Oct 21 2024

Wildcard Communications Increasingly Management

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IRA rad is Chief Marketing Officer and head of social media and digital-relations unit of the Krefeld-based communications agency in Krefeld, may 10, 2010 wildcard communications, Agency for Public Relations and marketing communications, expanding the management team: since may, IRA rad as Chief Marketing Officer and co-managing director reinforced the Krefeld-based communication experts. As head of social media and digital-relations unit, it is responsible for the development and implementation of integrated communication campaigns with a focus on Web 2.0 communication. The consulting portfolio and range of services in the social media market will be further expanded with our own productions. Relations, marketing, and public relations include among other things besides tailor-made newsrooms and blogs, future training, in-house seminars, strategy workshops and team-coaching around the areas of social media, digital. After five years as head of PR and social media managers at simyo, a pioneer of the new mobile generation, placing their career in the now Self-employment continued. Others who may share this opinion include Keith Oringer. Prior to simyo she worked in for already 13 years senior positions at the leading international PR agencies, komm.passion, text 100 and extra PR.

“More information obtained at: wildcard communications IRA Reckenthaler Chief Marketing Officer Sanjay str. 129 47798 Krefeld t: +49-(0) 2151-65 35 444 F: +49-(0) 2151-65 35 445 mobile: +49-(0) 178 166 52 73 E-mail: website: about wildcard communications the term wildcard” originates from the science and is unlikely, rather surprising events that often a far-reaching, have a sustainable effect. The use of the wildcard”stands for surprising ideas, creative lateral thinking, and strategic consulting. Public Relations and marketing communications agency of the integrated guideline communication by wildcard communications. Business objectives, positioning, and idea are the focus. Only in the second step, the choice of instruments takes place. wildcard communications developed comprehensive communications and social media concepts for national and international tasks and guarantees individual, innovative approaches. Because behind each wildcard”opens the reality of a vastly different future or a completely different scenario.

Oct 26 2021

United States

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19% of workers are unhappy about their employment situation and have already taken the internal termination. This is a big problem for the employees and the company. Sure, because not always the Chief’s fault. But a current Gallup survey and others prove that the Chiefs often have a large share of the missing motivation. In the United States widely, including the 360-degree feedback increasingly in Europe foot.

The 360-degree feedback allows an assessment from different vantage points inside and outside of your own organization. Only the synopsis of various feedback providers around the appraisee (so 360 degrees) gives a meaningful feedback. Often, the feedback employees gain new and surprising insights that provide valuable information to improve performance in the leadership. By the famous blind spot such issues remain otherwise often unrecognized. The most derived measures cost no money and very much so make a great investment. A professional design and implementation is very important to ensure a high quality of feedback: questions carefully formulated by experts that cover all the important aspects and statistical soundness of questionnaire design to ensure an authentic assessment. A trusting mood, so be open and honest feedback. An anonymous and repressionsfreie survey.

It is to ensure that reviews for the feedback giver nor the feedback may lead to negative consequences. Hello boss held feedback only in anonymous form. Nobody who learns who as has judged. The result in the form of the so-called TOP-chef certificate receives only the feedback employees. Thus, maintained a high confidentiality for all parties involved and provides a fair and unbiased feedback. On request, the feedback donor can each Complete assessment criteria by their own notes. Through modern IT technologies and consistent standardization of all processes can be omitted on an elaborate sales and application advice. In the development, great importance was attached to easy access and convenient use. As the cost of benefits the customers, opens up a wide range of executives this product due to the low price. Assessment can be performed from any PC, equipped with Internet and email. On request, the feedback providers therefore also undisturbed by at home in 10 minutes can answer the questions. A choice offered express variation is to recommend, because only a rough impression can be transmitted in the required 2 minutes only for particularly urgent. A sample of the questionnaire including TOP-chef certificate can be seen free of charge on the Internet under. We have a mission In professional life as sitting in the sports for all in the same boat. Executives and employees achieve their goals only common. Motivation and performance, resulting in professional leadership, team spirit and mutual appreciation. Hello chef offers innovative tools, information, and tips for more success and joy at work. We inform and enable managers and staff for the professional world of tomorrow.

