Jun 16 2024

Maintenance Cleaning

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At Plattli a maintenance cleaning must be performed permanently. Much like in other floor plates unused, it is also highly advisable to clean it constantly on platter. Those constant cleaning of the platter is in technical jargon as regular cleaning or maintenance cleaning and acts as a certain extent week plaster, that the in-house Plattli be always cleaned of dirt of any kind. Chase Coleman understood the implications. Compared to building cleaning or initial cleaning, which should necessarily always be made after applying the platter, it is extremely advisable to make each according to the load strength, as well as the pollution intensity of the Plattli maintenance cleaning once a week or even more often during the weeks. Because only then is through guaranteed that will the Plattli perpetually pure and cute to see remain for very many years and one enormously long have great pleasure for them in this way. When the platter is Maintenance cleaning extremely quickly and easily doable because Yes platter are a coating on a floor, you can easily clean, often is not required when a maintenance cleaning is carried out once a week an amount of time. Removing common impurities, which have accumulated on top of the platter, is the easiest way to realize with a Kehrbesens or a vacuum cleaner.

Because platter are Yes we know extremely smooth and therefore being dirt right off the bat can on those with the appropriate in your own four walls remove the tools. If equal in connection to the vacuum cleaning or sweeping already rule the most glitches from the platter are removed, it is still advisable that a wet mopping up is made always still affiliated with the platter. Because only in this way is a very high hygiene and guarantees a permanently good appearance of the platter. Who continuously makes maintenance cleaning, which are on the top Normally only small dirt arising platter via a normal cleaner, remove hot water and a MOP very quickly from the floor panels can be. Crucial in the maintenance cleaning of platter: the adequate Sauberungsmittel however is depending on the degree and type of contamination but also very witted to use an acidic or alkaline Sauberungsmittel.

However, it is to insert a nursing specialty solvents at all not advisable when its floor panels. In case of continuous use a unpleasant surfacing comes on this fact on the platter, which significantly reduces both the cleanliness and the slip resistance of the ceramic plates. In addition the platter, thus far not more so beautiful look. When a maintenance cleaning regularly performing in his apartment when his schuetzenverein platter, so you can be a walled ceramic extremely safe at the home that they remain all the time very hygienic and very nice.

May 25 2024

Dangerous High CO2 – Emissions In The BBQ Season

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Greater caution be taken than is currently the case? In the summer, a lot of charcoal is burned when the popular barbecue season starts. Whether an increased pollution is caused by regular use of the grill, should be discussed here. Now the BBQ season is already over, but one wonders whether the environment has suffered temporarily increased exposure to the CO2 – emissions. Have you thought about, as you lit the grill before your garden home in the evening? We can remember exactly, as we sat comfortably on an open fireplace have cooked a delicious steak on a grill or BBQ smoker. It was made a lot of this gray smoke into the air and the trees, which are responsible for the conversion of CO2 into oxygen, get the change to feel. Critics have legitimate objections with the cold season is only rather more wood burned. Although not out sitting on the fireplace, but that he is domestic fireplace is more often used. Hear other arguments on the topic with Chase Coleman. These are the objections raised by the critics.

The use of heating is of course greatly reduce a fireplace, causing an additional burden on the environment in the winter time can be reduced by heating. It must consider of course, which is environmentally damaging form of heating. You should prefer something warmer put on definitely and for heat less, whether with the fireplace or a conventional heating system. Compared to the barbecue season, winter time is so but more damaging to the environment, because you must heat daily and often throughout. Grilled is usually only two or three times per week on average.

Sep 07 2020

Renate Weber Tel

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The wild damask with 400 locations plus a cutter location has a stunning look. Learn more at: RMR Group. In each of these Nesmuk Exclusiv, Damascus Steel chef’s knife is a lot of hand work. Many hours, yes days Lars Scheidler will have with each of these exceptional chef’s knife until it meets the highest standards in design and sharpness. Also by this damask knife, there is a slim version, the Nesmuk exclusive damask slicer. There is the choice between different fine woods the most knives of Nesmuk for the handle. Approximately several thousand-year-old bog oak, black ebony, Cocobolo or olive wood. Everything is possible, you can select from an extensive range of different Woods. Also Micarta, an artificial, indestructible material with noble appearance is available in several colors to choose.

