This problem is nonsense and would nodeveria to be considered the pupils it makes because them to lose the pelMatemtica interest. It only has a situation where the problems nonsenses could sertrabalhados. It is when they can be criticized. If the professor and they alunosdialogam on these problems the same ones perceive that they are unreal, then algumacoisa if he learns. To the times, the pupils do not decide certain problems to pordesconhecerem significadosdas operations. Of this luck, he is that osenunciados they are clear, of knowledge of the pupils, so that they BA we turn on ‘ ‘ Knowing Geometria’ ‘. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Eric Kuby. We notice a real interest, on the part of the pupils, geometric nascontextualizaes on perimeter, area, volume, measures, etc., for, immediately afterwards, transforming this acquired knowledge into a realidadepalpvel for them, when they had placed the hands to confection works ecompartilharam, they had argued and they assimilated the theory with the practical one, in timoresultado.
It was seen in them, the eager eyes, redoubled attention, even though to emutilizarem the ruler, the compass, the transferidor to be able to construct, nopapel, a simple polygon of picture sides or a circumference, and to delespoderem to take off information, such as: area, perimeter, volume and at the same time, to be able to construct these objects, with the materials disponibilizados for them. After eight hours lesson, already the more complex enfrentardesafios had been made use biggest and, taken off of photographs> (of building, streets, houses, viaducts in semicircles), making the magnifying of the measures of the same ones eretratando in some mockups, what it was in photographs. had felt-semuito carried through with the work, the point of nor if giving account of the intervals, of merenda, not to lose the concentration. It was necessary to intervine paraque could make a strategical stop. As much the direction of the school, as well as the coordinators ecolegas, had been made an impression with disciplines joined in classroom, as well as the interest shown in this minicourse.