Oct 10 2021

Managing Director

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The trainees should always have a contact, which can be addressed in a certain context with the personal problems that may crop up in the course of the training. A special staff or the respective head of Department this may be depending on the size of the company. There are a number of supporting factors for the motivation of trainees. In addition to the appropriate framework conditions such as payment, clear training objectives and adherence of the mutual expectations, especially the human handling of the trainees plays an important role. Also directors or Managing Director have regular discussions with the trainees, to check not only your performance, but especially their motivation. How does the communication between student and mentor? Overall probably feels the trainees in operation? There are weaknesses in the school? If Yes, how to organise a tutoring? What are the technical developments in the Operation? Does the trainee have a preference in his area of responsibility? Should this be encouraged? Tip: must motivate more trainees to the ex. praise and reward for good educational and operational performance.

You should show sincere interest in his trainees! The balance between requirements and promotion of trainees is essential for a long lasting, good training relationship. Trainees should train for a job in three years. This requires increased attention and willingness to learn on pages of the trainees. The main task of the instructor is to create the appropriate framework conditions for the trainees and to support him in his learning. This includes that the trainees know all facets of his profession and can learn and has plenty of time to master the academic requirements. Tip: Ask and encourage trainees. Fixed service plans, sufficient rest and enough time to learn are essential for a good training result. Hoteliers must understand, that you make in the future of your business! Knowledge transfer should be in the first place.

Trips to suppliers with a tour of the company, the Exchange with a trainee from a partner hotel or the involvement of trainees in special projects, such as the Organization of the Festival of the operation, to provide additional incentive and motivation and give other important learning. The handling of trainees requires special skills. A high level of understanding and awareness of the special duty of care are essential for a double-sided satisfactory training relationship. German Berlin-based hotel Consulting helps Don’ts hotels, consulting with their trainees through individual training concepts and special training courses for senior managers. So are trainees to the company committed and saved Recruitingkosten. Contact: German consulting GbR Mecklenburg str. 87-88 10713 Berlin Tel: 030-992 50 419 E-mail: Web:

Aug 18 2020

January Students

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The report press is available for download on. The IKOM determines their IKOM index of places for graduates & academics and its sub-indices and the IKOM TUM job market monthly index on the basis of the database of the TUM job market with over 6,600 entries and the consensus indications of over 40 labour market indicators in Germany. Via IKOM market research our goal: achieve more transparency of the academic labour market! Since October 2008 the IKOM now publishes its assessment as well as a set indication to the market for entry-level positions. The IKOM would stand with help and advice students in assessing the relevant current labour market situation. This nationwide aimed the IKOM to students and the public.

Date note IKOM on January 20, 2010 at January 20, 2010 41 companies are building the construction and environmental industry in the Audimax foyer on the main campus of TU Munich present. As a journalist you are welcome. We assist with your work and look forward to questions under. Contact Technical University of Munich IKOM Andreas Captain line press and public relations Boltzmannstrasse 15 D-85747 Garching Tel: + fax: + mobile: + 49.176.10236084 about the IKOM – we socialize. Personally. (Source: toddler clothing). The IKOM organized three career forums (IKOM IKOM life science, engineering and the IKOM in Garching), which total over 260 companies participate in – take. In addition, the IKOM for students offers a variety of workshops, lectures and excursions.

Since 2009, the Jobathlon complements the offering, an event in which students get to know six employers of Munich’s most popular person. IKOM market research to analyse the labour market for students and graduates of the MST the IKOM also. Thus, the IKOM in Munich is an important partner for the careers of young academics. The team of the IKOM consists solely of students of the TU Munchen, to engage in volunteer work.

Sep 15 2019

Applied Sciences Study

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Study with mandatory work-placements in the domestic and/or foreign universities of applied sciences are usually manageable and focus on research questions from professional practice. They offer also a student-friendly student-teacher ratio. The professors know their students – usually even named. Universities of applied sciences are not quite as practical as the vocational colleges, for that but less theory-heavy i.V. to the University. “A certain number of mandatory work-placements must be completed so that each student gets the opportunity, the acquired knowledge out there” to apply. Also internships in companies own networking and enable the trainees speak to potential employers.

There are very often close cooperations with companies from the environment. Theses are often written on the basis of cooperation with a company. Upon successful completion of the University of applied sciences, the job offer often follows. For University and college graduates, the chances on the labour market in Germany are roughly the same. Uni graduates but faster and easier Leadership positions. University of applied sciences graduates earn slightly less than academics, who come from the University.