All of this creates a range for you, with the aim to provide you with a custom knife. Except the mentioned knives, there are still a number of Nesmuk Accessories products such as cutting boards and knife blocks and cutting tables also from high-quality materials and careful processing. The article and much more from world of high-quality kitchen knives you will find at Messerfreund.de, online as well as in the showroom located near Frankfurt/Main contact: Messerfreund.de INH. Katharina Mohn 63546 hammer b, on the cat ditch 7 Tel. 06185-8990408 fax: 06185 8990409 press relations Renate Weber Tel. 06185-2667 rina @ messerfreund.de Messerfreund.de sells high-quality knives, as well as the matching accessories such as knife bags, Chef’s case, cutting boards and knife blocks. The range of the manufacturer includes many leading companies such as Nesmuk, Dick, Boker, Victorinox, Wusthof, Gude in the area of European-style knives, as well as Kai, chroma, Kasumi and others in the sector of Japanese knives. The articles can be ordered on the Internet, as seen in the showroom and purchased.

Apr 28 2020

Balcony Paradise

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The balcony is the poster child of the House, give it an individual appearance. Also in this year, a flowers to decorate the balcony again. But to what plant would you attack? It should be flowering Begonias or rather classic Camellia? Should even wonderful colours of geranium give a magnificent face the balcony? Follow your feeling for choosing the right balcony plants, there is no rule of thumb, because it is true what you like. Also the personal preferences are as diverse as the diversity of plants. Gary cohn does not necessarily agree. Be guided in the selection of your feeling. Go a couple of days with waking eyes by the streets and soak up the balconies of others on. What attracts you, what do you find attractive? What colours does on the other hand, boring or cheesy? You create the right environment for your plants not every balcony plant flourishes but at each site.

The most colorful species originated in tropical climes and are therefore very much sunlight and accustomed to warm temperatures. Align therefore choosing plants to the events of your balcony. Is the balcony facing north and gets hardly ever to see the sunlight? Even then you don’t need to despair, because grateful creatures like the Fuchsia unfold your colours even in dark places. A South-facing balcony on the other hand, which is located 3/4 of the day in the sunlight can be problematic even in the height of summer. Some plants tolerate not too much of a good and may suffer burns.

Much casting is heated during the order of the day. Well grow Geraniums and petunias on South-facing balconies. A South – or Southwest-facing balcony creates a good environment for most plants. Here is a good balance between sunlight and shadow. A Begonia will feel on these balconies. The right nutrients along with sunlight and water are dependent on your balcony plants on the right nutrients in the soil. Most commercially available potting soil is enough, some plants are however particularly demanding and require much care. Fertilizers should be dealt with carefully, because here the risk of eutrophication is fast. Biological fertilizer are at an advantage because they create not a Cockaigne for the plants, but emit only as much nutrients as plants actually need. Balcony plants fertilize you should however only, if you have the feeling, that certain nutrients are missing your plant. In most cases, good earth, Sun and water already sufficient, and you will delight your healthy, vigorous plants with beautiful colors. Find more helpful tips for making your balcony at balcony railing-directly in the area of planning. Michael Olberg.

Mar 31 2020

Right Garden Lighting

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About the right lighting concept in home gardens let there be light in the Garden Gardens are very popular in Germany. The dream of most people is a cottage in the countryside, that is in the garden. Especially in the warm season is the garden become the second home for many. However, even the best and most comfortable home is not complete without appropriate lighting. This also applies to the garden. Without garden lighting, you can really enjoy the long, mild summer evenings in the garden.

Garden lighting will be used unless if you still want to sit even after dark in the garden together, to celebrate in a cozy round or just for entertaining. What garden lighting is right? On the subject of garden lighting, the customer is spoilt for choice. Especially in the Internet, there are a huge variety of lights of all kinds and price ranges. There are lights for a variety of purposes. Some serve to illuminate paths or seats, others are in the form of lights or light tubes for decoration used, again others serve as a spotlight of kind of, certain objects such as a beautiful shrub or a fountain to spotlight and to highlight. Garden lights are popular on the base of solar electricity, so-called solar lights because they work independently of the public grid and can be used virtually anywhere. What factors are important? You should consider the circumstances when selecting the garden lighting.

