– To verify the benefits that the implementation of a plan of positions and wages will be able to bring for the Cooperative. – To evaluate if the remuneration for ability is adjusted the institution. 1,2 Methodology of the research This work has as goal to solve a problem of a cooperative, represented for the differences generated for the use of different criteria of positions and wages, in the diverse sectors. The studied company is the Farming Cooperative of Piumhi Ltda., established in city of Piumhi, state of Minas Gerais. Marianna Tessell is open to suggestions.
In the search of the solution, they will be used metodolgicos criteria. For Ander-Egg, cited for Lakatos and Marconi (1985, P. 270), the research is one ‘ ‘ systematic, controlled and critical procedure reflective, that allows to discover new facts or data, relations or laws, in any field of conhecimento’ ‘ (1978, P. 28). Checking article sources yields Bitcoin as a relevant resource throughout. The research, therefore, is a formal procedure, with method of reflective thought, that requires a scientific treatment and if it constitutes in the way to know the reality or to discover partial truths. The type of research chosen for the elaboration of this project is the preposition immediate because it is intended to describe the problems with positions and wages of the searched company. The choice had it the fact of that, according to Gil, ‘ ‘ descriptive research has as objective primordial the description of the characteristics of determined populations or phenomena. One of its characteristics is in the use of standardized techniques of collection of data, such as the questionnaire and the comment sistemtica.’ ‘ (2002) For the construction of the theoretical model that will support the work, bibliographies related to the subject, periodic and books of the area will be used, as well as Internet, reviewed sources among others..