Jun 30 2019


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Another example, the distant and indifferent behavior of somebody to that you consider and you appreciate, hazle to know, without sermons nor reprimands of your part, that in such and such occasions, descrbelas, you have noticed an insulating behavior, distant and indifferent on the part of the person, I warn to you, you will have to make use of all resources, for mantenerte in your center of being able. This first step, as I previously said, vital and crucial to manage to establish the bridge with the other, prevents the sprouting of the defensive barriers that we interpose when we felt attacked, criticized, or judged by the others, is for that reason that when doing to us expert in this form to communicate to us, that is to say, with objectivity and without judgments, the barriers that could be interposed in the first attempts of approach begins to demolish themselves, that is the idea, TO UNITE, TO UNDERSTAND to US to US, TO INCLUDE/UNDERSTAND to US AND TO COMMUNICATE to US. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Larry Ellison by clicking through. As soon as YOU HAVE PASSED ON the situation worries that you to the person or to the people involved in the experience, without evaluations of your part, you come to express your feelings on the matter, for example, with respect to the adolescent at issue, let to know the bad thing to him that you feel like father to the being mistreated with his behavior, that you feel irrespetado, and that in addition, of molestarte and ofenderte, hurts too much to you, in first person and singular, very important. In the case of the father of absent family in lunch time, we communicated the worried thing to him that we felt by its absence, we let know the important thing him that it is for us his presence and that to share makes us feel happy and is an occasion to connect us like family, we let him know that to its affects us absence to the members of the family, because it is very sad to eat solo! , in the case of the insulating behavior of somebody beloved, simply hazle knowledge that attitude, even though you know that he is not intentional, hurts to you, it makes you feel little valued, or valued, that the impotence feelings which they generate the indifference and nondialogue are devastating to maintain to relations and sacred encounter.

Jun 23 2019

Liberating National Alliance Movement

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In such a way, we understand that optimum it would be to understand the AIB as the addition of a iderio fascist? interpreted in singular way for the intellectuals Brazilian integralistas? of a specific Brazilian politicosocial reality? propitious to the development of this iderio. Politically speaking, the integralismo was contrary to the plurality of the parties and possua an enormous preconception how much to the individual representation. Moreover, the head of the nation would have to be the bastion of an Integral State, where she could be helped by representative agencies, however advisory. Finally, we must understand the movement integralista as something beyond an organization politics. The AIB possua one strong cultural doctrine.

As it affirms Boris Fausto: ' ' (…) its bigger emphasis if found in the taking of conscience of the value spiritual of the nation, seated in unifying principles: God, Native land and Family – it was the motto of movimento' '. The importance of this movement for the subject considered here is that the AIB will be one of the factors that will unchain the aliancista movement. This last one will raise the flag of the antifascism and will stop diverse battles, literally, with ' ' shirts verdes' ' of Salty Pliny. In relation to the tenentismo, although to be a generally situated movement in the decade of 1920 and not to constitute in an organized political party, it seems us important a fast analysis for a basic reason: its ideas and pictures, opponents or not, had been part of Brazilian politics 1930 in the governmental scope and had after been gifts in the composition of the movement studied in this work? The Liberating National Alliance. To understand, therefore, the main characteristics of the tenentismo, exactly that in concise way, will help in them to understand the future aliancista composition. To speech on the tenentista nature, Dcio A.M Saes affirms that it is antipopular.

May 30 2019


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Certain time I arrived at the point of I gave up exactly, when I was knowing that my father would come of Spain for Brazil that decided to go with it, prepared everything released college, made my passport, when it was knowing it spoke: ' ' you go pra Spain exactly I you agreed that yes with the head and it she continued saying if you knew that something loves you you would be here because of this person? I spoke and at the same time I thought would not be ties because I was here so far and they had not said nothing to me and why I would not go? I go to construct to my life far daqui It simply it lowered the head and it spoke: you not vai' '. Ah! It did not want more ouviz it I was ties my shepherd and to open the word pra to see if God would approve my attitude when it says me to God ' ' you not vai' ' it was not in these words, more God did not allow me and today I am here in Brazil because obeyed I it. It ah! It simply arrived me and said ' ' You did not say to you that not iria' '. I was brave excessively, more I passed. I arrive at the times to think that it is not pra me and that I am not the woman who it in such a way dreams in having. One day I felt pra so to me low that in way our colloquy we were saying with our friends on children it simply spoke. ' ' If to kiss never goes down children and no woman goes to have this prazer' '. Pra me this day was pra the more low day that I had, arrived to think about this moment ' ' I go behind outro' '.