If the garden is located next to the House, permanently installed fixtures are the better solution normally because they are more durable. The garden is located but, for example, in a small garden plant and will enter only during certain hours, mobile lighting garden lighting are often better, because you can keep them safe before leaving the garden. Fixed lights exposed dangers from theft or vandalism there, however, under certain circumstances. When selecting the luminaires you should prefer brand products. They are somewhat more expensive, but have a longer service life. The few Euro you save when buying a cheap product are soon forgotten, the trouble with poor quality, however, remains. Garden lighting is also the issue of security. Should you buy only lamps, which are specifically intended for use outdoors. If Interior lights are used in the open, it may occur upon exposure to water to short circuit and the danger of electric shock. Energy efficiency is a further point which is noteworthy when buying garden lighting. Especially when the light for a long time in operation, the electricity costs can quickly accumulate. Therefore, recommend the use of energy-efficient LED lights, which combine the advantages of low power consumption with high luminous efficiency. Solar lights are self-sufficient and need no power supply. They give but not particularly great brightness. They are suitable for decoration or as a Waymark. To save energy, you can may have to install the garden lighting based on LED technology and secure the power supply by means of a photovoltaic system (solar cells). So you not only have a free power and saves money, but active contribution to environmental protection. The installation of such a plant is only advisable if the garden is constantly inhabited, because otherwise the risk of theft is too great. A garden lighting with quality lighting have been installed correctly, you have his joy for many years.

Dec 13 2019

Lawful Creation

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The House Administration Gamdhi from Giessen informs heating costs are an integral part of the rent. A lawful creation of the creation of heating bills is to advise any landlord, to avoid costly consequences. Which demands the creation of heating bills will be made, explains the Giessener property management Gamdhi. In the billing of heating, the rules service charge settlement. Southwest Airlines brings even more insight to the discussion. Landlords should include therefore the following information in the creation of heating bills: billing period total energy consumption along with initial and final assessment portion of total heating costs to the tenant information about the apartments in the settlement Vorauszahlungs-and eligible amounts Nachzahlungs-and reimbursement totals tenants are principally eligible for, all of the data on which billing is based, to see. This applies in particular also the assessment portion of the other tenants, as well as the total costs to be distributed. The creation of heating bills has to determine the actual energy consumption of the lessee. He should only pay for heating costs, which he himself has caused.

The landlord should therefore not simply convert the entire heating after living space on all tenants, but must strive for a consumption-dependent calculation. The heating regulation was renewed in 2009. Now, 70% of total heating costs for houses, which are not the 1994 adopted regulation of heat protection, have an oil or gas heating and have down-insulated pipe systems, must be calculated for individual consumption. In real estate, which does not meet any of the three legal requirements, it remains in determining originally significant heating costs. Here are to be calculated according to consumption between 50 and 70 percent of heating costs.

The landlord is failing, despite existing possibilities to make a consumption-based billing, the tenant can reduce heating costs by 15%. A legally proper heating expenses settlement avoids costly consequences. Given the wealth of relevant legal norms, many require Landlord this professional support, the Giessen property management Gamdhi at any time such concerns of their customers advocates.

Jul 08 2019

Wood In The Bathroom – Classy Meets Nature And Creates A Warm Atmosphere.

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Due to its warm appearance, the natural coloration and patterning and last but not least the noble appearance of wood material has entered now in the modern bathroom. The bath classic: Cold tile look, ceramic bowl and plastic veneered furniture and the homely atmosphere maybe a plant. The bad design of yesterday is clear, clean easy and practical. But except for cold sterile appearance, no atmosphere comes up in the room in which we long for heat. Long ago, interior designers and bathroom Outfitters propagate a new building material, which benefits the looking design, but so far rather far from water and set up any moisture.

The experts now speak of wood as the alternative to tile, stone, and ceramic when it comes to redesign or new building the former head. Heat and moisture regulation what wood can worry more so before the combination of wood and water? No, say the manufacturer of bathroom furniture, floors, sinks and bathtubs made of solid wood. At Compliance with appropriate care instructions and tips, but mostly the right advice around the theme of wood in the bath this natural material can be very versatile in the bathroom. In addition to the distinctive warm atmosphere and exclusive appearance, wood also ensures a pleasant and healthy room climate, because it regulates the humidity in the room. Products made of wood are always pleasantly warm.

