Jul 24 2020

The Relations

Posted by domain admin in News

In its preventive function, it fits to psicopedagogo to detect possible problems in the learning process; to participate of the relations of the educative community with the objective to favor the process of integration and exchange. Amongst the actions developed for the psicopedagogos, the evaluation can be detached and diagnosiss the conditions of the learning, identifying the ability areas. It also carries through returnable for the responsible parents or, the school and the citizen. To take care of to the citizen, establishing a process psicopedaggico corrector with the objective to surpass the difficulties found in the evaluation. One of the great challenges of psicopedagogo is to guide the parents how much its attitudes stop with its children, as well as professors it stops with its pupils. For practical disgnostic of the difficulties presented for educating, is considered the following aspects: Organic and motor: they say respect to the physiological and kinaesthetic structure of the citizen that learns; Cognitivos and intellectuals: they say respect to the development, the structure and to the functioning of the cognition, as well as intellectual the potential o; Emotional: on the affectivity and emotividade; Social: related to the way where the pupil if finds; Pedagogical: they are enclosed didactic, on questions the methodology of education and evaluation, level and amount of information, number of pupils in room and other Elements that say respect to the process teach-learning. In accordance with Bossa (2000), in general, in the clinical diagnosis, more than interviews and anamnese, use psicomotoras tests, tests of language, tests of mental level, pedagogical tests of perception, projetivas tests and others, as the theoretical referencial adopted by the professional. Psicopedagogo must be a professional that it has knowledge to multidiscipline, therefore in a process of disgnostic evaluation, it is necessary to establish and to interpret given in some areas. It is necessary to also stand out that the professional update is imperious, a time that working with as many areas, the discovery and the production of the knowledge sufficiently is sped up.

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