Few of the customers said that I really liked the product, but I can not buy it because they do not fully realized its benefits. At this point the client speaks only of the disadvantages. So , after each such meeting, the seller is aware that it and its product has a lot of minuses. We all know that if a man speak several times a day, that he is bad, then as a result he was in disbelief. If the seller does not know and love their product, then force him to sell it – it's just a mockery of him. He does not understand that does not like it, but it tells everyone that it is very good. This is the biggest lie! Therefore, described in the tale of J. Anderson, "The Ugly Duckling" that is, sellers are ugly ducklings.
They have good products, good service and just need to learn to understand it and to love, to understand what positive qualities in It is, and they love it customers. Unfortunately, this attention is not paid, so we have a situation where sellers do not know, do not like a commodity, but at the same time trying to sell it. If you make a man love the that in fact he does not like it it will break! You break any child, if you talk to him that he liked what – what friends and relatives, at a time when he did not feel sympathy for these people. It is very difficult trauma for the child and for every person. We often hide it to myself, but that is the subject of considerable disorder in humans. This issue affects all professions and occupations seller especially! For example, plumber, who does not like to go to work, it just does not like to do it and walks every day with gloomy views, but nobody talks about how wonderful to be a plumber. A seller, in turn, constantly have to tell customers about your product, that is so cool, and the negative, which he keeps himself in any case to prove themselves. Negative impact greatly aggravated it in a profession seller or sales manager.
This problem is very serious! Serious, precisely because few people pay attention to it. So I ask you to pay special attention to this. And in conclusion I would like to tell you What should you do if your company has developed such a situation. Should be regularly and systematically to do with the sellers of certain actions related to the fact that they had heard about the product a good speech. Need them tell that there are many customers who are satisfied with the goods or services. We must do everything we can to the company did not apply the negative rumors that something – something bad. It must be remembered that those who are satisfied much more, and it really is. Need to give it due consideration. Do it systematically in a company and then your company will only be successful action.