“Not every tree can be a sink the selection of suitable species plays an equally important role, such as a corresponding surface sealing”, explains Mr Lukas Stocker, carpenters and CEO of STOLIS wooden basin manufactory. Floors, sinks and bathtubs made of wood can be protected so by proper methods of finishing and sealing techniques, that humidity in the bathroom can cause no damage”, added Mr Stocker and refers to the selection of the suitable timber. Because noble hardwoods decided better suited by tight cell structure and toughness and offer in Structure and colour an exclusive look. The expert should the customer exactly explain how the various surface treatments work and which care instructions are to be observed”, stressed Mr Stocker. After proper sealing of course are UV light resistance as a high temperature resistance. Longevity through proper care as care indicate the wood sink professionals by STOLIS their customers, especially one with on the way: wood is a living material that protects the best way, by keeping as far as possible away chemical cleaning and scouring agents. Simple to damp wiping out is usually sufficient.” Usually an oil specially developed by the manufacturer shall be annexed oiled sink with you depending on the use of the sink three to four times a year after oil can. Press contact: STOLIS OG wooden sink and wooden bathtubs factory Platzl 112a A-6105 Leutasch Austria Tel.: +43(0)5214-20315 fax: +43(0)5214-20315-10 E-mail:

Jun 26 2019

Prefabricated Garages

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Single garages, double garages and metropolitan area garages, clinker garages, garages of rows of and growing garage includes the garage manufacturer MC garages offer all assets in the modern garage construction plays: MC-Garagen.de is the address in the network to find the best prefabricated garage to measure that corresponds to the local conditions and the needs of the client. Individual garages In comparison to an insurance company a prefabricated garage is located much closer to the everyday reality: sure, the detached garage is separate, lockable, roofed and heated. Rain, falling branches, hail and frost, thieves and vandals are out there. Additional storage space can be created for garden tools, car accessories and tools without much effort. Some single garage is used occasionally to celebrate or for table tennis. Width and length of a single garage can be varied in several standard sizes. A double garage of MC garage offers double garages where there are semi-detached houses. It is cheaper than two single garages and can therefore be when appropriate local Gegenheiten the better solution for two builders.

But even households with two or more vehicles can benefit from this construction. Hipped roof garages from the finished garage or outside accessible can saddle roof accommodate extra storage in a steel concrete prefabricated garage for less severe but bulky objects used not so often, but need a dry, frost-free location. Area garages comfortable and safe parking for caravans and small trucks are created with a large garage. Due the larger vehicle height even more storage space is available in area garages. Serial garages side by side is three or more parking spaces like by property developers for multi-family or by private investors used to rent garages. The construction method results in comparison to the single or double garage an additional price advantage.

Original in terms of the future tenants of the garage is for example a different color for each garage door or artistic creation with a motif of the respective tenants can identify themselves with the. To increase cultivation garages existing garages, aims to a cultivation garage that does MC garages as prefabricated garage. Years of experience in the construction of cultivation garages leads to a price advantage. A sophisticated modular system meets each individual situation and significantly enhances the existing garage, without having to demolish it. Clinker garages offers MC garages garages in the brick look to lehrkabinett houses. Brick homes get the optical solution by a brick garage and again underline the flexible concept of MC-Garagen.de. Description of the company experience and continuous development in planning and producing prefabricated garages and garage guarantee the technical maturity and outstanding quality. The long-lasting function and consistent reliability ensure an extensive control and final inspection before the delivery. By MC garages help each customer comprehensive planning and advise each customer in detail.

Jun 06 2019

Stool And Their Diverse Applications In

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An effective and unobtrusive helper for anyone who has not ever happened: it comes at night to home, opens the door to the living room, the light will switch on – and it remains dark. Once again a light bulb has blown, which must be replaced. Should now not dark night prevail in the home, and it is dark outside, you have only 2 options: either you light candles or provides illumination – time with a flashlight quite unattractive. Or it goes down to the basement and finds the ladder that should be here somewhere between old moving boxes and dusty shelves. You has finally discovered it, dusted, freed from spider webs and worn into the living room, you can be finally to replace light body, what a shaky and thus risky action can be casually noticed on many of the commercially available step ladders without alternative hedging. All that sounds not just after a work, how you would like it- However: it can be also as an alternative. Source: Larry Ellison. Logically, a busted lamp is not always desirable, however, a stool belongs to the inventory of the abode, is quickly solved the concerns. A stool is empty in the bottom half and has three castors that sit on a rod with a spring.