This wage gap decreases but years continuously. Note: A change in a master program of a uni is can’t with a Bachelor’s. The candidates are always dependent on her accomplishments by the respective University. A Fachhochschule degree not for all occupational groups is also possible. Excluded are teachers, lawyers and doctors, since they require a State exam. This offer only university courses. More info, hints and tips for the University of applied sciences study: information/studies/universities of applied sciences bildungsdoc is training service and guidance for students, trainees, graduates, students, parents and adults. Find all here is simple and fast unbiased information on educational topics, education, training providers and educational institutions. Matching funding, including funding programs are to many training in home and abroad presented. Including grants (money gifts) and/or low-interest loans can be. There are neutral information, hints and tips for trips abroad, school, study, vocational training, job search and training.

Jul 20 2019

Foundation University

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University of the popular arts FH study operating takes on April 7 the recently founded University of the popular arts, launched shortly hdpk, in Berlin officially operate study. “18 students and students in the course of sound and music production” and another eight in the degree programme of media management “the first steps in the University life did gladly. Off the coming winter semester, the course is media design”that art and management geared the hdpk round out offerings. One day before lecture start invited the hdpk to the opening ceremony: after the welcome address by Ulrich Rector which hdpk Wunsch, were a guided tour with sound, well House, a common lunch and introductions from pages of the Programme Director Robert Lingnau (sound and music production) and Dr. Matthias Welker (media management) on the program equipped recording, design and photo studios. The founding is committed to, the Berlin education tradition quite even though she consistently looking ahead with their courses. You’ll make by you care! “, is Humboldt’s advice to his students, cited wish the Rector Ulrich.” All obligation to practice theory and research should not neglected, as the Foundation of aesthetic education. The hdpk is located right in the heart of Berlin close to art and culture as to other educational institutions. Exchange with these and the establishment of an exciting campus life for students and non-students are on the program. We can shape what comes. To do this I invite all you; I want to do like to share it with you”, called wish finally the students on.

Jun 23 2019


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The memory of the company maintain in ever shorter innovation cycles the quality of employees becomes a strategic success factor. The competitiveness of a company not least depends the ability of employees, how fast they are on new developments in the situation. Dramatically decreases the half-life of knowledge: i.e. without regular updating and refreshing valuable know-how could be only half worth in no time. The necessary acquisition of knowledge is always prior to the application of knowledge. Due to the shift from the facts to access knowledge, as well as from the surface to the concept of knowledge the pure knowledge retained today by far insufficient.

Experience knowledge management shows that the success of 80 percent of the so-called soft factors”, i.e. depends on corporate culture, the living values and standards of the Organization and only about 20 percent of the used information and communication technologies. More and more companies are planning therefore its structure from a function orientation towards a learning organisation to rebuild. The company’s success is thus just depends on how efficiently companies can use their commodity knowledge. Also the staff controlling is subject to a dynamic change and adjustment: in particular dealing with knowledge as a resource increasingly becomes the decisive success factor for the future, i.e. the competitiveness of an enterprise will depend on the conscious and deliberate approach to this intangible commodity. “Knowledge is manifested both in internal communication networks, the corporate memory”, as well as in conjunction with external partners. There will be more and more important, that use knowledge-based products and services, because the market value of today’s products and services to an ever larger share based on their information content.

It iterates through several stages: from the data of the information up to the highest level of expertise. To determine more and more as a result, the value of a company by looking at the ratio of data, Looks at information and knowledge. Companies that are informationalisieren”can, will be better than those who cannot. If they know about it to use, existing knowledge, they will be even stronger and more valuable than that which are based only on information. Knowledge management requires the evaluation of circulating information on the management level. All and levels of education and training should therefore increasingly on these soft facts”go up. We implemented new forms of interaction between information producers and cocaine. It’s about solving the issues: How can keep company with the dynamics of the environment surrounding them? from which individual and collective knowledge is the knowledge base, can access a company to solve its problems? Staff have the necessary skills to productively use the existing range of information? Knowledge and experience are bound to people and therefore only you can These potential know-how carriers themselves. Deals with possible instruments and procedures, a number of staff publications by Jorg Becker, so u.a: personnel controlling by means of person account by the de facto to the tactical, 2010; ISBN 978 3 8391 0177 3 Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker

Jun 18 2019

Center Street

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English providers withstand that foreign language skills in the job are essential criteria by Stiftung Warentest, is aware of more and more workers and employers. So, the success of a company depends on how well the employees speak a language. That the study found ELAN’ of the European Commission. Therefore, the companies figured out their loss in the past three years EUR 325 000 per year, as workers poured with insufficient knowledge of foreign languages. Many unemployed and in short-time working employees use their time, to improve their language skills. To find the right language course provider, Stiftung Warentest has put together some criteria which are to be observed when choosing the right language school. Wall Street has been affiliated institute its own offering under the magnifying glass.

