Apr 13 2020


Posted by domain admin in News

It is an introduction of the reader to the subject, where if it finds the problem, of form to allow a situacional visualization it of the problem. 1. Definition of subject 1,1 Subject: I will choose a subject in accordance with area of concentration of the course. It is suggested to choose a subject for which if it has: ) Personal interest, b) either known by the researcher, a time that it needs, of beforehand, to delineate a way to be covered in this research; c) available sources of consultation, a time that is necessary a theoretical basement for the research. 1,2 Sub-subject: Optional.

It funnels the vision macro of the subject, it to be searched problem. It is only concentrated in its problem and identifies it clearly. Other leaders such as David Fowler offer similar insights. It delimits that aspects or elements of the problem you will go to treat. For the subject to present itself viable, it needs to be limited, that is, the theoretical horizon must be restricted (when possible) that if it intends to unmask of definitive subject. Either and clearly necessary in this part. 1,3 Problem of Research Is the initial doubt that launches the researcher to its work of research. The author, in the case, will create a questioning on the chosen subject to define the abrangncia of its research.

He does not have rules to create a problem, but some authors suggest that it is express in question form. One remembers, the identification and clear delimitation of the problem it is the first step for approval of the project and success in its execution. 2. Hypotheses the research hypothesis alone will be established will have determined the research problem. It is the assumption of a reply for the problem formulated in relation to the subject. For having this characteristic of ' ' possibilidade' ' of reply, in the end of the research it power to be confirmed or to be denied.

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