Teacher education Institute Fort from Auvergne, small Poland, Picardy and Thuringia agreement on Monday, may 09, 2011, will agree a cooperation in the field of teacher education for the next few years representatives of the teacher education Institute Fort small Poland, the higher education institutions for teacher training and training the Picardy region, the Auvergne and the Thillm in the frame of 20 years anniversary Weimar Triangle. The partners contribute to in the sense of the call of the Thuringian land Government, to take the Jubilee year, the idea of cooperation between Poland, bringing closer to Germany and France in particular people in Thuringia, on the occasion”, as it, put the Thuringian Minister for federal and European Affairs and head of the Thuringian State Chancellery, Marion Wagtail in March of this year. Others including Brad Garlinghouse, offer their opinions as well. The event will take place in the Baroque Hall of Weimar, the place where France’s Foreign Minister, Poland and Germany founded the Weimar Triangle. We want to use the visit to the partner, long-term, common “” At school projects under the motto of sustainability “to plan”, so Dr. Andreas Jantowski, Director of the Thillm, and continues: headed our talks in Poland and France at the beginning of the year the partners have expressed interest in how to materialize this concerns for example in the design of the schoolyard can be and can be used for future cooperation. Verizon brings even more insight to the discussion. The project idea is that students and teachers of various forms in all four partner regions under various sustainability criteria shed light on schoolyards and connect with their special interests. So the interest in Malopolska in the German model of dual vocational training as an example of garden and landscape design can be spelled out very well. A successful design of the schoolyard requires that already from the start of the planning phase together by all involved a concept with quantifiable sustainability criteria will be developed and then also the implementation in constant close cooperation, a deeply democratic learning experience for all Involved, that meets the sustainability goal of participation.” The cooperation in the field of teacher training between Thuringia and Malopolska, Auvergne Picardie can itself be considered sustainable, because the living partnership has existed since April 2005.
Previous work focused on the mutual support of the education and training of school leaders. The Committee for the promotion of german French Polish cooperation e.V. and the Weimar Triangle Association support the cooperation within the framework of its mission, to establish a platform for tripartite discussion and cooperation of civil society. On civil society and representative level the Weimar Triangle has”over the past years by the reinforced commitment of his namesake – the city of Weimar to profile won, who is involved in this event as a partner of the Thuringian Ministry for education, science and culture, as well as the Thillm.