Marketing is of much utility in the company thus we must need that the same for some is a science, for others is an art and for others it is a discipline which looks for to do or to carry out studies of market and to spread or or the service in the different markets from travs of mass media, that is to say, making use of the television, newspapers, magazines, pamphlets, pamphlets, trifoliate, service of presale, Internet, among others. In marketing the study of markets is vitally important thus is clear that before to make the product or to produce the service it is due to carry out first not to produce in vain, but slo can be done if the studies of markets throw positive results, and nonnegative, thus it is clear that in province it is difficult that maestras and doctorates for very well off class have welcome, since in the same they are not this class of people but in the capitals they are concentrated radicand in exclusive zones. One becomes necessary to put record that the market studies must be realised before the production not to produce in vain, thus is clear that if we did not apply marketin or we do not make use of l is clear that we can make investments that arrojarn prdida. Making use of marketing it is segmented market and is destined or or service to one or but segments of the market, thus is clear that it is very difficult to arrive at all the market, that is to say, the normal thing is to segment the market, thus is clear that if does not become it can have prdidas millionaires, in such east sense art must be ordered to the specialists, leaving certainty who sometimes the lawyers have marketing studies, but we must put record that marketing is a professional race, thus is clear that it deserves much knowledge and experience, in such sense becomes the corresponding studies necessary..