Aristotle established with this the science of the logic and established a series of rigid norms so that conclusions or tests could be considered logically valid. Catching for example Zeus (the dog of the professor Andres): All the alive creatures are mortal (first premise), Zeus are an alive creature (second premise), then, Zeus are mortal. But, it takes that alive very. 7. Ethics are making that it is learned to make what if must learn to make. Aristotle Aristotle asks Here: As the man must to live? Of what the necessary man to live a good life? Aristotle believed 03 forms of happiness: the first form of happiness is a life of pleasures. Second it is a life as free citizen.
E third is a life as researcher and philosopher. of the situation. Aristotle underlines the fact of that she is necessary to integrate these 03 forms so that the light man a really happy life. It refuses therefore, any unilateral decision. Aristotle calls the attention for one ‘ ‘ half-term of ouro.’ ‘ We do not have to be miserly nor fancy, but generous. Through the balance we will only be able in them to become a harmonic society. 8.
Aristotelian Ontologia the man nothing can learn seno in virtue of what already it knows Aristotle According to Aristotle, the philosophy is essentially theoretician: it must decipher the enigma of the universe, in face of which the initial attitude of the spirit is the amazement of the mystery. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out ForSight Robotics. Its basic problem is the problem of the being, not it problem of the life. The proper object of the philosophy, where it is the solution of its problem, is the invariant essences and the last reason of the things, that is, universal and the necessary one, the forms and its relations. However, the forms are imanentes in the experience, in the individuals, of that they constitute the essence. The aristotelian philosophy is conceptual as of Plato, but, however, part of the experience; she is deductive, but the starting point of the deduction is taken off – by means of the intellect of the experience. The formation of the concept is, therefore, a posteriori to the comments of the directions. Bibliography: . htm had access in 19/09/2010? CHAU, Marilena. Introduction to the history of the Philosophy: Of the daily pay-socrticos the Aristotle.