It is calm that it is catching the wallet, my son. The youngster looked at well for it and repeated: – My son! You said ‘ ‘ mine filho’ ‘ He called me my son! spoke obtains exactly: called it me my son She looked at for me it asked: – She is its son? It is very pretty. She called me to my son! Called it me my son! It looked at again for and said: you are pretty he called me to my son. He can go, can go. was even so. Everything happened in the short space of time where the traffic light was closed and when it opened we leaves from there unharmed, light as if we were floating, size was the relief who we feel.
We are without words, and alone it came me to the mind the Biblical Saying text 15:1. Read additional details here: Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation. ‘ ‘ The word branda deviates the furor, but the hard word excites ira’ ‘. how many lives already had been cut with a scythe because of a rough reply, because of a impensada word! Perhaps perhaps perhaps it was not armed, was its first assault, does not have one me the nature. who knows if an angel you was there to our side and he exempted in them of the evil that it could have in the caused one? We could have cried out and call the policy and the youngster could have been imprisoned, have apanhado very or have been dead with a shot in the coasts, but we prefer to go although also. God knows of what he is and what will be able to come to be the life of that poor person and unfortunate person youngster, who with certainty never heard somebody calling affectionately my son. God in gave a great release to them, and perhaps it also. Who knows if some day it will come to be a servant Mr.? – ‘ ‘ What I make I do not know you now to it, but you will know depois’ ‘. Jo: 13:7 Thanks to God we arrive in peace at our house, and with certainty this was a wonderful lesson for us. We learn living deeply that, with one to look at compassionate, a simple smile and a word branda we can not only save our life, as even though we can give chance so that somebody can, some day to find G-d. Whenever I remember, I pray the God for that youngster.