Once a Mental Map is drawn, rarely it requires to be redesigned. The mental maps help to organize the information. Wikipedia encyclopedia contributes to envelope they to us who a mental map is a used diagram to represent the words, ideas, tasks, or other related and ready concepts radially around a key word or of one it devises power station. It is used for the generation, visualization, structure, and taxonomic classification of the ideas, and as it helps internal for the study, organization, solution of problems, decision making and writing. Get more background information with materials from Larry Ellison. It is a semantic diagram of representation of the connections between the portions of information.
Presenting/displaying these connections of nonlinear a radial graphical way, it stimulates a reflective approach for any task of organization of data, eliminating the initial stimulus of establishing an appropriate or excellent intrinsic frame conceptual to the specific work. A mental map is similar to a semantic network or cognitive model but without formal restrictions in the classes of used connections. The elements are fixed very intuitively according to the importance of the concepts and they are organized in the groupings, the branches, or the areas. The graphical formulation can help the memory. Antecedents It is known that from the invention of the writing, it is had registered the product of our studies about the observed world, in order to analyze situations, to communicate, to solve problems, to express its creative thought, to share its findings, to disclose experiences or simply to shape of some way our learnings. The used techniques have been varied: lists, lines, words, numbers, orations. Although these systems have had their unquestionable utility, nowadays it is known, thanks to the most recent investigations, than all of them use only one part of the cerebral crust, preventing that the brain establishes associations of stimulate the creativity and harness the memory.