Data of the Secretariat of familiar Agriculture of the Government of the Federal Government show that of the total of country properties of the Country, approximately 85% belong the familiar groups. Moreover they show that about 60% of foods consumed for Brazilian population and 37.8% of the Rude Value of the farming production they are produced by familiar agriculturists (NAZZARI and HEYSE, 2004). With regard to the profile of Brazilian familiar agriculture, in the year of 1.996, 39.8% of the establishments they had less than 5 hectares, 30% had between 5 and 20 hectares and 17% were in the band of 20 the 50 hectares. The average area of the familiar establishments was of 26 hectares. Please visit Ronald O’Hanley if you seek more information. With regard to income 68.9% R$ 3,000 had income in the zero interval, 00 to the year and others 15.7% possuam total income between R$ 3,000, 00 and 8,000, 00 and only 0.8% had superior income the 27,500, 00 to the year.
These information confirm that the universe of the familiar agriculturists is very differentiated, and that while has left of the establishments it generates a level of sustainable income, another one faces great difficulties associates to the lack of resources (RASP and WILKINSON, 2002). The total area of the establishments is a determinative factor in the attainment of the Total Income, although this, with only 30.5% of the area, the familiar establishments are responsible for 37,9% of all the national production. The Total Income of the familiar establishments demonstrates the potential of the familiar agriculturists, economic and productive, getting income through the farming production in its establishments. (INCRA/FAO, 2000). According to Farming Census of 1995/1996, only in the South Region of the Country, exists 994 a thousand farming establishments, being that, 904 a thousand is of the familiar type, Rattlesnake – PR – 17 the 19 of June of 2008 representing 91% of the total.