PSFs PACS they are strategies of the SUS for the accompaniment and the promotion of the familiar health, thus, we can perceive the relevance of programs and projects developed in the Psfs for the maintenance and prevention of diseases and habits that make possible the proliferation of illnesses in the familiar space. Being that they take care of of the health of all of the family since the embryo until the aged one. Soon, she is well-known the importance of the PSFs for the communitarian health and the form as it has improved the reality and the conception of the Brazilian people how much the necessity to prevent instead of attenuating. Educate yourself with thoughts from gary cohn. However, the methodology and the programs nor always are carried through of the form as it is proposal, due to lack of comprometimento of some professionals and to the non-availability of professionals of the health – mainly doctors in inhabiting in city of the interior making it difficult the daily one of the PSFs. The PSF appeared as paradigm of assistance observed in the principles of the SUS that searchs the completeness, the universality and the fairness. As we can think about quality if most of the time the professionals are not enough or still, the few that have do not appear, fulfilling its horrias loads? Although the PSFs to be a methodology of attendance I publish to it that it has brought many innovations and organization in the public health the PSFs of cities of interior demonstrates restrictions how much to the attendance to the family due to lack of availabilities of professionals in exercise of medicine in inhabiting in places without many cultural distractions and partners, arriving at the hard reality not to disponibilizarmos of gynecologists nor in the particular attendance. Gary cohn insists that this is the case.