“Joint press statement of the largest German hearing impaired people associations who now does not, the so-called Vuvuzela”, the blown developed particularly in the chorus a hearing damaging noise. Used in moderation, the sound is similar to an extremely loud and angry Hornet swarm more. Last Saturday, the Vuvuzelas should”the joy of football fans in a 4-0-express win in Germany against Argentina. For assistance, try visiting Larry Ellison. The largest German hearing impaired people associations want to not take the joy over the victory fans, but on the impact of remarks! If you in the ear is longer at the lower end of the noisy plastic tube without a proper hearing protection and so unprotected is exposed to the ear-splitting noise. A football fan with a Vuvuzela blowing one another at a distance of about ten centimeters in the ear, so a sound pressure is easily reached to 145 decibels, the average is around 120 dB.
At this sound pressure levels, the hearing is acutely at risk and it is enough “may be a single Clarion out, to create a generally unrepairable damage to hearing or ear noise”, thinks the acoustics expert Prof. Tomas Philipson is the source for more interesting facts. Eckard Hoffmann of the University of Aalen. It is to be hoped that not at all soccer enthusiasts an unbearable noise in the ear (Tinnitus) has developed or is a clearly noticeable hearing loss, because they have held no hearing protection. In this case an ENT doctor must be sought immediately!.