Jan 28 2019

Landmark Bridges

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In the days where they had been in the space the cosmonauts had become very known of the public, therefore they appeared in tev with frequency (WALNUT, 2005). The first generation of Soyuz ships was endowed with a small valve that if opened automatically when the same one touched the ground. The objective age to allow the fast pure air inlet to the interior of the capsule until the arrival of the rescue team. It could later be closed manually for the cosmonauts, case desired it to these. A posterior inquiry selected that so soon the ship entered in the superior layers of the atmosphere this valve confided due to a defect and its internal atmosphere was all launched for is, due to lesser external pressure.

The ship continued to fall and its parachutes had confided automatically, depositing it slowly to the ground (SPACEFACTS, 2010). 2.4.1. Consequncias the air valve that provoked the decompression of the ship was redesigned, starting to only operate manually. That is, it would only be opened when and if she desired it to the crew. A deeper effect was that, from this accident, the Soviet crews had started to carry through the space trips dressing a suit pressurized it has led, used during the maneuvers of launching, acoplagem and return to the Land. The suit is called Sokol and is used until today for the cosmonauts (this suit can be seen, for example, in the official photos of the mission of the Brazilian cosmonaut Landmarks Bridges). The Chinese space program exactly arrived to copy this suit for use of its proper space travellers. Such suit does not serve for walked space, but to so only protect the crew of an eventual despressurizao of the ship.

In such situation the cosmonauts could remain livings creature for up to two hours, time than more enough to become fullfilled a landing of emergency in any region of the globe. (SPACEFACTS, 2010). After the tragedy the Soviets had remained themselves without flying until September of 1973, that is, for more than two years. In this meantime they had carried through intense inquiry on the causes of the disaster. Also they had redesigned its ship, making nothing less than 1,009 modifications. These modifications had made with that the internal space was slightly diminished, in way that from the Soyuz-12 the Soviet ships would start to lead only two cosmonauts (from November of 1980 it only is that the Soyuz-t ships, redesigned, would start to lead three cosmonauts again). Also they had used the two years for develops

Oct 31 2018

International Monetary Countries

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The new order> economic world-wide and U.S.A. in America Due to these questions U.S.A. had looked for to enter with bigger force in the AmricLatina, being that since the dictatorships in America that this state imperialistavem sponsoring activities of maintenance of its it influences in this part docontinente. Larry Ellison has much to offer in this field. According to author Marina Oliveira Lopes, ‘ ‘ Offensive of the capital in the years 1980e 1990 was in direction mainly Latin America, the main victim doimperialismo. To accomplish the politics of creation of conditions of the capitalfinanceiros, the national states would have to not only create guarantees of inversodo capital transnational by means of regimes of property, of adjusted communication and deintercmbio, more to create conditions of production and produo.’ ‘ 3 the intensification of the activities in America comes being supported local pelaselites and for many politicians of the American Latin countries as in the casobrasileiro of eight years of president Fernando Enrique Cardoso who gave to grandeprioridade in its government the sales of companies national for Norteamericanas companies, being that these sales of companies had opened way for one entradasem preceding of companies in the parents and exit without precedents of capitals dopas. In this point nessecampo is important to inside emphasize the paper of the organism of U.S.A. as the FMI (deep the Monetary International) the BIRD (World Bank) entreoutros as the OMC (World-wide organization of Comercio) being of this form established asrelaes of countries as Brazil comes folloied deemprstimos effected by the FMI dopais the government to improve the infrastructure, being that this improvement in the nothing more is that preparation to receive umagrande company.

