, of skin black, short and dark hair, and very likeable. I interviewed this paj two times, the first time in February of 2009 and second in April of 2010, and it revealed very accessible and available in talking with me on the subject.
According to its story, it she was born with dom, and its mother and its father would have been ' ' mdiuns' ' , but they did not accept proper ' ' mediunidade' ' nor of the son. In accordance with D. Roxita, it and its twin sister had been born together with dom of being paj, but, without explaining the cause to me, its sister died to the seven years, age where Roxita started to cure. Without being taught or being prepared by none another one paj or custodian, D. Roxita learned its to know with God, the saints and the magic ones. It affirms that everything what paj knows is one dom of God, and that it always guides to it. Regarding its particular religious sincretismo, she was possible to observe some images of saints catholics spread for its house. One of N.S. of Nazar above of the television in the room, a poster of the Wax candle of Belm nailed in the wall, and its altar (that it is in small cmodo of the house, where carries through the cures) several other saints, amongst them Saint Antonio Jorge Is, indicating clearly the catolicismo as one strong expression of its religiosidade, as well as elements of other religions also composes its universe of beliefs, as the idea of reincarnation, disturbing espritos, and other proceeding ones from the Espiritismo. He is possible to observe that its practical and beliefs if fit in ' ' padro' ' of pajelana sufficiently known and studied by anthropologists and historians, who are the caboclo pajelana, properly said.