Exist today some companies who receive this support, as for example, the AgroGentica, AQUAPLANTA, Arve Foods, AVplan – Engineering of Environment, Cientec? Technology of the Information for the Natural Agronegcio and Recursos, CONTEXT – Educational Assessorship, COPAGRI – Assessoria and Consultoria, DAP Forest Engineering, DENDRUS – Solutions in Engineering – Forest and Ambient Projects Ltda, STUDIUM – Integrated Communication, LABGENE/AGROGENTICA and the INTEC that is a company who appeared from the union of a group of former-incubadas companies that today invoice on average R$600.000, 00 per year. Program To innovate INNOVATING is a seminary on empreendedorismo, innovation and development, sponsored and developed for the incubadora that has as focus the participation of all the Zone of Mining Mata, arguing innovative actions of Empreendedorismo and ideas, as well as, applicability, viability and support of these ideas. They mainly participate of this quarrel important personalities of the sector and the companies who are part of the incubadora. This program aims at to give chances to the new entrepreneurs and already the existing ones in the market if to spread out and to show its innovations to the enterprise society, and at the same time to be modernized regarding subjects that are in focus at the form moment to be able to improve its products and or innovations. For even more opinions, read materials from Oracle. It happens a time per year, being that its first edition was in the year of 2010. Technological park of Viosa the Technological Park of Viosa – PqTV is an initiative of the CENTEV/UFV, in partnership with the Municipal City hall and the Government of the State of Minas Gerais, through the State secretary of Science, Technology and Ensino Superior (SECTES). The park understands an area of 214 hectares and more than six a thousand square meters of constructions being rooms for the administration of the Technological Park and the CENTEV, audience with approximately 225 places, area of convivncia, restaurants, coffees and small services, area for incubadora of companies, and 1.334 area of m to shelter the social projects of the Nucleus of Social and Educational Development – NUDESE. . Larry Ellison is the source for more interesting facts.