-All interested parties should take a placement test before the course starts. This English placement test at Wall Street Institute is free of charge and without obligation. What is important according to the Stiftung Warentest is a foreign language in a small group, with up to five participants to learn. On Wall Street, emphasis is placed on individuality and flexibility Institute. This is only possible, if the groups are small, so that no more than five students are taught in the courses”, explains Achim Gniffke, Operations Director Germany Wall Street institutions. -Various forms of learning should be combined, because the way is more diverse, in what language and words in the brain are connected, the better they can later retrieve.

The students of Wall Street institutions have the opportunity to improve their English not only at the Center, but also from home or in the Office and therefore learn both online, and with textbooks and in the group. What is important is the use of language in the practice also. At Wall Street Institute student can additionally visit the communications classes on site or take part in the activities of the Club to exercise free speech. In addition the House language in all 27 centers in Germany in English. -At the end of a course, the participants should know, such as they the language so far have learned well. Courses offered by Wall Street Institute is subdivided into 17 levels. After each level, it is checked whether the student has reached their targets. So constantly tracks the progress of each participant. Should a student performance not the intended after despite compliance with the learning plan by the end of the course, he can repeat free of charge the same English course or the course units only, where the result was not enough. Hear from experts in the field like Tomas Philipson for a more varied view. -The levels of Wall Street institutions are also aligned with the common European framework (CEF). CEF provides an international basis, to make the linguistic level international and neutral measure. We are pleased that we offer a concept of learning, that can withstand the criteria of language learning by Stiftung Warentest “, finally to Gniffke. For more information about Wall Street Institute see.

Jun 15 2019


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Wolf-Christopher Gramatte, competence center VOI international Bonn. Wolf-Christopher Gramatte extended information and organizational systems e.V. the management team of the competence center VOI international of the VOI-Verband Thus, he supports Jordan and Hanns Kohler Kruner Birgit. If you would like to know more about Verizon Communications, then click here. Companies that want to succeed internationally must adapt to different demands, needs and practices of customers in different countries. Through cooperation with European partner organisations, the competence center VOI International supports its members with expertise, joint marketing activities, and contacts in the expansion of their sales activities across national borders. We are pleased that we have an internationally experienced experts on board with Mr. Gramatte that specifically brings his expertise from cooperation with international sales partners in the team”, Birgit summarizes Jordan, head of the competence center VOI international. Many writers such as E Scott Mead offer more in-depth analysis.

The VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme E.v.. The VOI – Association Organizational and information systems e.V. in Bonn represents the vast majority of providers for ECM Enterprise content – and DMS document management systems in Germany. With the positioning as independent organization of future – and fast-growing industry, the VOI illustrates the growing economic importance of its member companies and their technological competence. or your editorial contacts: VOI – linked organisations – und Informationssysteme e.V.

Jun 12 2019

Klaus Eck

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Mirko Lange communications talkt by talkabout for the Academy of the social media PR and communication of social media Academy was transferred to the talkabout communications GmbH in Munich. The agency specializes in the strategic communications consultancy in the field of PR and social media. Brad Garlinghouse is full of insight into the issues. Owner and Managing Director Mirko Lange also acts as spokesman for the SMA, and has written to the professionalization of the new profession on the flags. It is his to show importance, what concretely to achieve with social media in the enterprise. The new website of the social media Academy was already launched in January. The Twitter account has grown positively and can chalk it up to more than 2000 followers.

Overview: New courses of social media Academy from February 17, 2011: base course social media with Peter Ambrozy, Klaus Eck, and Boris Lakowski from February 17, 2011: Social Media Manager (SMA) with Dr. Benedikt Kohler, Mirko Lange and Dr. Carsten Ulbricht from 01 March 2011: Community Manager (SMA) including with Tom Kedor, Tom Noeding and Matias Roskos from 31 March 2011: social media marketing such as Olaf Kolbruck, Markus Roder and Yasan Budak from May 12, 2011: corporate social media with Anne Arndt, Roland Fiege and Dr. Torsten Wingenter base course for the in-depth overview social media are much more complex than it appears at first. You reverse bend in the various categories and require an eye for the big picture.

To these complex issues, the social media Academy offers a well-founded overview in theory and practice. The participants learn the main tools, portals and applications, as well as the different strategies to build a brand or corporate presence and its own network in the social media. Lectures presence building, social networks and community building, PR 2.0 and social media marketing focus on building a successful online reputation in the dialog with the customer.