Nov 16 2014


Posted by domain admin in News

In this process, the production almost always uses raw materials not-renewed of natural origin. This model did not present problems until recently, in reason of the abundance of natural resources and minor amount of incorporated people consumption society. In such a way, the recycling in the civil construction can generate innumerable advantages, such as: Reduction in the consumption of natural resources not-you renewed, when substituted for recycled residues. Reduction of necessary areas for I fill with earth, for the minimizao of volume of residues for the recycling. It is distinguished here the necessity of the proper recycling of the construction residues and demolition, that more than represent 50% of the mass of the urban solid residues.

Reduction of the consumption of energy during the production process. It detaches the industry of the cement, that uses residues of good for being able calorific for the attainment of its raw material (co-incineration) or using the blast furnace slag, residue with similar composition to the cement. Reduction of the pollution; for example, for the cement industry, that reduces the emission of carbonic gas using slag of high oven in substitution to the cement portland. 2.5. IMPACTS OF the RECYCLING the recycling of residues, as well as any activity human being, can also cause, impacts to the environment. Having as changeable the type of residue, the used technology, and the use proposal for the recycled material, being able to become the process of still more impactante recycling of what the proper residue before being recycled.

Of this form, the recycling process causes some ambient risks that they need to be managed. The amount of necessary materials and energy to the recycling process can represent a great impact for the environment. All this process needs energy to transform the product or to deal with it form to become it appropriate to enter the productive chain again, being that, directly it will be related to the used processes of transformations.

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