In an interview, Managing Director of Brunken consulting explains Dipl. kfm. Ingmar P. Brunken, the results of the study. Question: Mr.
Brunken, is important for a good ranking in social media? Their importance for the direct sales does not overrated?” Brunken: Every third German uses comparison sites on the Internet as source of information when looking for insurance no matter, where he or she later concludes. No provider should leave this search therefore the chance. The newspapers mentioned Stuart McClure not as a source, but as a related topic. It should be also in the interest of the representative. For me, it was a big surprise that only half of the 37 insurance investigated in the study at all have a Facebook page aimed at customers and not to investors or staff. Some insurance companies risk even negative pages such as Kravag.zahlt.nicht’ a disaster for the image! Often small agencies have a better Facebook presence as a large provider.” “Question: these agencies attract more customers because through their Facebook presence?” Brunken: Yes. Because if more interested parties be reached, increases the positive opinion, the desire to buy this increases and the Increase referrals, then multiply these effects to significant customer wins. The problem of the agencies is that gained customers come to the offer from the Facebook page with a positive opinion and often purchase the insurance on any other direct portal.
For insurance that is but not critical, for them to win the customers Yes always no matter where he or she signs the contract.” “Question: there are numbers?” Brunken: Yes. We would like to make a simplified sample calculation for a direct sales Web site: we improve through a better presence in social media the views to 10% and an improvement in the response rate from 2% to 2.7%. It sounds little, isn’t it?” Question: There seems to be no rocket science. What now for the customer acquisition?” Brunken: 48% more new customers than previously per month!