Through this therapy, diseased cells change their membrane potential. Like a car battery that is connected to a charger increases the voltage of the cell membrane already after a short time back to their normal, “healthy” value and can reach so the leap to heal itself. There is thus a real regeneration, that fundamentally help violations by medication, the crop and the radiation of cell degeneration, associations or lengthy mechanical measures so far methods of steaming or even redundant, Yes. Meanwhile tens of thousands of mostly human patients have been treated in Central Europe successfully alpha with REHATRON and the form of therapy is expanding more and more due to their successes. REHATRON predict clinical trials explicitly and singularly devoted to the non-invasive induction therapy, alpha a groundbreaking expansion in terms of the generally accepted conventional medicine like in medicine, is this some take years to the non-invasive induction therapy in the catalog services of the statutory health insurance is included.
Healthfactories is committed to the REHATRON alpha. REHATRON alpha you can not enough talk about,”says the former professional showjumper and studied lawyer Karin Reichl, who is responsible with their company of Healthfactories, that the non-invasive induction therapy known will continue. My team and I have so many successes achieved alpha in the field of equestrian sports in the past one and a half years with REHATRON, that we have decided us with all our strength to promote the spread of this form of therapy. We have sought contacts with the users in the medicine and found that this form of therapy particularly recorded some incredible successes in humans, the more often used, without hokum, but with clearly defined and demonstrable backgrounds. REHATRON is no wonder it is a clear methodology for the cell regeneration, we consist of now times all together organic considered cells.” And what’s next, Karin Reichl? We launched alpha and some other promising therapies additive used to REHATRON alpha, our consulting and distribution company Healthfactories UG because REHATRON, which is recently also on the Internet at. Together with the manufacturer of REHATRON, of Novotech Electronics GmbH and the Club V.E.I.T e.V., which together with the users currently working on clinical trials, want to allow humans and animals, in the case of diseases and To be able to treat the alpha injury with REHATRON let. “For this we are committed strongly nothing has earned such a lobby currently in our opinion such as this form of treatment.” Katja C. Schmidt, nexus communications agency