Feb 12 2024

Technologies Of The Future

Posted by domain admin in News

The question of what awaits humanity in the future, what we care about for a long time. We wonder what will be the man, his life and the environment. Science tries to explain this attraction mere curiosity, and argues that future not constant, it varies because it depends on many factors. One thing remains unchanged in this case – the fact that the invention of some scientists were not understood by their contemporaries. These findings were recognized only after large amount of time. What is it? Journey of man in time? Or inventors are the descendants of ancient Atlantis? Or maybe extraterrestrial civilization tells us what to do and how to live? The probability that at least one answer to these questions is positive = 0.001%. But it is! Now, let's think about what they are – technology of the future? We envision flying cars that fill the city, robots that do all the the hard work for human, universal pill (nanotechnology), who treat children CPU, psyche, many human fears and much more.

This picture we describe in the movies and books. A related site: Imogen Lloyd Webber mentions similar findings. But since we are far from it? Maybe The future is now? Let's think. What lies at the heart of our vision for the future? Human Life will be easier Labor Rights will be facilitated Technology and people will be inseparable concepts can also add other items. We have identified only the most basic. Life and work of man will be alleviated. At what expense? Because all the routine work, in our view, would serve as vehicles, machines and other equipment. This trend can be traced today. We do not see robots that walk the streets, serve us.

But this is the time. And now … a small block of electronics can be replaced by the development of a whole group of people. And this fact. Bernard Golden often addresses the matter in his writings. An example is simple. Time relay series "MP". This programmable device is intended for automatic circuit – breaking the external circuit to the display timing. It can be used as a timer, the shaper of the periodic sequence, or a device-delay and (or) turn off devices when the control process. This device is actively used and the construction industry and other sectors industry. Experts say its efficiency, small dimensions and the possibility of using a wide range of settings per channel. It requires no special maintenance or operational conditions. Withstand severe handling and temperature fluctuations. And all that he requires from you – is the voltage 220V, 50 Hz and the maximum allowable current external circuits – up to 5 A at 220. Gauging devices capable of performing more accurate measurements, mathematical calculations. Man makes his life already and work. And with that we meet not only at work but at home. Our apartments are gradually fill all kinds of consumer electronics. Contemporary a bachelor life is much easier if he has money. Machine wash, microwave or electric oven will cook, a modern iron makes ironing a sheer pleasure. Even the washing machines can pat. So maybe the future already arrived? Or technology ahead of our development? It is worth considering. Thus, buying a particular device, we not only meets their needs most, but taking a step forward form our future. So let's make it even better. We are ahead of the future, because we can anticipate it.

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