RFID could simplify the purchasing Cologne – once had to cashier at the grocery store for each product type in the numerical code, before they received support of scanner systems. But what comes next? The purchasing scales simply passing at checkout and pay without annoying up and download this vision of comfortable shopping could move in a few years in our everyday lives. The technology behind it is called radio frequency identification, RFID short. Wafer-thin chips are attached to the back of the label. They store information about the product, about the price, and send out appropriate electromagnetic radio waves once they are sparked by the receiver to”, Matthias Harsch, a spokesman of the Executive Board of the technology manufacturer Bizerba The Fund of the future might thus calculate the final price without to identify each product as usual using a scanner over the bar code. But how quickly this technique will prevail, much depends on the acceptance of the consumer.
A study commissioned by GS1 Germany asked for every 100 users in Germany, England, France and the United States on the subject of RFID. The result: Only 26 percent of Germans said not to know this technique. Across three quarters of all respondents with radio labels would buy reasoned products without major concerns, would not become more expensive as a result or endangered the privacy. “We are committed together with trade and industry for a comprehensive education of consumers. Here we show you the opportunities of new technology seriously but also the concerns and lead an open dialogue with all stakeholders from business, politics and associations”, so Jorg Pretzel, CEO of GS1 Germany. Because product rationalizations are still limited, therefore it is important to exploit remaining potentials in the logistics processes. Many work processes using RFID technology can be settle faster and better monitor.
About incoming and output, the reliable processes Revelations by material shrinkage, as well as the full traceability of products”, so Harsch next. Systems use usually the GS1 identification and communication standard to ensure of the traceability of goods. They are between companies worldwide valid, so that they benefit all partners in the supply chain to identify products. You enable users to communicate in a common language.