Feb 23 2014

Northwest RFFSA

Posted by domain admin in News

Temstocles: 5 property, being 4 residential and the headquarters of the Union of the Railroad Workers; Street 14 of July: 27 26 property being residential and the Old Club of the Northwest, currently used for the Association of the Pensioners of the RFFSA. Of the 160 existing property, in accordance with the survey of field and with the data of the RFFSA? Bauru, some wooden, located in the marrow of the Esplanade, had been demolidos in last the 10 years. All too much buildings exist, although the reference in the Plant of the NOB, coincident with the number of the Patrimony of the RFFSA, possesss, in some cases, two property in the same registration, the case the residences. Of this form, from field surveys? with some existing plants and the registered photographic images, we could identify and characterize the property. Building of the railroad station of Campo Grande, constructed in 1935 Building of the railroad station of Campo Grande, current situation central Room of wait of Railroad station RFFSA. Today, disactivated the passengers. Shed of the NOB, railroad warehouse of Campo Grande the Rotunda of Campo Grande, the pertaining set of enrolled buildings in a circle Houses of the Village of Railroad the House of the Head of the NOB in Campo Grande the process of Desestatizao Of 1980 the 1992, railroad systems to Rede Ferroviria Federal s.a.? RFFSA and to the FEPASA? Ferrovia Paulista s.a., had been affected of dramatical form, when the investments had been scrumbled substantially, reaching, in the RFFSA in 1989, only 19% of the value applied in the decade of 1980. In 1984, the RFFSA, met disabled to generate enough resources to the covering of the services of the contracted debt. The company supported serious technical-operational, decurrent disequilibrium of the degradation of the infra one and the super structure of its main segments of metric bifool and of the delay of the maintenance of rolling material, that had caused expressive loss of market for the modal road.

Sep 22 2012

Zuzu Angel

Posted by domain admin in News

For this it used the media to divulge the propagandas official. In this period the Net Globe of Television gained prominence, affirms Bores Fausto (2006, P. 484) that ' ' for this time benefited for the support of the government of that if it tranformou in spokesman, the TV Globe was become enlarged until if becoming national net and practically reaching the control of setor' '. This repression became accented and frequent to finish with the democratic aspirations that appeared in the country. Groups, as the led one for Larmaca, practised assaults in bank agencies with intention to collect deep to finance the fight politics. Ihering says (2005, P. 27) that ' ' all and any right, either the right of a people, either the right of a citizen, if only affirms for an uninterrupted disposal for luta' '.

Stuart integrates the group of Lamarca former-captain. I catch in a trap, it is imprisoned, tortured and assassinated in the interior of a military base, for agents of the Center of Information of the Aeronautics, it uses Dom Pablo Evaristo Arns (1985, P. 38) that ' ' the job of the torture was an essential part of the repressive gear ece of fish in movement for the regimen militar' '. After deceased he was ' ' julgado' ' ' ' inocentado' '. Infuriated with the lack of escrpulos of the commanders, Zuzu looked for made innumerable denunciations against military dictatorship, kept contact with foreign authorities of U.S.A., country where the father of Stuart is born, to make denunciations, he wrote innumerable letters for the influential people in Brazil and U.S.A., in the dawn of 14 of April of 1976, Zuzu was found deceased in an automobile accident, supposedly provoked for the military. Chico Buarque of Holland recorded music ' ' Anglica' ' to homage its friend Zuzu Angel. Although not to have been placed well in the production, the Mdice government marked a period of ' ' development econmico' ' of the country, where they had been financed a series of constructions.