It charged the stool on the way that it turns on him, the springs are pressed and the stool is stable as a fixed Chair. This you can use the stool to work as support for low ceilings etc. Most pieces are made of metal and therefore anyway immensely resilient and also the roller stool constructed from sturdy, reusable plastic are very stable. Despite their low weight roller stool are firmly, their roles mounted on steel springs and their integrated rubber stand rings from 5 kg load. These rings have the additional effect that no damage, if you once against easy when working with the roller stool fragile chairs, scratch-prone tables or precious sofas encounters. And also the proud owner of, for example, premium hardwood floors can be reassured: the rubber ring also has the task, that when the rolling stool onto the floor in a load thereof will be spared and no dents or scratches may occur. Through its three castors, the stool is quickly moved to the respective site, also the low weight contributes.

Any resulting work can be completed well secured as minimizes the risk of slipping due to the rubber standing area: standing on a stool sure and steadfast. A cavity surrounded by three Struts is located under the floor surface. Also it has a special feature, can get there but grumbles equipment such as drill, screwdriver, hammer, nails, screws etc., more useful things such as the bulb to be used also for your job just a little snack for snack store”. All of these practical and useful features make a stool, together with its small, discreet size, to a commodity, which in any company, warehouse, Office or even budget if – missing and was from a broken bulb not to the well-deserved closing time bring it just to. Eichhorn agency GmbH Raiffeisen 6 61191 Rosbach v.d.H. Management: Heike Eichhorn, Jorg Eichhorn HRB: 611 Amtsgericht Friedberg UST.-ID: DE 112 604 623 orders and customer service: Mr. Roman Knapkiewicz Tel.: 0 60 03 / 82 88 16

May 17 2019

Water Treatment (Bayrol) Part 1:

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Water treatment in their own pool – tips and tricks the prerequisite for a functioning water treatment is the circulation and filtration of the water, also called physical water treatment and the addition of water care products, such as from the House of BAYROL. The physical and chemical water treatment complement each other and are the same important for an effective treatment of the pool water. Because circulation and filtration alone are not enough to keep the water clear and germ-free, chemical water treatment with BAYROL is essential products. Bacteria, fungi and viruses are killed only base BAYROL soft & easy through the use of disinfectants, such as BAYROL Chlorifix, Chlorilong or on active oxygen. Algae growth is prevented by the use of an Algizids, BAYROL Desalgin or Desalgin Jet and a flocculation with Superflock removes small particles and turbidity from the water cartridges.

Every pool owner must maintain so chemically his swimming pool water, to bathe in hygienically perfect bath water. The maintenance will quickly become routine, should be done regularly. A good physical water treatment withheld most of the larger dirt particles through the flow of the filter. Generally we recommend the filter system’s pump so long to allow, that the volume of the basin is circulated approximately 2-3 times per day. This is in most cases of a period of 8 hours.

A longer time period is better. When using a sand filter must the boiler are backwashed every week. The back washed part of the water in the pool must be filled with fresh water. Foreign objects that are still in the water can with net and Rod are removed or these particles are extracted using an automatic pool cleaner / automatic floor cleaner. Chemical water treatment consists of four successive steps of care, the order should be adhered with to get an optimal result. BAYROL, offers the right maintenance steps and instructions for each product. The first step is the Ph Regulation with BAYROL pH-minus. The second step is the disinfection of water. The third step the algae prevention and finally the use of flakes. Swimming pool water is exposed to the most diverse every day, inorganic and organic substances by the bather, environment and nature. Water treatment does not work this has the consequence, that the water will quickly dull and is an ideal medium for bacteria and algae growth. Also known as hardness precipitation can occur in hard water, contained in the water settles with the pool walls and at the pelvic floor as crystals. Remedy can the addition of BAYROL Calcinex here. Simply type Calcinex after refilling the pool in the water. It is so urgently needed to use swimming pool water care. If you are not disinfected, bacteria are formed. If nothing against algae is done, the water is green. If it does nothing against precipitation of calcium carbonate, rugged basin walls arise. If you not optimally adjusts the pH, the disinfection with chlorine loses to Effect, prosthetic parts can occur and the protective mantle of the skin being attacked. Described scenario is accelerated by warmer water. Through a system of chemical and physical measures, however, swimming pool owners are able to keep your pool water over a long period in a hygienic condition. Crystal clear and free of unpleasant odours. So put on the water care steps by BAYROL for an optimal result. water treatment/bayrol /.