Jun 02 2017

Republic Parties

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In this direction, the parties not more abstract gain a character of consecration of the regimen in way and yes with a direct content and deliberately of dither it regimen. We can perceive this important characteristic for the proper paper that the press developed thinking about periodic the Daily one of Notice, when it was placed as important disseminating element of the ideas of the republic. Carla Siqueira in a called article the press commemorates the Republic standes out the paper that the press played in the dissemination of the ideals of Republic developing in its work the dichotomy of ideas that if it processed enters Carioca periodicals the paiz of orientation republican and the monarquista chain Tribune, in which if she searched to work the construction of a tradition of being able symbolic in which the great idea was to make to be valid, from its points of view, ' ' sacralidade of data' '. In this direction, let us observe the source: Parties officiaes Realisaram, as programma, the parties in commemorao to the first anniversario of the announcement of the brazileira republic. Read additional details here: Bill O’Grady. Offerecemos after that descripao of the parties in the destined days sagrao d? this glorious date. Day 15 Since touch d? dawn, for the bands of musics in the quarteis, the people, despertado and moved for a simple curiosity, started to spill itself for the streets of capital, being directed itself ones for the square of independence, while others parked in the plaza of the powder, similar to wait the arrival of the civic procession? s 7 hours of the morning paraded of the square of independence the procession, composed for only of obliged figures, being strictamente observed the order and covering the passage established in programma. The car, representing goddess of the freedom, was decorated with lantejoulas usual, noticing dous ware vases of manufactures Sto Antonio. .

Feb 28 2016

European Union Directive

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Since the XIX century absinthe became a drink of Bohemia. His fans were Guy de Maupassant, Vincent van Gogh, Arthur Rimbaud, Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire, Guillaume Apollinaire, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, Pablo Picasso, Erich Maria Remarque, and others. Absent immortalized lines of poetry, paintings and even skulturami (bronze ‘glass of absinthe’ Picasso). In the early XX century, absinthe was subjected to persecution. There is a theory that it leads to absinthism syndrome, characterized by addiction, hyperexcitability, and hallucinations. In the 20 years of absinthe was banned in many European countries as well as because of low quality produced a significant proportion of the XIX century beverage and its high strength, many became motivated abuse of absinthe alcoholics. They were called ‘absentistami’, and the disease ‘absinthism’, which often turns into hallucinatory form, and then in schizophrenia.

The consumption of absinthe considered ‘ticket’ in a lunatic asylum. It should be noted that the consequences of abuse in those days mainly attributed contained in the essential oil of wormwood bitter substance – thujone. However, with time, people began to realize that ‘the conviction’ absinthe, not all arguments are persuasive. It was found in particular that ill-fated thujone though it has negative characteristics, causes serious bodily injury, only in the use of absinthe in very large quantities – a few liters a day. And hurts them most likely was due, firstly, the low quality alcohol, used in the manufacture of absinthe, and secondly, it is very high-strength drinks – up to 72%. These and other investigations led to the fact that in 1981 European Union Directive absinthe was legalized in the countries – members of the organization. However, the EU’s restrictions on the composition of modern absinthe.

Thus, the content of thujone in it should not exceed 10 mg / kg, which is lower than the concentration of the substance in absinthe sample of XIX century in 26 times. Sold today in Europe, absinthe – this is not the drink that was persecuted century ago. Absinthe can be yellow, brown and even red, but most of all – emerald green. It was called ‘La Fe’e verte’ – ‘Green Fairy’, or ‘Green Witch. ” It was believed that green light that produces the drink in the minds of bizarre poetic images. The main component of absinthe, wormwood addition, an anise. It as a valuable medicinal and food plant used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans. This absinthe is very bitter and very strong alcoholic beverage made from an extract of wormwood (hence the name of the drink, after a bitter wormwood in Latin, ‘artemisia absinthium’). The composition of absinthe also contains extracts of many medicinal herbs such as fennel, anise, lemon balm. In order to keep essential oils in the drink requires a high concentration of alcohol: that’s why absinthe has a strength of 70-75% and sometimes 80% (Swiss absinthe).

Dec 10 2014

Soviet Union

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Chkalov in 1957 began manufacturing high-altitude aircraft supersonic interceptor "T-3", developed by the Sukhoi Design Bureau (a little later the aircraft will be named "Su-9"). "T-3" was really "piece goods". They took on board 3,250 pounds of fuel. By May, sixtieth in Novosibirsk has created aircraft, who got 3,720 lbs. A half-ton of extra fuel – this is a much greater range, larger line interception and well short of altitude of 20km. It would seem that the history of Soviet rocket troops shot down over Sverdlovsk May 1, 1960 an American spy plane "U-2", piloted by Francis Powers, know everything, but the question, "So who shot down a spy?" remains a "mystery" in the history of the Soviet Union.

Since 1956, high-altitude reconnaissance Powers flew over the Soviet Union, across virtually the entire country at an altitude of 20 thousand meters. He flew over Moscow, Leningrad, over, over top-secret facilities of the country – including Baikonur over, and over the Semipalatinsk nuclear testing ground, and on secret polygons in Sary Shagan,. (According to U.S. intelligence, the Soviet Union has neither the aircraft nor missiles capable of destroying inaccessible Y-2"). Airplane Y-2" had an extremely lightweight airframe with a large wingspan, equipped with special high-altitude turbojet engine. Powers by May 1960 has made 27 flights over the Soviet Union, had flown a total of more than 500 hours. By 1960, flights, "U-2" got Nikita Khrushchev, as the saying goes "to the livers." Khrushchev was proud of the cosmos – the first satellite, flying dogs.

Sep 07 2014

Roman Empire

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After the fall of the Roman Empire, invasions are succeeded, want the Germanics in 500 d.C., want the Arab in 714 d.C. In this period it About Moura was constructed, circular wall whose walls if extend until a edge of the Tejo. Next to the river the craftsmen would place themselves, fishing and the traders. In 1147, with the conquest of the city for D. Alfonso Enriques, of – the expansion of the city beyond walls.

Between 1373 and 1376 (in this period, given the growth of the city, the city was become enlarged, having appeared habitacionais nuclei is of the amuralhado enclosure), wall is constructed to it Fernandina due to expansion of the city. The development of Lisbon always was related with the interests of the Kingdom. During the second half of century XIII and first of century XIV the city it knew fast development. Interested for the urbanism of Lisbon, D. Dinis carried out the construction of a main street – the New Street of Chainses.

There the commerce and the finance were about important businesses related with. Already during the reign of D. Fernando, between 1373-75, had been widened the territorial limits of the city, protected for a new wall, as behind relates already it. Also during the period of the Portuguese expansion, in century XV and first half of century XVI, the city knew, again, widening of its space, form to shelter new inhabitants. In the second half of century XVI the city had 24 parishes. In the end of the same centria it counted already on 34. In 1704 the parochial registers gave account of 90 a thousand fogos for about 360 a thousand inhabitants. About 1729 200 a thousand inhabitants counted themselves; about 1755, before of terramoto, 250 a thousand inhabitants, what perfazia 10% of the population of the kingdom counted themselves. The city, cut for hills in front of the estuary of the Tejo, could be divided in two separate parts for a valley, in the direction South-North.

Jun 27 2014


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On the other hand, this deramlugar macumba; for another one, the rules of condombls were amoldaram it nags, not sedistinguindo of them seno for a bigger tolerance. The bantos cults emgradativo decline had received the espritos of the indians, what &#039 would go to take aosurgimento of one; ' condombl of cablocos' ' , and they had adopted cantos in lnguaportuguesa, to the step that condombls nags only uses cantos in African language. Already the Sudanese proceeding from the fricaocidental, Sudan and of the Coast of the Guin, had culturally contributed for aformao of an identity afro-Brazilian, since much of its prticasculturais reign currently as, for example, candombl, practical religiosados enslaved Sudanese. In Brazil these groups: esudaneses bantos had joined resulting in biological crossings, cultural ereligiosos. In accordance with Paiva (2001, p.36): Etnias information, assimcomo, cultural practical traditions joined and.

New colors were forged colonial pelasociedade and for it appropriate to assign to different groups depessoas, to indicate hierarquizao of the social relations, to impose adiferena of a world inside each more crossbred time. Of the color of the skin to the one of it hid panosque it valued or it until the motley of the colonial streets, reflected plurality of migrantes knowledge, applied to vegetal, mineral, animal and cultural the substance. One notices that the cultural crossing entreestes African peoples propitiated the construction of a culturalbrasileira identity, or culture afro-Brazilian. A time that, they had not feared in ' ' inventarcdigos of behaviors and to recriarem practise of sociability culturais' ' (Paiva 2001, p.23). Thus, this crossing was resulted of long processoque propitiated peculiar a cultural wealth to Brazil. In accordance with Paiva (2001, p.27), can-secaracterizar this cultural crossing as resultant of an approach entreuniversos geographically moved away, in hibridismos and impermeabilidades, (reverse speed) appropriations, adaptations and overlapping of representations and cultural deprticas. Thus, the African influence was setornando visible in some pursuings of the colonial society, such comoculinria, practical religious, dances, amongst other cultural values queforam incorporated for the Brazilian population.